Just got home from the movies.

Jul 25, 2008 15:33

The X Files:  I Want To Believe.

I liked how they introduced Mulder again, very reminiscent of their first meeting.  For some reason I thought the sunflower seeds and the pencils to be a bit much...  Oh so it seems like Scully is "back" to practicing medicine.  A pediatrician?  Geneticist?  Who has surgical / neurosurgical rights???  Sure as a pathologist you're probably qualified for all that, but really???

Anyway...  Pedophile priest.  Yeah...  I zoned out.  Lost interest.  I could care less by the fact that he actually helped them in the end, influenced Scully, etc, etc.  Hinted that maybe God had forgiven him.  But seriously, was that necessary?  Then, lets not get started on the priests in the hospital Scully was working at.  What qualifies you to make medical decisions?  Do you have an MD along with your Theology degree?  I felt like instead of a government conspiracy, it was like the Catholic Church were the bad guys.  Maybe I'm reading too much into things...

It didn't even feel like an X File.  Yes it was scary, in the vein of Donny Pfaster, how it could be true.  That's scary.  Some guy kidnapping people for "organ" harvest.  Transferring the head of his gay lover to another body to make him live a little bit longer.  Was that little tidbit necessary too?  The only paranormal thing was the former pedophile priest turned psychic.

Then...  I called myself a shipper, but I didn't want it to go to completion.  I totally disregarded the kiss near the end of the series cause in the same ep they "killed" Krycek.  Certainly didn't want them to have a child together.  But now...  They’re living together having relationship probs cause Scully doesn't want to follow him into the darkness.  Could care less.

So...  Yeah.  That was a complete waste of time / money.  There were about 10 to 15 people in there, 2nd showing.  So...  I think I'll disregard this like I did to the last 2 to 3 seasons.  :p


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