The Microchasm of your Existence

Feb 20, 2008 18:00

This is really a geographical commentary, but sort of mixing into philosophy and psychology as well.
I went to 86 st. today. Here in Brooklyn where I'm staying the week with my mom. She watches the children, I get to go to class and take time to wander about where I choose within a time restriction that she "requests" I be home before or by. Today was 5, allowing me 4 hours of time after class to wander about.

I went to the new Atlantic Terminal, formerly a giant gaping hole in downtown Brooklyn. It's nice, full of stores. Essentially a giant mall (I know, like we need one more) It's still nice, and just decent to walk through.

I left after an hour and no purchases (go me!) and went to 86. It's nice, and it's changed A LOT since I'd lived here. It's more diverse now. That's a good thing. Asian markets door to door with Spanish, Russian and fresh fish and produce markets. Really diversifying. I mean that. I stepped elbow to elbow with what New York has become so famous for over the past two centuries. People close together, diverse shopping for various goods in open air markets. I love it. It reminds me times that passed. It seems to perpetuate through the ages and really, what's not to like about that?

I'm saying all this and it's leading to my first point. It's not a far walk from my mom's house. Maybe a block or two and the train is right there. So I should have gone there yesterday too. Atlantic Terminal and it's surrounding area is so close to places I've gone recently I can spit there. Really.

Get out there! Explore! It never hurts even in your own neighborhood.You never know what you find. Living in such a limited world, people seem to forget about those who even live a mile away if you're not directly related or require to go there. Enrich yourselves, go walking to places you've seen. Through those streets (as long as it's not too late!) that you always drive past because you just don't have time. Enjoy life.

M. Rachansky
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