(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 17:43

What can I say about Saturday that hasn't been said?
It was wonderful. Tiring, but wonderful. We went to the Nat. and walked around. We made jokes (oh my god, they KILLED HIM!) hahaha...oh goodness. There was good conversation with great people to be had, those of you who missed it missed a very nice time.

Of course then it was off to Chinatown to eat some dinner, peruse a small shop and view its wares/buy some snacks. Not too much but the tea smelled great. I shall have to buy some at some point.

We then went to the Brooklyn Museum for the First Saturday. It was nice, the music was alright but the art. Oh, the art! I now remember we missed about a floor's worth, but what can you do? We only had two hours! It was still great and Megan was incredibly hospitable to allow us all to hang out at her place for a while. Well, for me it was a while I don't know who stayed and fell asleep.

On to less cheery matters.
So in discussing the divorce Tommy and my mom got into a fight. Of course, he can't just agree and be nice. He was discussing how everyone lies to him and he can't trust anyone. My mom tried to say that I wouldn't lie, that I've been fairly honest. Tommy went on this rant about how I'd only been given two years to finish an A.S. and she replied by trying to say it hadn't been two years yet, it had just been one so far. He got mad and told her to shut up and everything went to shit. Typical. She yelled, he yelled, she left and Samantha was left crying on my bed with me to comfort her. Gabby was a saint and helped by playing with the children as I sat and attempted to eat dinner, which failed as I was no longer hungry. I threw it out two hours later and tried to think of how it turned out like this.

So today went well. I got Lisa that damn piece of paperwork so she'd get payed, and I went to class. Nothing with anything except of course. My clinical depression struck again. It tends to do that. I can't stand it and it can't stand me I don't think.

For those of you previously unaware, I have clinical depression. I'm sure everyone knows what depression is? Good, well the clinical version is one that subsides and comes back on different levels of severity from just feelin' a bit sad to being so upset you don't even want to leave your bed. It's been a while since I've felt the latter. I know some people will mention medication but I really don't like walking around like a happy zombie. I'd rather feel depressed every now and again. At least then I get a full range.

It'll go away eventually.
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