Because a couple of people have asked me...

Oct 31, 2004 03:27

...about why I prefer not to have my legal name online if at all possible, and why I don't want details about where I am made available. Copy and pasting ahead.

By meshou, from the recent Fandom Wank post about that crazy woman who tried to... I can't even sum it up right now. She crazy, though, and just don't get it. An excerpt:

2) protecting your full name on the internet is your responsibility. If you don't want it out there, then you do that by not telling people your full name, or posting it on a website. In addition, you avoid giving clues to your location or very specific clues to your background.

If she did reveal your full name, it would have been very rude, since that's the common internet etiquette. But she didn't.

However, a simple google search comes up with your full name, on a website you run, fully associated with your real name. I know a whole lot of your background (military, disabled, and over thirty) simply from another comment in this post. Chances are I could probably find your state from other info (say, the kingdom of the SCA you're in?). I found enough information to figure out where you live in under two minutes, and I could pull up your address if I put another ten's effort in.

From my own post on a thread about being harassed while in costume:

The first con I went to, I met a fellow while waiting for my group of friends who decided he wanted to tell me all about his photography, his politics, and his religion. No, I didn't ask. I was unfortunately dressed as Kasumi Karen from X, and couldn't simply leave because I had to meet my group at that specific spot. I tried to be nice, I tried to be subtle, and then I tried to be blatant, and nothing worked. I was also dumb enough- first con, and all- to give him my real first name. He has since found me at that con every year since, and has always remembered my name- despite my dressing up with facial tattoos, wigs, and vastly different costumes each year. He did not touch, nor shall he ever, because I DID make it clear that such was not acceptable, and neither were photographs without express permission. However, I am now on the lookout for this guy every time I go, which is a definite detraction from the con experience.


A friend of a friend has similar problems. He's an exceptionally pretty male, and does have lovely, very bishounen costumes. He has gotten harassed to the point of unacceptability- for instance, people have taken unauthorized pictures of him without asking for permission out of custume, outside of the con area, in a BOOKSTORE, simply because they recognized him as he was going about his business- and has had to take steps that, at least in my opinion, should not have been necessary.

These don't cover all my reasons, of course, but they might make it a little bit more clear why I ask people who know me in my offline life to NOT let others know who I am. I don't want my name out there in Teh Intarweeb, I don't want people being able to find my physical location or other pertinent details through a fifteen minute search, and seeing as how there are some people who I've known who I would rather not ever meet again, I think this is reasonable. I know some of you guys are comfortable giving clues or outright statements about your lives, but I'm slightly more paranoid and would rather be the only person controlling that information, because then I can keep track of exactly who knows and who doesn't.

And this goes both ways- if you want me to refrain from mentioning some fact about you, just tell me. I'm more than willing to return the favor.

To wit: if you know me IRL, please don't mention where I am or what my name is. You're free to USE my real name, unconnected to my screenname, at any time, since that doesn't tell people anything. But if YOU'RE free with your location, open about important personal details, etc., please don't connect my SN to my real name. I'd just feel safer that way.


For your Isa Is Miserably (And Crabbily) Sick update, as of this morning not only am I not able to speak and keep coughing to the point of nearly inducing vomiting, I think I'm starting to pull abdominal muscles from the hacking fits, and as icing I have cramps. I can't get any decent sleep, because I keep waking myself up with the coughs, and guess what any change in position, especially in regards to the vertical and horizontal, induces? MY LIFE IS FABOO.

legal, health, people, fandom, rl

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