Walking between worlds.

Jan 23, 2011 01:46

[He heard from his Master that is was possible, that on rare occassions someone would be born able to walk between worlds. However, he doesn't realize that the reason his Master told him that was to hint that he had this ability. He walks between worlds, traveling to different dimensions without even realizing it, but this is dangerous. He must be careful, or else he'll wind up hurt or worse.]

[Today, he sits at the Crossroads to many dimensions and worlds. He is waiting for his friend to show. While he waits, he decides to play solitare with his deck of card, which he always keeps handy. For once he's decided not to cheat at cards, seeing as he isn't really playing against anyone but himself. He's losing at a game of solitare right now and he seems content. Care to join him and say hello?]

"Where is that king? I thought I should have found it by now. Oh, there's the Ace I was looking for. Lucky!" He seems happy to have found the Ace.
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