American Idol Commentary!!!

Apr 23, 2008 01:19

So it was Andrew Lloyd Webber night on American Idol...  And seeing the song list posted on ONTD and the comments...  LOL!!!  David Archuleta singing Think Of Me!?!  Honestly I wasn't excited by those song choices...  Honestly I'm not entirely excited by the ep.  I mean, I "love" ALW...  But this is American Idol.  They're gonna be pop singers.  Sure many of them went to Bway, which I have a problem with...  More with stunt casting vs the performer themselves.  I mean, you're not casting for a Bway show.  And even ALW is a type of Bway show not everyone could do.  Via the comments...  People will be bored.  And so will I...  Which is shocking...

Comments while watching the actual show.
  • Lol...  I'm actually getting excited...  Like a train wreck!
  • Lol at the lack of cheers for ALW!
  • Ew...  Is it really necessary to see Emmy Rossum?
  • Ooh...  Will they show Anthony Crivello?
  • Lol!  Who the hell is he sitting between?  Like 2 random people?
  • Syesha Mercado - One Rock And Roll Too Many - Starlight Express.  Before I knew that...  I was like, what the hell is that from?  Lol.  Is she gonna be on skates?  What is she engaged?  I mean, first shot is of a ring...  She sounds like she started too early.  Toward the end it seems like she's struggling on the melody.
  • Ugh...  If I were on the show I'd pick something less known, but...  Even on freaking Grease:  You're The One That I Want (GYTOTIW), I remember people complaining about not knowing...  Take That Look Off Your Face and that being a hindrance to her.
  • Jason Castro - Memory - Cats.  With this and Hallelujah...  Snooze.  Wanna bet everyone (meaning the audience) will love it?  Lol...  Is it bad I can't imagine anything but a cat singing it?
  • That Blonde Hippy type chick - You Must Love Me - "Evita."  I was actually pleasantly surprised...  Till she stopped and started over.  I know this is an amateur competition, but you want to be a professional.  That was very unprofessional.
  • David Archuleta - Think Of Me - Phantom Of The Opera.  Sounds like a pop song...  Is he gonna go all out in the end?  He sings it fine, but I'm still weirded out by the pop sound to it...  He needs to be sitting on a stool or something.  Lol.  I can totally see this being released as a pop version and being popular...  SCARY!!!
  • Lol @ ALW in the audience...  He looked bored on GYTOTIW too.  HAHAHA!!!
  • That Irish Chick - Superstar - Jesus Christ Superstar.  People had a problem because it was acted wrong on GYTOTIW.  Here acting doesn't matter...  So...  Lets see.  Yeah, I still have a problem with people singing the song all smiling...  At least be pissed off.  Sure it's sung well...  But I can't see good in the song, these songs unless they are acted.  It's freaking musical theater.
  • Have the sudden urge to watch my ALW DVDs to compare acting.  But like I think I said in a prev entry...  Do I disregard any lack of singing talent or acting cause they are professionals?
  • That Rocker dude that didn't get voted out last time - Music Of The Night - Phantom Of The Opera.  I hate this song...  Hm...  It sounds like he does have a bway type voice...  At least in the preview.  But then maybe it will be like Gerard Butler.  When he sings that 2nd note he has that...  Less pop voice.  But otherwise...  I think he's better than Gerard.  He's like a rocker POTO.  I still hate this song.  Ew at the ending.

    POTO movie, AIAOY redubbed with Sarah Brightman and Steve Barton.

    image Click to view

    Actually...  The acting actually makes it painful to watch...

    And just cause I love his cheesy self...

    image Click to view

    Michael Ball and Sarah Brightman.

    Lol...  While I'm on ALW.  Is it bad I totally squeed at seeing Woman in White in Match Point?  ALW is such a whore!  Then they start singing the pop version of I Believe My Heart!?!  HAHAHA!!!

    Match Point.  I knew going in Rupert Penry-Jones was barely in it...  It was long and boring, till the last 30 mins.  But the ending OMG!  I mean...  Is it bad to hope he gets away with it?  Then with the whole intro with the match point thing...  How the ball hits the net.  Falling on either side, determining who wins...  Then the ring...  You're positive he won't get away with it!  Then another murder!  The guy is then found to have the ring in his pocket!  I don't know...  At this moment the ending redeemed the movie, but...  I don't think I can sit and watch the movie again at this point.

    I want to kill the neighbor...  I don't know how old he is...  I guess it's kinda cool to have a huge backyard, big enough to ride your dirt bike in, but seriously, it's noisy and annoying as hell!
  • video, poto, broadway

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