TV / Bway mostly, I guess...

Jan 15, 2007 00:30

Ugh...  I hate when vacation is over...  I mean, I have tomorrow off, but...  Just the idea of prepping for the next day...  Ugh.

Anyway, church, at 8AM today.  Grocery.  Study.  I actually finished semi early, got in dinner and was ready for 24!

24 commentary.  OK, I admit to semi losing interest.  Well...  Not really losing interest, just...  I have trouble following the story lines with my multi tasking...  Did I miss it?  Why doesn't Milo know the relationship Chloe has with Jack???  Then I started cracking up looking at the TV screen of FOX news.  Freaking bloody people looking in pain.  Then what's with all the hooking up?  Seriously, no need for that, no one really cares.  Well, I did care about Michelle and Tony...  But others?  Well...  The whole Nina / Jack / ...  Terri was interesting.  But like in interviews they are like saying it's about interpersonal relationships not really about terrorism.  No it's not...  Can someone kill Kim already?  Lol.

After that, was Grease:  You're The One That I Want.  NYC auditions.  Overall, the cattle call audition part of it has been a let down.  I personally didn't see great talent.  Sure they could carry a tune, but nothing that screamed out as a star.  But then how many AI auditions do?  Anyway, next week is Grease Academy.  I hope they focus on Jason a bit.  I mean, I have a feeling he's gonna make it to the live shows...  I had this theory, which has since been disproven...  That they aren't focusing on the "professionals" to make it seem fairer.  But today, they mentioned amateurs against professionals...  I mean, if the Equity call backs were in LA, wouldn't that give them an unfair advantage?  But then today they had someone who was in the Hairspray Tour, Austin Miller.  Maybe the fact he went through the open Cattle call and not the Equity auditions...  I don't know.  So far I don't see a back lash against him, vs those who have been in movies, specifically, Kaitlyn Doubleday.  Then it surprised me, that they send people with mediocre voices...  But then they're casting you for a role, so you have to have a certain look...  It's not like AI where, sure you have to have potential to be an idol, but, it's broader than being an actual character.  Someone mentioned should we be hyping up Jason on the NBC boards, as previously stated, I'm hesitant...  Cause of the whole he's been "On Bway", even if off-Bway, so he doesn't deserve it.  But at the same time, it excites me he's gonna have his pic here soon.

Moving on.

I was reading my EW, and there's this little blurb about the Vatican producing a rock opera based on Dante's Divine Comedy.  Really?  Further research...  I think it's more like a Vatican priest, not necessarily the Vatican itself composed it.  For a second I thought they were going like...  In a totally weird direction to appeal to the masses.  But intrigued.

I was looking at pics of Patrick Wilson and stumbled on a pic of he and Sharon Leal, AKA this chick who was in Legacy, was in Bright Lights, Big City, with Patrick and Michelle in Dreamgirls.  Anyway, I was gonna post it in sparkyboy's MySpace saying she's better than Effie (lol) and Patrick is way better than Gerard!  OK, the last part is so true!!!  But I was the only one commenting, so I resisted temptation.

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, the Musical.  Say huh?  And what's with the absence of Mamma Mia.  What the phage!?!  Yet, is semi intrigued.

So I've had How Shall I See You Through My Tears from CAMP stuck in my head and on rehearing it, even when I've listened to this version a lot, I think I like this version better.  I mean, the chick in Camp acts it well, she has a good voice, but it's like beginning to...  Like annoy me.  While the Gospel at Colonus version is less grating on my nerves.  Anyway, if I ever make it to Best Buy, near Roosevelt field I'll buy the soundtrack.

Just a note on Hugh Dancy.  I've totally lost respect for him.  So much so, I may have to remove him from The Wall Of Hotties, ok maybe not.  But it’s not that he could potentially be gay / bisexual.  Just...  Clare Danes!?!  EW!!!

Then a note on FNLs.  I'm kinda saddened by the Matt/Julie relationship.  It's cute and all, but...  Say the show has a long run.  What bizarro pairings are gonna happen?  Matt and Julie can't last forever.  She's gonna turn out to be a slut eventually.  I mean look at those Darson's River kids.  Lol.

video, broadway

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