Jul 31, 2008 10:29
So my direct deposited paycheck was supposed to start this week. I mentioned it to my coworker, who said yesterday that she gets paid on Wednesday, at 3 p.m. I called my bank and they said they process such things at 6 a.m., the day after it's disbursed.
Okay, so this morning I check my account, and nope! No new money in it. Just my sad lonely little dollars. At this point, I seriously consider calling in sick (The Not-Paid-On-Time Flu), but decide that it would be easier to get answers in person.
However, I'm just low enough on gas to wonder whether I'll make the drive out to KC and back without running empty. Cue a dive into the change dish in order to see how much silver I can pull out of there. I got $9 worth, enough for 2.5 gallons of gas. If my mileage calculations are correct, that's enough for at least one drive to work.
Then I go pester the HR lady in charge of payroll. Turns out that my web employee is actually working for a different company than I am (it's a corporate thing). Her company disbursed payroll a day ahead of mine. Everyone in my company should receive notices of payment this afternoon, and the money is actually there tomorrow morning. She did check to make sure my direct deposit is set up and ready to go, so that I'm not waiting for a check in the mail.
Which means one more night of stretching. I've got gas for the drive home, and in theory that's all I need. However, I've also got a faint tapping noise in my engine now, and I might have to get that looked at sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, rent's due, bill needs to be paid, gotta go to the grocery store, need a new tie or two, gotta do laundry, gotta hold on to money for the Minneapolis trip ... I won't be expensed for my gas until at least a week after I get back ... got to pay back friends, bills, moving ...
Grr. All of this will be settled in time, as each paycheck comes in. But this waiting just a while longer is wearing on my nerves.
Never been good at patience.