What else do I write about???

Jun 22, 2007 23:26

So I get a message from this dude on friendster.  Cool I'm a doc, I'm sure people ask you for advice all the time.  After nicely responding, yes.  He then says...

I have never dated a doctor before. You could be too smart for me. :) Although, (I am sure you have heard this before) I like the fact the you know so much about the human body. :)

Oh hell no!  You did not just go there!  So I'm like 1.  I'm not that smart.  And 2.  I don't use the internet to meet people.  After him responding with sorry and I guess I'll leave you alone, I decide to ignore and not even sarcastically say bye.  I get another message saying it's hard to meet professional women, etc, etc.  Yeah, I'm just ignoring the dude.

Then while I'm at it...  I'm sure it's just to make conversation or something, but really...  It's annoying the hell out of me...  People asking me for drugs.  I mean, literally drugs.  Freaking medical marijuana, ambien.  I mean, sparkyboy has been asking for drugs since day 1.  Even before day 1, but he has a legitimate reason!  And I'm not even gonna give it to him!  Freaking cheapening my profession making me a semi legal drug dealer!  I'm not licensed yet and I can't freaking prescribe yet, so shut up!

Almost decided to buy something to cheer myself up.  But that turned into me making my Barricade Boys tshirt!  Best boy band in the world!  Actually I put "Les Amis the world's favorite boy band."  But...  I'm kinda hesitant to wear it though.  Then, in the process I burned my elbow on the iron.  :(

Remembered Tito Boy coming up to me asking me some piano thing with chords.  I can play the piano and all, but...  I'm like...  Uh...  I never took piano lessons...  I have no clue what the hell you're talking about.  Yeah, I'm useless.  What ever sounds right.

Heroes World tour.  Stopping by the NBC Experience store Aug 28th...  Who's a comin???  Anyway, previous "spoiler."  The dude who wrote it made it sound like it was the season 2 cast, but I'm now guessing it's the cast to promote the season 1 DVDs, therefore Santiago Cabrera makes total sense.

Kathy Griffith on Larry King.  Preview to AC360...  OMG...  I was so scared she was gonna out him!

Haha.  I have a fan.  So I get a friend request for this chick.  I check out her profile.  Roscel, sparkyboy, takyttik82.  Check her pics...  Pics with the cast of Spring Awakening.  Just by that I'll add her.  So I add her, but I still have no clue who she is.  I message takyttik82 and Roscel...  takyttik82 assumes she works at Wilner's, as I do...  Roscel messages me eventually.  Saying this chick loves my page and loves bway, especially SA.  I messaged her basically saying I'm a little scared of SA...  No response yet.

Anyway, with that...  I think I'll post this on my myspace blog.  I've got a few non fam members that I've meet via Abz and are fans of other bway shows...  So...
  • I've been watching Les Mis in Concert, listening to Phantom, etc.  Suggest a show for me to see. - I mean, one can go, they are big showy shows...  See like I don't know Wicked or The Lion King, but I'm talking music style...
  • Is Spring Awakening one sided?  - I saw that thing with Degrassi / SA.  I'm on the conservative / prude side...  And when Rosie said watching it and seeing whose kid dies teaches you what type of parent you should be...  It kinda pissed me off.  But more than that...  Seeing it on the Tonys.  With my experience with RENT...  It's too loud.  But, if it is balanced, I'm willing to give it a try.

    Other Bway, ABz, Les Mis, POTO commentary.

    So I read an article with Scott Porter about filming Speed Racer, etc.  Identifies himself to be Danish, therefore he's looking forward to Copenhagen.  I don't know why...  But...  <3's Hyphenated Americans!!!  Makes the boring white bread American not so boring.  O_o  Then he mentions Kick Gurry!  OMG!!!  OMG!!!  OMG!!!  :p

    Word on Altarholics.  Zach Hanna is moving on to other shows, going back to school to go into teaching.  In an old interview...  When he was with the Detroit Boyz, he mentions if he wasn't acting he'd be a kindergarten teacher.  Like that type of teacher or acting???  Anyway, that's cute.  Did I ever say I love Andrew Call cause he wanted / maybe still wants to be a doctor???  Hehe.  And just cause he's the best Luke ever.

    image Click to view

    FYI, it opens with Jim Daly...

    Cast changes...  Maybe the fact that all of them are coming in back to back to back...  There is no real backlash for it or anything, just it's sad that the NYC boyz are being replaced by the tour boyz, minus 1.  :(  But then I was thinking...  The Detroit boyz did the same.  Corey, Zach, Andrew and Eric.  Then the wunderstudies there filled in at some point as well.  So I guess it's inevitable.  But I wonder...  Cause they changed some of the choreography for the tour, did they change to that to NYC or keep the NYC?  Not like it was a big difference.  Like the white suits...  I'm indifferent to that though.  But the heart shaped hands thing is cute.

    Watching POTO.  Joined a comm, someone posted a meme, but it was in Feb., plus my answers don't seem to be geared to what other have wrote, who seem to be more fans of the book / other movie versions, vs the stage play and ALW movie.  So here's what I wrote...

    Username:  isabel79
    How long have you been a fan?  December 1993
    What's your favorite version(s)?  ALW stage play, Leroux, Susan Kay
    Least favorite?  ALW movie (but I do like it, to a degree.)  Oh forgot about Julian Sands.  YUCK!
    Have you read Leroux?  Twice at this point.
    What's your fannish involvement?  After I saw it on bway, I was compelled to write to Hugh Panaro, who was then Raoul, started an autograph webpage with my fangirlish exploits.  Also got autographs of other Raouls and a Meg since.  Oh yeah...  Also converted all my cousins into fans and tried to do our own version of the musical.
    Where else can we find you?  No where Phantom related.  Lurking various bway communities.  Altarholics.
    (Who) Do you ship?  Raoul / Christine.  I do think Meg has a little crush on Raoul as well.  :p
    What else might we find in your journal?  Rambling on and on about whatever is my obsession at the moment.  Varies from TV shows, bway, hot actors...
    2004!movie--y/n/indifferent?  When I first saw it I loved it.  I think it was the whole grandeur of it, being on the big screen.  I saw it 3 times.  But then after a while I stopped.  I can't listen to the movie recording.  I've seen the DVD once.  It in no way compares to it being on stage.
    What do you love most about Phantom?  The craziness it added to my childhood.  Arguing with Erik/Gerry fans.

    Watching the DVD extra / hearing what's been going on with Les Mis...  (Cameron Macintosh, the producer likes to come watch his shows and fires / hires people, switches it up in a drop of a hat...)  POTO is a Cam Mac production.  Does ALW have too much say he wouldn't dare?  I mean...  I've been thinking about it they have the same people playing the same people over and over again, rotating again and again.  I think the guys playing Fermin and Andre jumped back and forth in the roles from when it opened to when one of them died.  The chick playing Mme. Giry was there when I first saw it and 13 (?) years later.  Freaking Hugh Panaro went from Raoul to POTO!?!

    Anyway, thank you for the wafers!
  • question, survey/quiz, video, poto, broadway

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