Graduation day, etc

Jun 16, 2007 01:16


Basically just waiting for 9ish to come to go to the airport and pick up Tito Boy / Mary Ellen.

Then as per Mom after my ceremony, assuming we're all together we'll go out to eat.  I'm bringing extra clothes cause...  I'm wearing this dress like 2 other times and I don't want to be walking around in it, especially in heels.  Should I be nice and wear a skirt?  Or just go for the freaking jeans and flip flops?

Asking their dream cast on Altarholics and...  After not much thinking, I came up with...
  • Matthew - Bucky.  I mean, I have loyalty to Jason and all, but if I want to see someone perform, I'd have to go with Bucky.  I didn't count people I haven't seen so, sorry Escotty P...  I mean, if it were really a dream cast I'd want to see the "original" meaning, Scott, Tyler, Andy, Ryan and David...  Anyway...
  • Mark - Ryan.  *gasp*  I know.  But once again, I love Zach, but Ryan is a better performer.  Well...  It just seems more natural.
  • Luke - Andrew.  Hands down.  No debate what so ever.
  • Juan - Ryan.  Yeah!  I saw an original.  Honestly Juan is Juan.  I don't really care.  Might as well have the original, right?  But I have to say...  Shaun was the nicest that I met out of the boyz when I first met them, so loyalty to him.  Plus he's a LIer!  Got to support the home boyz.
  • Abe - Dennis.  Once again, no question.  But out of all the tour boyz he Nick was the nicest.  And he smelled nice...  Well Bucky was nice too.  They all were...

    Then, what I posted...
  • Matthew - Bucky
  • Mark - Zach
  • Luke - Andrew
  • Juan - Ryan
  • Abe - Dennis
    Haha...  With the exception of Bucky, I just realized this was the first cast I saw, but with Jason as Matt...

    Then it annoys the hell out of me when they don't get them in right order.  It's like getting the Beatles or the Monkees out of order.  What is Monkees order?  Micky, Mike, Peter, Davy?

    Saw Bucky on Altarholics last night.  Wonder if he's seen my icon.  LOLOLOL!

    Such a stalker...  Going through the Boyz pages...  Pic of Jim and Carlos.  OMG...  I suddenly became a Jim/Carlos shipper.  Too cute!

    Funny Zach (Quinto) vid on NBC site.  Love his reaction to the Q.  Like it's so obvious!  Walking on water!  Why would you need to hover over land?  Honestly I'm not that quick, but I'd choose water cause Jesus could do it and we all know Jesus is cool!

    Ghost Hunters.
  • Still in England.  It was some place under a church where people were pissed at the church they decided to mock the whole thing and build these tunnels under the church and do all sorts of debaucherous things down there...  Anyway, the pic of the head guy...  Just cracks me up!  What the phage is up with that pose???
  • Haha.  Has Brian learned nothing?  He started provoking the spirits saying, "The British suck!"  He then throws in, "You guys have worse teeth than I do."  LOL!!!  Then they're like smack me in the back of the head!
  • As expected Barry runs out yet again.  Ugh...
  • Anyway, over all I thought it was a really good episode.  Especially considering the recent crap they've been showing.

    How can I bash my other children Jamie and Liesel?  Well...  Jamie (Graham) stole those guys shoes before the dude was cold!  And Liesel...  Uh...  She sued her father?

    Haha...  I saw that little dude (Noah) from Heroes on Ripley's Believe It Or Not cause of his piano playing.

    Watching Gilmore Girls cause Milo...  I'm having a hard time seeing him as a bad boy.  But then how come I don't have trouble seeing Zach as gay???  HAHAHAHA!!!


    So I graduated...  But flash back to yesterday...

    I ask Mom, again...  Whose coming?  I tell her last I talked to 7500centfish she said she wanted to go.  Mom's like well I told them we only had 4 tickets.  So I was OK.

    After watching Pirate Master, which I will comment on later, we went to pick up the Chicagoans.  They came around 11.Mom tells them again we have 4 tickets, Mom, Dad, 7500centfish and Tita Evelyn.  Got home around 12.  Prepped my stuff and off to beddy bye, to wake up at freaking 4...  So I wake up at 4.  Mom's in the shower, so I hop back into bed and basically lie awake.  Mom comes up after a while saying to shower, etc, etc.  So I get up, shower.  We leave shortly before 6.Mom basically tells me 7500centfish's not coming and it's Tita Nette instead.  Seriously, if I had a choice, it would have been, Mom, Dad, 7500centfish and Tita Nette cause out of all the aunts...  She was there when I first went there.  She was there when I left, when I went to Miami, so she knows some of the people there and ask how they are doing...  Anyway, so I got pissed 7500centfish wasn't coming and I was still confused as to who was to blame if anything.  I needed to blame someone, something...  I guess the situation...  Cause Mom was like they invited themselves and messed up our plans.  So...  I can't blame the Chicagoans, 7500centfish, or Mom...

    Anyway, get to Queens around 6?  Get to the city around 6:30 to 7...  Waiting...  Waiting...  I mean, this is freaking Ross, why am I not surprised?  Anyway, when we were supposed to meet at 7:15 for a class picture, we went in around 8ish?  For the class picture which was really crappy with an over head, ladder shot of us just sitting in seats.  Anyway, they lead us out again, for out "breakfast," which for me was a mini pastry and OJ.  Then back in, well to line up.  OMG...  How hard is it to do that?  Seriously...  Anyway, I was at the head of the line cause no. 1 was a no show.  Then our lady leading up was all panicking cause she was told to go, so I'm like running after her screaming, I can't run in heels!  She's screaming at people to open the doors!  Open the doors!  So we walk to in realize we came in too early.  Nice...  And...  My family doesn't even see me going in when I was like the 1st, even before the professors and stuff...  Well during.

    Blah, blah, boring ceremony.

    Anyway, back to when we got there.  P sees me and is the first to greet me.  She was with her father and...  I'm so bad, everyone really is like I'm assuming this is your family, so I have to intro everyone.  Anyway, first thing she said to me was, "M was gonna come but he has a test today."  Aw...  But haha...  She so knows.  She said she's just there for the day.  Bumped into her later saying she wanted to take a pic with me, but I didn't see her again to do so.  And she called me Michelle...  What the phage!?!  I keep getting M names...  Michelle, Melissa, etc.  Ugh...  During that time as well, I saw J, we just smiled and said hi, till later...  Before leaving, I see him and he's like I want to take a picture with you.  OK...  He tells his friends I'm like his best friend / really good friend of his.  Sure...  Seriously, I think I broke up his relationship.  Tsk tsk me.  Saw another J in passing.  OMG!  U comes up to me saying I'm...  So and so...  Another M name perhaps.  I'm like, no Elizabeth.  She's like I haven't seen you since...  We used to sit together, etc, etc.  Bumped into N again.  She had her baby.  Her hubby didn't graduate.  Who knows...  Maybe he already did.

    Then I saw people I didn't think would graduate, who I haven't seen since the island.  A.  Haha...  Even O.  J.  Hey, I'm surprised I made it.

    Oh, yeah, as the ceremony / festivities went on, I felt less pissed off that 7500centfish wasn't there cause I was bored as hell.

    No one clapped for me, or so says Mom and co.  Not even sympathy applause.


    Afterward we went back to Queens.  Ate at a buffet and home basically.  With my foot cramping up and being tired as hell I took a nap.  Woke, pizza for dinner, then off to Adventureland!

    It's been a while since I've been there, last with Jennie, Mike, Mia, Mikey.  Was Matthew born yet???  Anyway, at first 7500centfish and kumquatqueen were like I don't want to ride.  I'm like I want to ride, I don't see the point in going if we don't.  I don't want to go alone, etc, etc.  But now you had to buy at least 10 tickets per person to get in, which is like 2 rides.  So me and 7500centfish would go.  I got to say, even though it's short, that rollercoaster is great!  Other than that went on the Frisbee.  Never again!  I mean, it wasn't even all that great, but I'm still freaking dizzy from it.  Great to me is the heart dropping in your chest feeling.  Went into the cheesetastic haunted house.  I had fun.  Games room!  I am the queen of the crane game!  I got a sock monkey!

    Came home.  Bubba was outside...  WHAT THE PHAGE!?!  Poor Bub-bub.  He's never been out really and I don't know how long he was out for, but he seemed like scared / what the hell am I doing out here?  He was just sitting , not even calmly under a chair.  When he saw me, he came up to me.  When I opened the door he ran into the house.  I was like aw...  Poor Bub-bub, were you scared?  I then feed him saying you better not be thinking I'm rewarding you for going outside!

    Haha.  I think I'll end with Pirate Master commentary!
  • I actually felt this was a good episode.  More strategery.  More subibor like.
  • So, Joe Don is captain.  Go on the challenge.  They're neck an neck together, but the black team, Joe Don's team loses in the end.  :(  So he and the officers have to clear out of the captain's quarters.
  • Azmith is elective new captain.  OMG...  Something about the hat / uniform turns them crazy!  He acquires some weird accent and is all hippy splitting the money evenly.  Ew...  Yeah, I don't like him.  I like Joe Don!
  • Seriously, I love it.  So he's got "his" boatswain, who is loyal to him and only him as long as he still continues to get paid.  So...  When it's time to shell out the black marks, he's like you can't do that to the old cap, lets give it to one of the officers.  But JD still considers it a strike against him and his people.  Like I said, I'm beginning to like.
  • What's her face gets cut adrift...  The annoying chick.  This time during a challenge she wanders off.  Ugh.  She just complains saying she's a fashion person and not accustomed.  Why the hell are you there then?  Thank God she's gone.  She annoyed me.

    Still dizzy...
  • classmates, mark

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