It's Beer O'Clock!

Jul 25, 2008 00:41

Took a trip to the library.  Looking for Brideshead Revisited, again...  Someone was supposed to return it yesterday.  It wasn't in.  I did find an Espionage Encyclopedia.  I still don't know what a controller is...  Anyway, I had to renew my card.  I was no longer in the system so I basically had to sign up for a new one.  Technically speaking I shouldn't be able to get a card...  I mean, they were asking for 2 forms of ID with addresses...  Like licenses, car registration...  The car's not mine, technically.  They let me use my checkbook.  The website says cancelled checks.  Do they even give those back anymore?

X Files Movie tomorrow.  Mom says it's her treat...  Honestly, I'm not excited.  I used to be...  Now...  Not so much.  I have low expectations.  I expect people will say it's crap.  The Dark Knight will be no 1 again.  I don't expect much, but...  I don't want to see a crappy movie at the same time.

CB comments.
  • 2 news channels, 2 different reporters.  CNN, Fox News.  Both saying the assault may have been because he was under stress...  That Christian was the star of the movie, but Heath was getting all the attention.  WHAT THE PHAGE!?!  I really don't think CB cares.  Then on CNN some dude was saying he wasn't the friendliest person to interview and he avoided eye contact...  And that make him a batterer?  Sure...
  • Bill O'Rielly.  Reality check...  About how CB wants his privacy.  I expected him to say he's a celeb, he has no privacy.  But I did agree with him...  The media won't let that happen.  :(
  • Headline News.  Well the poll was whether the assault charge on CB would affect The Dark Knight.  Of course not say I.  So does 94% of the people.  Then the comments...  I hate people...  Saying it's a publicity stunt, then no one is seeing the movie for Bale anyway.  Shut the frak up!

    Oh, then another Fox News story.  Terror watch list...  I had thought when Cat Stevens was previously detained it was because his name was similar...  Well, Yusuf Islam.  But then they were saying someone's wife, name Cath Stevens has trouble in the airport.  WHAT!?!  What the phage is he on the terrorist watch list for?  And I'm serious!  I like to joke I support terrorism cause I support him, but seriously!

    Oh so back to The Dark Knight.  Reading old entries.

    Wednesday, January 29, 2003
    So came home.  Waited for laundry lady.  She never called, never came.  Oh well.  Anyway, I was waiting, watching TV.  Cause of that I only got a histo lecture done today.  Hey...  I've got Fridays off, lol.  Anyway, I was watching Battle of the Sexes.  MTV news...  I don't know which is grosser, the fact that Christopher Nolan, the guy who directed Memento, might direct Batman or that Guy Pearce may star in it.  Really...  I hope that's not true.  Geeze.  I mean, Guy Pearce wanted to do something fun for a change and did The Time Machine, I understand that, but Batman...  Ew...



    So I saw Memento again and at the end I developed Qs.  First is Jimmy necessarily dead?  I mean...  He did whisper Sammy and Joey Pants didn't really check him...  Maybe he's just recovering downstairs...  And if Nat gave Leonard the addy of the place in the end, wouldn't she think to check if he's there, his body?  Then, how did Lenny remember what to do?  It seemed like a pretty "long" drive to remember to kill Jimmy.  At least when he killed Teddy he looked as his pics again.

    Sammy and the insulin...  If he knew how to give it to her, I'd assume he'd know to give her juice or something.  I'm guessing he gave her 45 units (15 x 3)...  We had a patient who was given 50, plus other hypoglycemics.  But then again the wife doesn't seem to be a tubbo who sneaks in food.

    Oh...  And how did he know which car to track?  I mean, I doubt he'd remember what car Jimmy drove up in.  And he didn't see Teddy drive up, did he?

    Yeah...  That's all I have.

    Guaifenesin, phenylephrine makes me feel like crap.  I'm also having heart burn, on antacids and I popped some Advil.  Shoulder pain.  Referred?

    Project Runway
  • Is the new catch phrase "Holla at ya boy"?  I could have sworn someone said it in the 1st ep, then Tim in the promos...  On the chalk board...
  • Kenley!?!  HAHAHA!!!
  • Green fashion.  Someone then says natural fabrics.  Uh...  It sounds so...  People have been making "green" clothes for ages.  I mean...  My freaking jeans are 100% cotton!  Certainly not the prettiest to make a cocktail dress.  Later someone mentions dyes and the environment.  Anyway, long story short...  I don't think they explained green fabrics all that well.
  • I hate Blaine and his 'licious crap.
  • Wesley is soft spoken...  Cute!  Yeah, and it's no longer worth watching!
  • Actually I think this is gonna be a good season.  Especially compared to the last 2?  What season is this???  Last 1 season?

    I had the weirdest thought of The Zefron eating dinuguan...
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