The usual stuff

Mar 15, 2008 00:02

Shopped today.  Where the hell can I get like real contact paper and Mead composition note books???  The crap "contact paper" duct something...  I got from staples is crap.  My books look like crap when covered!  So are their comp notebooks.  I pulled out an old mead...  The paper is so much more nicer!  And the cover stays closed!

Oh and since I feel generous...  Anyone want copies of Spooks?  I'll burn them to DVD+Rs...  And mail them.  You'd have to watch them off a comp or a DVD player that can play media files.  Hm...  Is there a program that can turn comp files into legit DVDs???

List of crap I DL'd.

I ate a mini frozen pizza and a chicken bake from Costco...  2 cups of soda...  In one sitting and it felt good.  Well not really.  By the time I was done with the pizza I wasn't really hungry to eat the chicken bake.  But I ate it...  Just to eat it.  Lol.  1180 calories in one sitting.  And then I took a nap.  It was all I ate that day too.  I hadn’t intended it to be.  Make me wonder about my caloric in take on a normal day.  Cause... This AM...  2lbs short of my goal...

LJ news...  No more new basic accounts and it seems like they'd be phased out over time?  I have a basic account and...  I don't see the point in paying.  And I don't want a plus account either.  Ads...  They slow my comp.  Anyway, when that time comes...  I've said it before.  The only benefit of a paid / plus account is the ability to make custom mood icons.  Which I did when someone paid for an account for me.  I still have it, just I can't edit it.  Plus LJ didn't support AOL for awhile so all I got was little red x's.  Oh and I'd like to edit my comments.  Other than that...  I'm content with my 6 icons.  I don't see the point in having 100...

Ghost Hunters comment.  Wow...  Steve pulls out the Jesus card.  Very surprised seeing that on Ghost Hunters (vs GH international.)  He was commanding a spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to show itself.

Another vid where Jamie states he's an American living abroad.

You look tired bb.  Still, it surprises me.

Spooks!!!  I only have 2 eps left to watch.  Looks like he's going out like Tom...  Season 6 seems to be more continuous vs the rest.  Involving Iran becoming a nuclear power.  Zaf's "death" / kidnapping seems to have been forgotten.  Roz turning mole, etc.  I admit I have trouble following at times.  I'm slow...  Anyway, Adam!  You are a manwhore!  I think it was the season 6 opener.  Adam is in bed with Roz.  What!?!  Then later he's with some Iranian chick, the like head consul's wife or something, using her for info...  But then it seems like he falls for her when he denies it saying he's trying to protect her cause it's his fault yadda yadda yadda.  LOL!!!  But then the hubby finds out and she poisons him.  Full frontal!!!  Lol.  Tries to drown him.  Roz saves him and "kills" Anna.  Who is actually brought to a safe house.  Anyway, Adam thinks she's dead.  She's used again to gain the husband's trust.  LOL!!!  He's shot and while he's being led off on a stretcher in front of Adam...  How's Anna?  Oh crap!  Love it!!!  And to top it off!  She's preggers!  And got sent off to Canadia for protection!  HAHAHAHA!!!  I have to admit, with the exception of the Roz and Adam scene laying low in a field after being chased.  This is the best soap opera ever!  And ew...  I hope that was fake...  And I understand it was being part of your character while undercover...  I really hope to God you don't have a pierced ear.  Seriously, such a turn off to me.  Anyone agree?

LOL!!! It's Zaf!

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I swear to God I have some Bombay Dream performance on my tapes...  Probably Bway cast.  :(


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