Background Info

Jul 15, 2011 07:00

Allen was born into the the Noah family as the younger twin of Neah. Since Allen was technically his younger brother, Neah took it upon himself to care for and protect Allen. Although Allen and Neah are fraternal twins, they do not share the power of the Musician equally. Neah holds the 14th Noah inside of him and Allen holds the power to control the Ark inside of him. Neah can also control the Ark, but not quite as well as Allen. However, the Noah family believed that only on person would inherit the will of the 14th Noah. It was fully believed that one twin would be sacrificed for the other in order to preserve the Noah line.

Allen and Neah each received a Dark Matter capsule when they were eight. The theory that only one twin would survive seemed to be proven correct. Neah transformed into the 14th Noah and Allen went in convulsions. He collapsed, having fainted and a high fever set upon him. Because he was not also host to the 14th Noah, Allen's body reacted negatively to the Dark Matter capsule. It was only due to the fact that some of the 14th's powers had passed onto him that he survived. For several days he lay wavering between life and death, the high fever threatening to take his life. Neah refused to leave his side, worried about his twin's health. When Allen's fever finally broke, he was relieved. However, only Tyki seemed to share his relief. Neah thought nothing of it at the time, assuming that the Family was just shy about being obvious of their concern for Allen. He found out the truth some time later, when he discovered them talking about how it was a pity Allen survived.

Neah, having realized that the Family didn't care about Allen, grew to hate them. They had risked Allen's life and almost succeeded in killing him. That hate slowly began to grow in him but Allen didn't share that hatred. Instead, he felt shame. He was ashamed of himself, knowing he would never be "good enough" for the Family. He was also ashamed of the Family, who would never embrace him as one of them. It was during this time, when Allen began to withdraw from the Family and Neah's hatred began to grow, that the Earl commenced his punishment of their cousin Tyki. Tyki tried to shelter the two from the wrath of the Earl, taking on their "punishments" in order to protect them. This only enraged the Earl at him further. When it became apparent that beating Tyki wouldn't break him, the Earl turned his wrath on the twins.

Allen especially received the brunt of his wrath. The Earl actually attacked him with Innocence, claiming it couldn't hurt him since he wasn't a Noah. However, Allen still felt pain from the attacks despite the Earl's claims since he was indeed a Noah. The scars left behind were a testament to this. The Earl disregarded this, though, and continued to attack Allen. He preferred to do it in front of either Tyki or Neah, since both tried so hard to protect him all the time. Neah had to have special restraints and he kept breaking them whenever he watched Allen suffer. They endured two long years of such treatment, locked away in the dungeon with their cousin Tyki. Tyki, however, was clearly endured much worse treatment. It was torture and they were traumatized watching what he had to go through.

Finally, Neah broke free from his restraints for good. He managed to free Allen and was leading him away when their disappearance was noticed. He tried to escape with Allen but it was no use. Allen, too weak to run away, told Neah to leave him behind and never look back. Neah, already broken from the treatment he endured and what he watched Allen endure, agreed. He continued to run away, leaving Allen behind. He didn't keep his promise, though, and did indeed look back. When he saw the Earl strike Allen's head, he was sure that he had killed him. Guilt-ridden, Neah continued running, vowing he would do whatever it took to stay out of the Noah family's clutches since he had sacrificed his beloved twin brother to gain his freedom.


Allen was brought back to the family unconscious. It was believed if they held him long enough, Neah would eventually return to free him. He was imprisoned again but this time he was isolated. He was given just enough food and water to survive but nothing more. During this time, Allen's black side awoken. He created a split personality to deal with the stress and the pain and the betrayal his family was inflicting on him. Unable to even deprive him of the inner strength that his dark side provided, the Earl became frustrated. He kept Allen for a year but when his beloved Neah showed no signs of returning, the Earl sent Allen away to boarding school in England. Being twelve at the time, Allen was naturally confused and overwhelmed by the sudden culture shock of England. However, he couldn't return until he completed his education there. He studied hard and end up graduating early, at the age of 16.

While in England, he underwent some changes. He bleached his hair white and got his left ear pierced. He wears an earring given to him as a gift from the science department geeks he became friends with in his high school. He received a scar under his left eye, apart from the pentacle scar he received from the Earl. The second part of his scar was from a fight in his high school that spilled over and inadvertently involved him. Allen discovered his talent at gaining people's trust and learning information during his time in England. He worked hard to perfect this skill after one of his teachers noticed it. That teacher took him under his wing and taught him many things before suddenly disappearing one day. He left a huge mess of a situation for Allen to clean up and a lot of debts for him to pay. His name was Prof. Cross Marian.

(More information to come later...)


Overview: He has a split personality. This personality rarely shows himself unless Allen's pissed off or put in an awkward situation his mind can't handle. He doesn't know he has a split personality and the few who know or have found out have yet to tell him.

He is not host to the 14th Noah, the Musician. Despite not being the host to the Musician's memories, however, he can still operate the Ark. This is because he has a very deeply hidden dark secret--Neah is his fraternal twin. He and Neah have only just recently reunited. Neah has been on the run, hiding from the Noah family, since they both were children. Allen keeps his relationship with Neah a secret because he wants to bury all relationship ties with the Noah family. No one in the Black Order knows of his connection to the Noah clan or that Neah is his older twin. They're younger brother, Mana, died when they were younger. Both Allen and Neah blame themselves for not preventing his death. Neither has truly gotten over it, though they made a pact never to speak of it again.

He can be a bit quiet in the DGM DR but he is very lively in the MTR. He has acquired a boyfriend in the MTR who likes to spoil him. He tends to blush and stutter in front of his boyfriend. He stutters whenever he's nervous or flustered or upset. He blushes a bit easily as well. There are cell phones in his time frame and Allen does indeed have a cell phones. His default ringtone is this.

Laptops are only sold on the black market, so Allen doesn't have one. His twin, Neah, however does. There are microwaves and ovens as well, though these are kept mostly for the higher class. Stove tops are considered middle class items. There are no entertainment systems, game systems, etc. There are, however, old fashioned TVs.


Special Features: Allen's eyes change color. For the most part, his eyes are varying shades of blue. But when he's upset or sad and especially when he's angry or crying, his eyes fade to gray. He also has several scars from where the innocence messed with his body. While Allen is being recruited by the Black Order, he is still a former Noah. For the most part it's hard to tell but there will be pings when he switches personalities. Minor pings, but pings nonetheless. Allen will normally deny his ties to the family, except when he's switched over.
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