I liked the exploding lights behind Anna. The whole shot is nicely framed and they look like wings!! :D
"Because Sam is my friend" Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! (Yes. I aww-ed aloud)
Oh Cas, I didn't realise how much I've missed you!!! And you're...slightly darker now...plots to kill? Huh.
I love timetravel. Enough said. :D
Sam defending his dad to John is awesome. And I think John knows, y'know? He knows what Sam said like Mary knew about angels. And at least now Sam has the comfort of having said it to him. *hugs Sam*
I like the way Dean just burst out with "I'm your son".
Family roadtrip!!! Yes. I giggled at the "not another word or so help me I will turn this car around!" Actually, I love all the family moments in this. All the interactions between them.
This episode makes me feel that perhaps they are leaning towards Dean killing Sam. But I think it's meant to make you think that. So...
And MICHAEL. I did NOT see that coming. Why do I love the idea that he took John as a vessel to talk to Dean about Sammy? Although if it's a bloodline thing, doesn't that mean Sam could be a vessel for Michael too? If it's a family thing?
And then to go from the past to the present (and I love the way they actually SET the show in a time, unlike certain shows that never give a date at all) and Cas swooning in their arms. I'm sorry Dean...I laughed.
Actually, this episode reminded me of all the reasons why I love Supernatural. I think I really needed that! I just stared at the screen for ages after it'd finished.
And the music was beautiful. Truly beautiful.
I want to watch that again.