A lot of nothing, like usual.

Feb 16, 2008 16:20

Lol...  I woke up this morning with 6 emails in my inbox.  One was a MySpace message from "Chad".  I'm thinking...  It better be from Chad Doreck or I don't care.  LOL!  Well it was from "Chad" with some short message like "come see Chad."  OK...  I had always though his music profile was run by himself with a more personal one for like real friends / fam.  But then to get a message like that...  I feel like getting mean, like what the hell is this crap?  Why are you spamming me!?!  But then...  If I do respond I should be nice.  Thinking I'll say I've seen Chad 2 times (referring to ABz), when I know it's promoting himself at The Cutting Room.  Seriously...  If you're gonna talk about yourself in the 3rd person at least expand on that.  Not just "Come see Chad."  Haha...  I forgot my page was private so "he" couldn't have possibly seen my page.  Probably found me via the ABz profile...  I'm not on the front page though.  So...  Other Altarholic friends?  Good God...  Maybe Jason?  Lol.  The Grease Page?  I have no clue.  Ugh...  I hope I'm not one of those "known" Altarholics.  I never show up to the Altarholic days and only 1 chick recognized me off MySpace...

LA Confidential, etc.  So...  I hear White Jazz has Exley and Dudley!  But I'll have to read whatever the 1st book is 1st.  I also stumbled upon the LA Confidential TV pilot.  (Parts 2, 3, 4, 5).  I had forgotten about that.  With Keifer Sutherland playing Jack...  It's weird to think of him as anything other than Jack Bauer, especially when he's playing another Jack.  Anyway, opening scene was a drug bust.  What's with his clothes???  I guess he was going the undercover route, but he didn't seem like a celeb cop like he was painted out to be.  The music sucks.  Then it's like they mix the characters...  Like he has a Bud like story where it's his partner that gets fired before his pension.  Then, instead of Bloody Christmas being what bumps him off Narco to vice, it's his accidentally shooting a civilian and being drunk / high on the job.  Then Exley is internal affairs...  I do remember something about IA in regards to Bud...  Then at first Exley seems to be power hungry / arrogant then it turns into George McFly with the cops messing with him.  Then what's the thing with the spoiled brat???  I remember him being from a rich family.  I mean, his father was a former high profile cop who went into construction of the highways / dream a dreamland.  I totally missed the evolution of a paper Mache theme park paralleling his, Preston Exley's own rise in politics.  Anyway, I never saw Ed as a spoiled brat from a rich family.  I mean, he was slumming it with Inez!  That's another problem I have with the TV show...  I mean, there were way more stories in the book that weren't shown, expand on them.  But then...  I'm basing this off 3/5th of a pilot ep!  Then Hush-Hush is focusing on police corruption???  Lol.  Was that Chip Esten?!?

Broadway.  What the hell is this???  Les Mis Concert 2 Disc Collector's Edition.  How is it different from the older?  You no longer have to flip it over?  You have to change discs?  Or are there actual extras?  On the British version...  Which isn't always the same as the US they have the behind a scenes thing...  So crosses fingers.  What are the chances of it being in Best Buy???  None.  :: rolls eyes ::

A vid on ALW confirming he will do the POTO sequel.  Ugh...  I don't know when it is...  It says March 07 in the link.  March 2007?  March 7th of last year?  Is this before or after Otto erased it?  And after Otto's mysterious death.  I find it funny he doesn't want to name names...  So we can't send death threats no doubt!  Seriously!  We must avenge Otto!!!  Ugh...  I haven't even read the book, I hear it's crap.  But...  I'm a Raoul / Christine shipper.  I refuse to believe that she loved Erik.  I refuse to believe that she had a child with him!  Did you freaking read the book!?!  He's a freaking creepy old stalker that smells of death!  She was scared of him.  She tried to kill herself!  It was stay with me or I'll blow up the opera house...  Yeah, I can see sympathy for POTO, but seriously...

Masterpiece Theatre.  I saw the commercial for their Sense And Sensibility...  Everyone!  The major lines!  They are so imitating the movie.  Marianne as played by Kate Winslet is so superior.  I'm really scared for that version.

Was browsing a Obscure Brit LJ comm, obasc.  Good God...  Seriously...  What is it about British boys???  Seriously how can you be any better looking?  I can't think of a group of American men that can do the same to me...  Anyway...  I was honestly thinking of taking down the wall of hotties...  Shocking I know.  Cause there are so many good looking guys...  I can't limit myself to 24...  Good God!  Rupert Penry-Jones, Rafe Spall!  And I don't want to take anyone off!  But then...  Maybe I should take it down...  Cause I'm just too old for this crap.  Seriously...

In other news I want to put up / clean off a shelf and put all my Hornblower / Aubrey&Maturin books and all my naval stuff for display.  Just...  No room.  Seriously...  I'm gonna have a kitchen of Disney mugs and a library decorated in naval style.

Oh then I went to sobfas, the sister comm for obscure British Female actresses...  OMG!!!  Anna Friel, of Pushing Daisies is British!?!  Funnier thing is I've seen some of her work!  HAHAHA!!!  A Midsummer Night's Dream, with Christian Bale, Rogue Trader with Ewan McGregor, Goal! with Alessandro Nivola.  OMG...  She was the nurse!

Anyway, all the lusting over British Boys...  Uh oh...  There goes my Lenten promise...  Lol.  I needed a Jamie fix.  I watched his ep of Poirot...  Where he shows up in the beginning and the end...  Then I watched the commentary to BSG Razor.  What the phage it up with calling him James???  I mean, they were talking about James Callis, the they were like James Bamber...  His given name is Jamie!!!  Anyway, they mentioned the only reason he's got an "American" accent was because he's Edward James Olmos's son...  But they were like it's not like he's Hispanic...  I mean, they could have explained it like his father was raised in so and so and he was raised wherever in Caprica that would give you a British accent...  I mean...  His real father is American and Jamie as his son has an accent!  Lol.  And I was getting all hot and bothered thinking of him speaking in French...  He also speaks Italian...  :)

Mom showed me a Daniel Gale / Sotheby realty thing...  I'm always picking up those sorts of things walking out of grocery stores.  Anyway...  For houses that I'd consider to be million dollar homes...  I'd have to pay at least 5 mil.  Sorry...  I'm not shelling that kind of cash on aluminum siding!  And OMG...  There's a "Regency English Manor"...  $9,999,000.  Good God!  The inside view is semi tacky with the painted wall mural, but the...  What's it called...  Lining is popping out...  Whatever!  That crap outlining doors is cute!  Go here and pop in  1998156.  Ew...  The kitchen is tacky!

Anyway...  Will prep this for post.  Going to church this evening.


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