What is there to do in an hour???

Mar 12, 2008 20:40

Haha...  At this point.  Not like it was ever at that point...  I just want to freaking eat!  I want to binge!  Well not really...  There's nothing but pizza I'm craving.  Maybe some chips.  Even to have like a diet shake...  Just to say I've eaten something.  At least I'm not getting muscle cramps, etc.  I mean, I'm not starving myself...  I stepped on the scale...  The lowest I've been...  Prior to college?  Do I see it?  No...


Was watching The Bachelor Where Are They Now?  I admit to watching some seasons...  The first cause it seemed new and original.  The one with Charlie O'Connell cause I liked Sliders...  Not really his character though.  Hm...  Maybe I should watch Sliders now.  Lol.  I feel empty not having to check if x and y is done downloading.  I have seasons 1 to 3 on DVD...  I just need the last 2.  Anyway, I also saw the doctor dude and Prince Lorenzo.  LOL!!!  Lorenzo was voted least favorite bachelor!  I loved Lorenzo!  Not that I thought he was hot...  Just some of the girls on that season and the whole Agnese thing.

Anyway, they introduced the next season Bachelor.  An "English Gentleman."  He may be English but, you sir are no gentleman!  Lol.  He was saying he's far from the Hugh Grant stereotype of the Englishman.  I was never a fan of Hugh...  Then he's going on about how he loves American girls.  What is a stereotypical American girl?  Via the promo I'd guess they're all bleached blond, big boobed, whores, which I'm far from...  Will I watch???  Ooh...  It conflicts with Kyle XY, but that's only a week more, so...  Probably.  Haha.  Last season I was so snubbing sparkyboy and his post Heroes phone calls cause I was watching the Bachelor.  And he knew it too!

Logged onto friendster.  My cousin, who is living in London, I guess, posted pics of his son...  Jealous...  Then thinking on Mark and his kid...  Gonna have a cute Aussie accent.  And what do I have?  I mean, not that I don't love living in the US, in NY...  But it's not like I've got a cool accent.  Then I'm not even living in NYC...  Not that I'd want to.  Yeah, I LOVE it for Bway, but whenever I come back from the city, I feel dirty.  Wouldn't want to live there...  Anyway, I like where I live...  In most cases.  Close / far enough from the city.  Now, if only they could get my stores near each other I wouldn't have to choose either or...

Now...  Do I go to Best Buy and buy stuff I need cause I have the incentive of my purchases going toward money back...  Or do I go to Target...  Which at this point I see more pleasure in just browsing?  I need DVD+Rs and a battery for my phone.

Those vids I posted last...  When Sylar kills Peter with the shard of glass to the head, why not finish him off and steal his brain?  Not that he really needs his power...  I mean, it would be easier to obtain powers, but he's still have to feel to manifest them and...  Sylar's a pretty cold dude.  I mean prior to telekinesis / cutting power or whatever...  He'd bash them on the heads so I wouldn't take damage to his brain as a legit reason to not saw open his head.  What does he do with brains anyway???

So...  After 2 days and 21 hours of dling the opener for season 6 of Spooks...  It is done downloading!  And it's in French!  Well not really, just subtitles, but it's annoying as hell.  What is this crap with Roz and Adam now?  Aw...  "Faz" is dead.  Lol.  For some reason in my minds eye, his name is always dyslexic.  Now what will Jo do?

Oh...  In the down time between still DLing that ep and being bored of Rome.  I stopped mid 2nd ep.  Stopped DLing the rest.  I decided to pop in Life.  Damian Lewis so needs to go back up.  But then who to remove???
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