I like to shop...

Apr 22, 2008 16:27

Happy birthday Mommy!

Anyway, the 2 aunts were here on Monday.  Brought them back to Queens and stayed for dinner.  Jhumna hates me for some reason...  Jokingly of course.  Probably cause I never call.  Anyway, the girls once again want to go to x and y Broadway show.  I told them I'd need the money first, so I can deposit it...  Was thinking...  Asking my parents.  They'll end up saying to forget being paid back and keep the money.  Although that is nice, I don't want to do that.  sparkyboy no longer had money for Xanadu either.  Not like I'm jumping at setting that up either.

Watched Dancing With The Stars.  Which I did...  Practically for the first time.  sparkyboy finds it funny that all I know is Steve Gutenberg.  Lol.  OK, I knew other people, but he was the only one I could name prior to seeing the couples on the show.  Anyway...  Lol.  They do actually vote.  Like with all the phones and the comp.  At least they have multi people doing it, instead of 1 person and all the phones...  Anyway for fun I voted too.

Of course while eating dinner we watch Jyp-parody and Game Ka Na Ba.  Anyway, the Q when they have those 3 people stand on that platform that rotates while they hold hands...  The Q was popular full names of US First Ladies since 1950.  All I could think of was Lady Bird Johnson.  I mean, is that what they mean by popular?  Tito Abe and I couldn't think of what her actually first name was.  It was shocking!  Tito Abe knows everything!  Then...  When they were first introducing the contestants I was like...  Is that a guy?  Tito Abe and Tita Neng then start commenting how they're always gay people / transvestites on the show.  She then comments how she was in Starbucks and all the workers are gay.  sparkyboy is like cause it's trendy!  That made me burst out in laughter.  Gay people can only do trendy things!?!  So...  The tranny makes it through to the end.  They have a category.  This was Abba songs and they give you random letters and you have to name an Abba song with that letter.  Shim only got 2!?!  What!?!  And shim missed Mamma Mia!  Disgrace to the gay community!  Lol.  But then we could only name Mamma Mia and Fernando.  There was also S, V.  Shim names Chiquitita.  There was another letter...

Woke up this AM and Mom was out and about.  She went to church.  Uh...  Taco Bell, etc.  Dunno where else.  She called from Taco Bell and didn't come home till maybe an hour later.  Anyway, I went out.  She was gonna come, but was waiting for a phone call.

Staples.  Note books.  Grocery kitty litter.  What the phage!?!  Composition Notebooks...  In the grocery store...  That are cheaper!?!  And Mead!?!  What the phage!?!  I'll have to send Dad out to get them next time.  Hehe...  I also didn't buy some other essentials...  Like soap and mouthwash in the hopes Dad can get them when he next goes grocery shopping.

Was bored...  Didn't want to go home.  Ended up driving across "town" and went to Borders.  I got a 40% off coupon for movies.  Decided to treat myself.  But what is there to buy???  Most DVDs I want are box sets which don't apply.  :(  Anyway, I browsed.  Haha!!!  Rupert Penry-Jones shopping spree!  I first picked up The Four Feathers.  Where he plays...  Of all people...  A guy names Willoughby!  HAHAHA!!!  Then Match Point.  I was turned off by the price being 19.99.  I mean, The Four Feathers, with the discount was 4.79...  Plus there were no extras on Match Point.  But...  It's got Jonathan Rhys Meyers so...  I almost bought A Room With A View, the Merchant Ivory version.  It was...  I think 26.99, double disc.  But...  Minus the ending, I kinda liked the newer version of ARWAV, Rafe Spall and all...  But...  I don't think I like the story enough at that moment to buy it.  Plus I want to read it before I watch it...  And...  Like I said, I have too many unread books around the house before I should go buying other books to read.  There was a limit of 3 DVDs per coupon...  So I "needed" another movie...  I ended up picking up Persuasion.  Even when I have a rather crappy copy of the movie I recorded off the TV.  But I think I'll appreciate it in the long run.  I mean, since it's aired I've seen it...  3 times.  I'm kinda curious about the extra added footage, even when I didn't feel some scenes were all that necessary and kinda made the story different.  Lets see.

Since I'm on RPJs...  So sparkyboy recorded Virtual Sexuality for me.  Off Tita Nette's personal TV...  She kept asking me if it was OK.  Dunno...  sparkyboy forgot the tape.  When I got to Queens on Mon I asked him where it was...  And instead of putting it in my bag in the living room, I put it in my jacket in the hall...  I was afraid they'd ask to watch it.  And even when I said it was like teen porn...  I'm not comfortable watching that sort of thing in front of the aunts.  Anyway, I watch it...  Maybe I've grown...  I mean, it came out in...  2000.  And I saw it on TV...  So maybe in 2001...  I was already out of my teens by then.  Anyway...  It wasn't as funny as I remembered.  And it's not really anything visual that would have made me uncomfortable, more what they were saying.  I can't even think of an example at this point...  Other than I guess the town slut being nicknamed Hoover.  Anyway, long story short...  Even though I'm a prude, I guess I'm not as innocent as I used to be, even at 22.

At Queens watched Soapdish.  Lol.  For some reason I guess Tita Nette and Tita Evelyn mistook Robert Downey Jr to be Rob Lowe...  And somehow "Jud" Law was related to him, till Tita Evelyn realized they spelled their last names differently...  It's not even pronounced the same!  And Jud???  It's Jude!  Lol!!!  Of course I don't correct them.  I'm so bad...

Ewan McGregor was on the Tonight Show.  I just thought it was cute...  While filming a movie he lived in an apt in NYC, paper thin walls...  Neighbor was listening to sad country music as she slept.  He was saying cheer up!  And...  Here's what I thought was cute...  Instead of knocking and asking her to turn the music down, he said he was "very English and put in ear plugs" and "suffered in silence."  LOL!!!

Cuteoverload.  Cat Shelf.  Lol @ first comment.  Exactly...  Bubba would just look at the shelf, then precede to sit on my papers anyway!  Even the first pic of the woman is hilarious!
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