Jan 07, 2009 01:01
I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year!! I rang in the New Year outside of an old church in the middle of a feild, drinking cheap wine and listening to The Who with Bryan...I loved it :) I've had a great break...aside from the feelings I've been having, as per expressed in my previous blog...things have really been going great. I've seen a lot of family and I mean A.LOT. I got to see my cousin who just got back from Afghanistan, my neices and nephew whom I haven't seen in a year, AND my uncle Stine who is just plain BRILLIANT. I've also spent a lot of time with Bryan's family who, let's face it, are like my home away from home. It's...wonderful...*sigh*
BUT, probably the best part about break (at least the most surprising) was the REUNION between Ms. Jennifer Stewart (aka Baron Von Awesome) and Ms. Claire Jordan (aka Red)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, it was just so great! I feel like everything in life is right again, you know? Not that I spent sleepless nights wishing we'd all someday be reunited, but I definately thought about them a lot and wished, so desperately, that we could put everything aside and at least talk to one another - all three of us, in the same room..and I couldn't have asked for anything better...honestly. They were my girls, you know!? They were THOSE FRIENDS, the ones you spent all your time with, skipped class with, shared secrets, crushes, heartbreak, stupid moments with...and while nothing can be erased, it's still sooo promising. I have my "rocks" back....I have a REASON to come home to Raleigh...yes!
January is proving to be a very busy month for me. I go back to school on the 11th, start classes on the 14th, audition for TARTUFFE on the 18th (17th?), and audition for Katy Brown on the 19th. THEEEEEN, I take my GRE on the 23rd, then fly off to Chicago on the 31st to audition for graduate schools...PHEW! I'll keep everyone posted.
Ok, it's time for bed. Most def. Hope everyone had a great New Years and I look forward to hearing about all of your lovely 2009 experiences!!
Here's a survey!! BAHAHAHAHA...
A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
001. What are your nicknames?
My mom calls me "RuRu". My brother is "BooBoo". Bry calls me "Ash" or "A-ster". Jen/Claire use to call me "Dutchie". I have a few.
002. How do you style your hair?
I usually don't have time to do much...I usually wash it, put some wavy gel stuff in it, then defuse it and it looks nice and "beach waved-like"...or I'll straighten it...for auditions, I like to roll it in hot rollers so that my curls are soft and "put together".
003. What's new in your life right now?
A new semester - a final semester...holy cow. I have 2 auditions coming up very soon, then another one a couple weeks after that, so I'm working on those... I have a new iHome.
004. How many colors are you wearing now?
black, yellow, aqua, blue, green...
005. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I think I'm a healthy mix of both.
006. What was the last book you read?
I read some of "Leaves of Grass"...but the last book I completed was Stella Adler's acting book...I read a lot of plays...just read TARTUFFE...yeah...
007. Do you nap a lot?
When I can, man...when I can...
008. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
Nothing. Let everything work out the way it's supposed to...trust me on this one, folks.
009. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Just the usual worrying about "what's next"...but I'm actually pretty happy these days.
010. What's your favorite dessert?
Cheesecake, cookies, or ice cream...ALL THREE! yum!
011. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
15-20 minutes...depending on how tired I am...I move faster if I'm awake...like a speeding bullet.
012. What websites do you visit daily?
The usual...Fbook, Myspace, LJ, gmail, and CNN
013. What classes are you taking right now? And if you're not in school any more, what's your job?
I'll be taking (ready for this?): Photography, Modern dance, Dance ensemble, Tap II, voice lesson, BodyAct, Alexander Technique....yeees
014. Do you like to clean?
Sometimes. Rarely.
015. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
I don't know. I just forgot. Thanks a lot, LJ.
016. What's the last movie you saw?
Cabin Fever........
017. What's better: eternal love or memorable love?
Oh lord...ETERNAL. Memorable is great, but let's move foreward, shall we?
018. What color do you look best in?
Really all colors...not to be vain, but with my skin tone and hair, most bright colors look very nice on me.
019. What is the most beautiful place you've ever been to?
Either Stockbridge, MA (it was just...very different from any mountain-y town that I've ever been to) or the Pacific Northwest
020. What are you most looking forward to in the coming month?
Auditions, auditions, and more auditions!! It's sick, but I friggen JONES for auditions!! WOOOOOO!
Now for the tags!
Oh lord...no one I know will do this.........I wanna tag Jen...dooooo it, Jen, dooooo IT!! GO! I'll love you forever and make out with you and your wildly contagious "rash"...gross.