Haha...  Today was a good day.

Jun 16, 2007 23:58

Plan to go to the city.  Now...  I said I didn't have any plans really.  I'd like to check out Rockefeller Center, maybe Time Square.  I don't like art...  So, where are the adults going?  East end, wineries.  Hmm...  So I decide city, I'll wander aimlessly.  So we take the train in.  We get to Penn Station.  Walk over to...  Some subway.  Take it a bit to Rockefeller and we part ways.

NBC Experience store.  As I step in Heroes stuff!  I end up getting a Vote Nathan Petrelli for US Congress.  Panther T Shirt.  Paying I spot the peacock...  I ask if they have some.  Yes, so he guy gets one for me.  Decide to check the store some more.  Fraking Sliders for 22 bucks!  So I get that too.  I leave content.

Walk around the block a bit.  Go to Duane Reed.  I get some Gatorade cause I was feeling light headed.  Called 7500centfish to find out where this Tin Tin store was...  She never picked up.  So wander some more.  I look down for some reason.  Look up.  This guy is smiling at me...  Walking with some chick...  Pass.  OMG!  It's freaking Bucky and his wife!  I turn around, but walk away.  But of course I got to call my peeps!  So I call 7500centfish.  No answer.  I leave a message...  Which she later says I cursed on...  She even says I cursed when I called sparkyboy.  Anyway, I'm like pick up your fracking phone!  I saw Bucky!  Call me back.  I then call sparkyboy and gush to him.  Hehe...  But he doesn't know who he is really.  I then started having evil thoughts of MySpace messaging him...

Whilst on the phone with sparkyboy I realized I'm walking toward Broadway, might as well wander Times Square.  I check out my normal Bway shops.  Wander some more...  And some more...  When it's almost 2, I decide to check out New World Stages in hopes of stocking up on more ABz shirts...  Go there and they say I can enter without a ticket only after the show.  So never mind.  Get a call from 7500centfish.  We'll meet up near the theater...  I sit in a little park next door and read.

Show all my prizes...  What the phage!?!  7500centfish doesn't know about Heroes!?!  She doesn't know about my Sylar obsession???  Does she freaking read my LJ!?!  Ugh!  Then at her request she wants me to name the ABz with pics...  Will do...  :)

Anyway, so I tell them the story.  Only after I make 7500centfish hear the voice mail I left that she didn't hear...  Where I cursed...  Anyway, I'm on a high and we walk away.  We pass this window...  Of this deli next to the theater...  I don't know what made me look or what.  But he was looking at me and smiling too!  OMG!!!  Fraking Jim Daly!  I was on my Bucky high with telling them, seeing him...  OMG, he must have thought I was a crazy person!  I was all smiling, laughing and pointing!  7500centfish's like take a picture!  Get his autograph at least!  I didn't get that.  I mean, I already do...  But I don't have an individual pic with him.  Haha...  I think I'll have to myspace message him as well...  I'm so crazy!  Yeah, so I was doubly content.  Phone call to sparkyboy...  Where I cursed, yet again...  Saying I saw his Baby Daddy and he actually knew who I was talking about!  He called later on the train and I couldn't keep myself together.

Home.  Toys R Us.  NORRY!!!

Movies.  Saw Ratatouille.  I was hesitant...  Haven't liked Pixar since Monsters Inc...  And the only Pixar movies I did like were Toy Stories (2, more than 1) and Monsters Inc.  Disney Pixar has been a let down.  I personally liked it.  I'm not entirely sure of 7500centfish and kumquatqueen's opinion, but they didn't seem all impressed.  It did have it's moments of morality tale, but...  For some reason I didn't mind as much, didn't seem so out there / the driving force.  Well maybe...  But I tolerated it.

Hehe...  I saw Bucky and Jim.  :)

stage door

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