
May 07, 2011 04:22


Backtagging: That's fine, I don't mind. 
Threadhopping: I love threadhopping! Please do~
Fourthwalling: He'll probably think you're crazy but you're welcome to try.
Offensive subjects: Please elaborate. I'm usually cool with most subjects. If we hit a subject I don't want to discuss, I may drop the subject line or message you to ask to change subjects.
Original Characters: OCs can be pretty fun to interact with, so sure.
Hugging: That's fine, but he will freak if someone randomly hug him that he doesn't know. Kids are an exception.
Kissing: You can try. But this won't be taken as well as hugs unless he likes you. He can be flirty though, so if you kiss him, he might kiss you back. (Or punch you out)
Flirting: Sure, I don't mind. He's a bit awkward at flirting himself, though.
Romantic interest toward this character: Of course~ I love it when my muses partner up, it makes them so very happy. He's very loyal and will stick with his partner once he gets one, though, so don't try to use him as an occassional fling.
Fighting with this character: If you want. I don't really mind.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Minor stuff is fine. If you want to do something more severe, please ask me first. And no limb-cutting, unless it's under circumstances that it will regenerate. Allen is my baby and I want to keep him intact if possible.
Killing this character: .No. Absolutely not. Like I said before, Allen is my baby. (It might be okay under circumstances when he can be revived but I don't want to kill him off randomly.)
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities: Sure. Just remember to ask what you want to know before-hand. He'll probably think it's a cool magic trick, though.
Revealing that character's future or intended fate: If you'd like, you can try. Chances are, though, that he already knows what you want to reveal.
Warnings: Don't trigger his dark side. Flirty, host style, Noah style, or otherwise, it's just not a good idea. Oh, and don't attack his friends, especially Kitten. He views Kitten as a younger sister and any attack on her will result in him attacking you. One last note, attacking Neah in anyway in front of him, regardless of whether he knows him or not, will result in him trying to kill you. Since Neah is his twin, he's very close to him. He will view any other Neah's as family. Other than that, there's not much to say. He's like canon Allen.

Sexual Permissions:

Fondling: XD haha sure if you really want to. He will totally freak though.
Heavy petting: Sure. Again, he will probably freak unless you are really close.
Sex: I'm fine with it but please ask first.
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