OH HELL NO. NO, asshole, he is NOT "in a way a man of good character" because he didn't HIT the fifteen-year-old he raped. SEXUAL ASSAULT IS STILL ASSAULT.
NO, he is NOT entitled to a reduced sentence because the girl "dressed provocatively." You know why? BECAUSE SHE WAS TEN AND HE WAS TWENTY-FOUR.
NO, it is NOT somehow less of a rape if she was drinking or he thought she wanted to before she said no. BECAUSE SHE SAID NO, YOU PUSTULENT LACKWITS.
If the sex is "mostly consensual", then one party STILL SAID NO.
"As many as one in two young men believe there are some circumstances when it's okay to force a woman to have sex," said Conservative Party leader David Cameron, citing studies.
"In my mind," he said, "this is an example of moral collapse."
Yeah, women, suck it up. Man up, as it were. Get tougher about the abuses thrown your way, so that you don't break down or get inconvenient. But not too tough, of course. We wouldn't want you to get deluded from your hysterical emotions and think that it's a good idea to try and get some sort of justice, reparation, or recognition of your humanity. Come on. Don't be such girls about it.
This bullshit is teaching people NOT to speak up for themselves. It's telling us not to defend our lives and rights as fiercely as we can. It is teaching a fifteen year old victim that if her children are someday assaulted, they will just have to accept that because they aren't as good, because they might have been wearing a tank top, or the wrong color socks, because they were physically weaker, because they had a lollipop, because they didn't say no loudly enough, because they committed the base sin of having ovaries, they are never entitled to be treated like anything better than chattel. (Which is being generous, really- if someone took a hammer to a car, they would of course be punished. Some types of property are more valuable than others, after all.)
And people ask why I hate humanity sometimes.