I got my BPAL!!!

Mar 30, 2008 21:15

I got it I got it I GOT IT!!!
They're so awesome! I got the six bottles I ordered
Odin, Wilde, Vicomte de Valmont, Danse Macabre, Mad Hatter and De Sade.
They smell AMAZING. I can't wait to try them!

BUUUUTT I got 12 (yes, 12!!!) Imp's ears too!! So I have like...two weeks of BPAL to try now! WOOO!!!
I'm freaking ecstatic. Ok, so the imp's ears are:
Burial, Love in Idleness, Dragon's Tears, Amsterdam, Marie, Yemaya, Loralei, Antony, Delphi, Event Horizon, Zorya and Queen Alice. Gah, so much BPAL...

I've been practicing my sewing, I've altered three pairs of my old 42s (I'm a 38 which is STILL too big, so I'm going to 36s, and the legs usually require alterations. Curse my short form!)

Next up: my big shirts. Then my coats (I have two that require alteration. ) Then on to some items for the varied events. Nothing big, usually alterations.

And then: spats! Finally! I just need to get some fabric.

The children are well, as always. I really should post the picture from Sam's b-day. I should do that this week.
Xavier needs glasses. Nothing big, we knew he would. Samantha will as will. Dammit Dee, why did you have to have vision problems too?!

He looks adorable in glasses. I'll definitely post pictures as soon as I take some with him in them.
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