Aug 17, 2004 03:51
Some things I have thought about and turned out true............
The only thing I love=Jesus+Music
and Trey is right about girls..............
Good morning, He would like to thank you for all the honey you gave him with memmories you stir in by hand. Colors and neon lights go hand in hand in Dollywood so don't sweat the lips and just tear them off and throw them in you bag untill you buy more lip stick. I can't totaly explain how I got this money but it will explain itself by the end of this letter.
Today was extra ordinary all due to the fact of a fuel tanker killed my splean while I was traveling and average of 31 miles per hour on my hands and knees. I was out for a loooooooong time, it was as if skeletons had taken my ballons away just so they could ship them accros sea's for me never to see again. They said they needed replicas of the first ones ever mad by man and I was the only one that had them. AHH! that pisses me off. I spent a years wages of 23 sticks of butter an hour on them!
I came up with 22 escape plans to get out of this situation. First, take my synide pill in my pocket and make it a quik escape to heaven but then i remmembered that the day before I was wandering I did'nt want to die with out ever knowing what hell would of been like.
So I sliped them under my earlob for next time..........
there is more but I must run................qwertyuiolkjhgfdszxcvbnm,.ytrew
(Illl ove y ou f or ev eran d not e va nkno wit)