Another Saturday Night...

Jan 13, 2007 23:58

They came.  Mall.  Gamestop.  Used DVDs...  Dunno what to watch, and probably like my other DVDs I never will.  I really got to stop that.  I mean, I stopped myself from buying all of Angel cause...  It would cost me 100 bucks and I'm not really watching DVDs right now and Season 4 was the slim set while everything else was the older, bigger version...  Petsmart.  LOL!!!  I finally bought a sweater for Bubba.  It's a nice blue one.  Very cute!  But...  It's for a dog and...  It fits him and all, just his arms don't really fit well so he's like walking funny and when he lies down he just flops over.  LOL!!!  Anyway, spent a lot of time taking pics and just laughing at him!  I'm so mean!  Anyway, I eventually took it off cause he flopped over again.  Plus I imagine him scratching the hell out of it, so...  Next Barnes and Nobles.  Got a mag with Zach Gilford.  durlxnemesis fell asleep in a chair there.  sparkyboy had to kick him to wake him up.  LOL!  Sabarros.  Costco.


OK, so Mom talked to her friend once again...  The friend who wants to hook me up with her son.  She told her son to call me and he's like, but I don't even know her name, and she responded with Elizabeth...  So I should expect a call.  Ugh.  I really hope not.  Seriously, I hate phones!  Freaking give him my email, my myspace (psychotic as it is...)  But I'd rather do that than a phone call.  Mom's like nothing is gonna happen anyway, just be friendly.  OK...  Anyway, I looked him up on MySpace / Friendster.  No one I could find that could potentially be him.

Oh yeah, I'm getting sick of the meat and veggy soup...

Lol.  While praying...  I was thinking...  I want a snack.  What is there?  I'm in the mood for like...  A cookie or something sweet.  Flashback, smell and everything...  Cookie tin under Grandma's bed with the stale cookies and chocolate.

I'm beginning to freak out...  I'm starting my rotation on Tuesday...  It's not really that it's...  I'll be too tired and there's a lot of things that are on TV this week, plus I still should be studying...  Anyway, tomorrow is You're The One That I Want and 24.  Ooh...  I mean, I will watch / record both, but what do I watch live?  I'm kinda leaning toward watching 24 live cause, there's no doubt in my mind right after I'll watch Grease.  But the opposite isn't true.  After Grease, I'd still have to wait and hour for 24 to end and then watching that and recording it seems like such a chore...  Then Monday is more 24.  Tuesday / Wednesday is American Idol.  Ooh...  Wednesday's...  AI or FNLs?  I don't know if I should record / keep AI.  I mean, I heard Corey Boardman, original Detroit Matthew auditioned.  The chances of him making it are slimmer, I guess.  He auditioned in Minneapolis, which I heard is in the 1st ep.  So, supposing he makes it through...  Do I record the other cities?  Or just when they show the Hollywood auditions?  Dilemma!!!  Lol.  I was gonna record the Sopranos on A&E.  I did watch before, but then the whole taking forever to come back on, the whole premium cable being downstairs only, the whole get rid of those channels, I stopped watching.  I don't remember what I last saw, but I remember Adriana and the phone tap and stuff...  Anyway, I always thought, I mean, I'm a prude and all...  The show would be way better minus the sex.  And since it's on A&E...  But then I'm just too lazy to rerecord every thing.  When it gets to where I left off I'll start recording.  Friday, Monk and Psych start up again.

OK really random note time!

Hugh Dancy is doing a Bway play soon.  They posted pics on  Then, sparkyboy introduced me to ohnotheydidnt, that bastard...  I was browsing yesterday and what's with all the stories about him and Claire Danes.  EW!!!  I mean, his prev gfriend was kinda ugly, but at least she was like...  Normal.  As in not really a celeb, at least that I know of.  Then another story about Claire Danes cheating on her boyfriend with a homosexual.  Hugh Dancy!  Homosexual!  HAHAHA!!!

So...  David Beckham is moving to the US...  Seriously, his voice is a total turn off.  Ew.

Hm...  What is this???  Am I reentering my British men phase?

Haha...  A semi British man.  Guy Pearce.  Mamma Mia.  So hot!


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