just_1_word | 38.1 Reveal

Aug 21, 2009 19:11

Co-written with cameronpreston & pullmysteth
[Follows THIS, THIS, & THIS, but before THIS]

Isabel tried not to look too worried as she lay back on the exam bed in nothing but one of the flimsy hospital gowns. She'd never had a problem with her body, but she was about to get unequivocal proof that she was pregnant, and that scared her. It scared her more than it should. Things were still a muddle in her head even after talking to James. She still, on some level, wished he'd agreed to 'closure'. She was a bad, bad person. She had this fantastic footballer, and she still wanted to be with her ex.

Her green eyes were squeezed shut momentarily and she let out a slow breath. Didn't help matters that she was busting for a pee, and thinking incredibly wrong, and horny thoughts. Her hand found Cameron's, and she linked her fingers with his just to give her something real to hang onto. If she stayed lost in her thoughts for too long, she'd probably miss the whole thing. "Thanks for arranging this," she told him quietly.

"It's alright," Cameron said quietly, eyes on the door as he waited for Riley to arrive. "It's Riley you should thank." By this time, a distant feeling from Izzy was setting in a little. He knew he had been the one to raise the whole issue of her ex and her feelings for him, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt a little. He laid a lot on the line to even try for a relationship, and now he had confirmation of what he had suspected from day one - he was sharing her. It sat funny in his stomach, but then, he had hardly eaten over the last few days, so maybe his insides were just all off. He had been outside with Lachlan and Aiden when he gave Riley a call on his cell to ask about the ultrasound. Not in front of Aiden and Lachlan, of course, even if he had nearly spilled the beans to Lachlan a little earlier. He thought Yodalan maybe connected the dots in his head, too, but he politely didn't push for any further info. Riley agreed to do the ultrasound on his lunch break, so Cameron left Aiden in Lachlan's capable hands. Pat's husband wasn't feeling well and Lachlan managed to convince him to stay outside for a little bit more fresh air and a cup of tea while Cameron politely excused himself to come here. He should be over the moon about the pregnancy, right? Now he just felt like it was kind of tainted. But then, that was just how life seemed to go of late.

Izzy lifted her gaze to Cameron's face as she gave his hand a squeeze. "You need to know I don't regret anything. You're not filling a spot, either. You have your own spot. Your own hole you've made. You understand that, don't you?" Izzy couldn't help it, she was sure she needed to clarify it. Things just seemed weird now. It was like admitting to the truth had shaken up whatever normality any of them had found. She hated it, but at least it was out there. Things were probably going to get worse before they got better. She just hoped that didn't apply to his brother. "How's Aiden?"

"Yeah, not everyone has a, uh, hole right next to another bloke," Cameron answered and cleared his throat. He appreciated her trying to clarify, but he got the situation. That wasn't at question at all. Nothing was at question really. There was just what was and how they all had to deal with it. "He's as okay as he can be, I suppose. Keeps saying he feels sick. I don't blame the poor bastard at all, really. He's glad Harri's here even if he feels he's straining on her being pregnant."

Iz pressed her lips together, and tried not to say something about not everyone had their dead husband coming back from the dead, either. She was probably using that as too much of an excuse anyway. James had a hole, and Cameron had a hole. It was that simple. Izzy just had to find out if her heart could keep harbouring them both, and for how long. "He's probably made himself sick with worry. Has he even been eating?"

Cameron was turning the Liverpool crest ring over and over on his finger. He was nervous, but something else was niggling under his skin. He just didn't know if it was his discontent or Pat's he was feeling. He shook his head. "No, he hasn't been eating at all. He can't stomach anything. We keep trying, but it sucks to think about food when you don't feel well." He sat back in the chair and rubbed at his arms to try and brush away the crawling feeling. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

Izzy shook her head. She was watching him with concern, and couldn't stop herself from pressing her hand to his forehead as she checked to see if he was burning up. "No, I'm okay. Don't really need anything. What about you?"

"I'm okay," Cameron told her and didn't have a chance to elaborate before Riley knocked and came into the dimmed room. "Hey, buddy," he greeted him. He still got awed seeing his friends done up like doctors. He always wanted to snigger when he saw them in scrubs with steths in hand. Riley had dark blue scrubs on with yellow 'Emergency Department' on the pocket, which had his steth shoved in it. "Sorry to crash your break."

Riley waved his hand. "It's no bother. Things are pretty quiet today anyway." He sat down on the stool with a smile at Izzy. "How are you holding up? Have you ever had an ultrasound before?" he asked her.

Isabel sucked in a breath as she shook her head. The nerves were back tenfold and for one crazy moment she considered just bolting regardless of the gown. If she didn't have the ultrasound, it wasn't technically true, right? No pictures, no baby. "I'm okay. Still in shock, I guess. I didn't find out until a few weeks in, so I'm guilty of smoking and drinking until recently. Kind of hoping I haven't given our kid two heads already."

Riley smiled. "Well, hey, if you have, they have a two-for-one sale on booties and bibs at Babies-R-Us this week," he joked and patted her hand briefly. "Just relax. I know that's easy for me to say, but it's going to be okay. If there is anything strange going on in there, we'll find it today. An ultrasound is just your first step at being a responsible parent. We had Andrew over the other day showcasing his bundle of joy. Cameron was telling me you're about on par with Ali in gestation." He brought up a screen and stood up to adjust the screen over Izzy's head so she could see. "Are all your details on there correct?"

Riley squeezed Cameron's shoulder before he sat back down, noting the look of horror on his face. "I was joking about the two heads, mate. You should relax too. You've watched RJ, been puked on by him. You're going to have one of your own," he told him with a smile.

Cameron swallowed. He did love RJ to bits, but he figured it was just because Lachlan was like a brother. "Yeah, sure..." he replied anxiously.

Iz glanced at Cameron, her eyebrows drawing together. She reached out to take his hand again, and held it close to her chest as she looked up at the screen and nodded. "Yeah, it's all correct. And I am close to Ali. Guess if I was going to do it with anyone, it'd be her. I can't imagine a better mom to follow footsteps in. She's amazing. She was the last I expected to have a kid, but she's just the best." Isabel was aware she was rambling a little, so she took another breath. "I'm usually more relaxed than this. I don't know why it's got me so on edge. Your wife's pregnant as well, isn't she? All these kids... wonder if they'll grow up close together. One giant family."

Riley smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we're expecting two," he confirmed and squeezed some of the blue gel onto the sonogram wand. He pulled the sheet up to her waist. "Do you want to just fold the gown up there for me? Just above your bellybutton is fine. It would be good if they can all grow up together. RJ and Mia are already bonding. I think it makes a lot of difference for their development to be around other kids. And it's okay to be nervous. This is a huge thing. One of the biggest you'll do in your life. I just know it's really hard right now, in general. I understand as well as anyone," he assured her.

Cameron linked his fingers with Izzy's but didn't say anything. He put his other hand up to rub his fingers over his mouth. He had told Riley because he needed his help, but still felt guilty Pat wasn't the first to know. They didn't know how long Pat was going to be out, though, and if Riley thought they needed this scan thing for the kid's health, then that's what they needed to do.

"Twins? Have your work cut out for you," Izzy said as she smiled. At least she was smiling until it was time for the gel and folding the gown up. She somehow managed to keep hold of Cameron's hand all the while, and kissed it as she tried not to squirm as the gel was put on. It was cold, and it just made her want to pee even more. "Think there's something in the water with everyone getting pregnant?"

Riley laughed. "Oh, maybe in New York. Evie and I were IVF, though. Planned right down to the purposeful wank," he said and smoothed gel over the area of her lower abdomen so he could get a clear picture on the screen. "I might have to use a bit of pressure in some places. I'm sorry in advance if it's uncomfortable. Have you seen an obstetician at all? Started taking vitamins for the pregnancy?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the screen as he moved the wand to find the image on the screen.

"Not really. Well, no." Iz bit her lip as she had this feeling like she was a naughty schoolgirl. "Ali's given me all the inside info on the vitamins though, so I've started doing that. Just haven't been to my OBGYN yet. There might have been a bit of denial playing a part in the first week, so I'm a bit behind the eight ball. Ali wouldn't let me get away it for too long, so I had to cave on the vitamins. Was the IVF a hard process?" Iz looked up at Cameron then at Riley as she smiled apologetically. "I"m sorry, I don't mind to quiz you. Just trying to keep my mind off going to the toilet."

Cameron was watching the screen, eyes wide. He realised he was expecting a picture of a baby to appear there, even if it was irrational. Why was it taking so long to find? "Why is it taking so long to find?" the words fell out following his thoughts. His voice was a little hoarse, so he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. He shot them both an apologetic look. He hadn't meant to sound so blunt.

Riley smiled. "Because I'm making sure her uterus is healthy first. Doctor stuff. Just bear with me for a little longer." He was taking some quick shots of what looked to be nothing but were just indicators that things were okay there. "The IVF was... well, it was extremely difficult and stressful. It wasn't just cut and dry. We had sperm sterilisation to see through first before we even faced the IVF. It was draining, but we were lucky to get some success at the end of our first attempt. We weren't sure we would have the energy for a second." He turned on the speakers to pick up the heartbeat as he began locating images of the foetus. But the sound that came through wasn't your common. In fact, it sounded like an echo and Riley's eyes shifted quickly from the screen to Cameron in realisation. "Oh, um..."

Izzy frowned, looking from the screen, to Riley, to Cameron. Why was Riley looking at Cameron like that? "What's wrong? Did I kill the baby?" She could hear a heartbeat though. Her baby's heartbeat. With an echo. Two heartbeats. "Oh. No, no fucking way. Are you serious?"

Riley pressed his lips together and turned back to the screen. After a few moments, he located the image he was looking for and paused the screen. He hesitated in saying anything at first. This could completely freak Cameron out the way he was already so on edge. "Identical twins," he confirmed, pointing up at the screen with his thumb and forefinger to show the two foetuses. "One gestational sac, but two babies, and two healthy heartbeats. One is slightly weaker than the other, but not uncommmon. Congratulations?" He looked at Cameron in concern. "Cam? You okay?"

Cameron sucked in a shallow breath, his lungs not allowing him the luxury of any more at that moment. His mouth dropped open and he stared at the screen, the only other thing his brain could manage was a small shake of his head in disbelief. Surely there was just a problem with the machine?

Iz had her eyes fixed on Cameron. She was waiting for him to pass out, or scream, or do something other than just sit there. At least then she could be sure of what she was feeling. Right now she was just in shock again. She was pregnant with identical twins. This was in no way normal. "Shit," she murmured. She couldn't believe it. Twins! Then again, considering Cameron himself was an idenitcal twin was it really so strange? She pushed her fingers through her hair and turned back to the screen to stare at it.

Cameron felt like he wanted to vomit. He actually couldn't be sure he wasn't going to. He fumbled to pick up his crutches. "I... I need air... or something." Booze, nicotine, hard drugs. All were a good option right now. If he could actually get his legs to work, and his mind to coordinate with them.

"Cameron," Riley began but his pager started to buzz where it was clipped to his pocket. He unclipped it, but reached his other hand to place it on Cameron's shoulder so he didn't collapse to the floor in his haste to get out. "Just hang on a minute, mate. We'll talk about this." He quickly read the message on the screen and it felt like ice trickled through his veins. "It's from Lachlan. Pat's awake. Cam, something's wrong."

Any colour Cameron had left in his face drained immediately. He looked at Riley, then at Izzy, before his eyes landed on the pager. "What?" he whispered.

Riley shook his head. "I don't know."

Izzy tried to sit up straight, and slid down. She grunted in frustration, and was already looking for something to clean her belly off with. "Take the picture of the you-know-whats so that Cameron can go. Please, Dr Browne. You both need to go, but just take the picture first and I can clean myself up." Izzy reached over to touch Cameron's face. "I'm sorry, Cameron. I'm so sorry. It'll be okay. Whatever's wrong, someone will fix it."

Cameron was near tears from panic. That's what he had been feeling. It was Pat. He was frozen, not sure what to do. He wanted to tell Izzy to come with him, but he couldn't get it out before scared tears were spilling over. It was a struggle on the crutches but he got to the door and out of the suddenly claustrophobic room. He just had to get to Pat before anything else was going to work in his mind.

Riley already had the images and he clipped his pager back. "I'll help you here first," he assured her, but it felt like his heart was somewhere up in his throat as he did. The only reason Lachlan didn't elaborate in the page would be one, it was too long to explain in a brief message, or two, he needed them there. The page had simply indicated Pat was awake, something was wrong, and Cameron needed to get there ASAP. "Shit," he cursed softly and looked at Izzy apologetically. "I'm sorry."

She gave a shake of her head. "Don't be, believe it or not, I do kind of get it. I got to see what happened when Cameron was injured. This group is pretty quick to look after its own. Cameron and Pat are connected, and their twins. It's understandable he wants to be with his brother. Makes me grateful that my... twins... will experience this. Thank you for making time for the ultrasound. I really appreciate it."

Riley let out a small breath. "Pat's really sick," he told her. "Really sick. The page was from Lachlan, he knows MS. He wouldn't have paged if it wasn't serious. I'm sorry this has happened, but Cameron's about to go through hell. Again. We probably all are," he added hoarsely. "You included. And I'm sorry for that. Welcome to the world of identical twins," he added with a sad smile.

"It's okay, I'm getting used to it. Nothing's ever going to be simple again. If it ever was," Izzy added with a wry smile. She couldn't hold anything against Pat. It wasn't his fault he was suffering. It wasn't anyone's. Just some sick genetic joke. Cameron had the genes, so maybe it was just as well she was getting the exposure now. If anything went wrong with him, she had to be prepared.

Something twisted in her gut, and she fought the urge to run. She had known from the beginning that Pat was sick. She had package deal with Cameron. It was him, his twin, the family, and the sickness all in one. She didn't get a choice. The question was though, did she want one?

Words: 3067 | All muses referred to with permission and come from the princeton2nyc verse

ship: james/izzy, co-written: cameron preston, comm: just one word, co-written: pullmysteth, ship: cameron/iz

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