So tired...

Sep 01, 2006 17:54

I'm done with ObGyn.  As I left, I wanted to do something...  To celebrate.  It was weird as well...  I mean, no goodbyes really.  Group didn't bond like others.  I felt I should have at least said bye to Eric or something.  Got in at 8:30.  Had evaluations.  Basically he gave it to us.  I didn't really see what I got.  He'd chat with you a bit.  Ask what we thought of the rotation.  Asked what I was going into.  Medicine.  That's a noble field.  He then made a comment he likes to ask because he can sense some people wouldn't be good in certain fields.  He then said I did well, except I need to brush up on my knowledge.  No kidding...  I'm guessing I did crap on the oral.  And that I won't be good in Ob/Gyn.  We then had to do evaluations of the residents.  I tried to be nice to all, but...  I wrote Guadalupe was rushed.  But knew a lot.  I didn't write I felt she was rude to patients at times.  Then I wanted to write something really nice for Eric, but just couldn't think.  So I wrote generic stuff like letting us do hands on stuff, etc, etc.

Anyway, I ended up leaving around 11...  Lucretia got pulled in with her lady.  Mine wasn't in.  Cyril and I ended up standing in a hallway for a while till he decided to leave.  I then shadowed a PA.  She was nice.  Ohh...  That's the placenta whooshing...  Anyway, she had no patients after a while and she's like sneak out this way, if Dr. Rothschild asks I'll say I sent you out for coffee.  Lol.  So I go to my locker, get my bag, etc, etc.  I'm about to go out these double doors, but I see Pramanik and someone else, so I detour and go this other way...  I can't pass Adrian's office cause she'll want to say bye again and who knows...  It may get to Dr. Rothschild.  Anyway, I take the stairs.  End up in the basement and I don't know how to get out to the front from here...  I end up asking directions, etc, etc.  I didn't feel safe till I made it to my car.

To celebrate, I bought booty shorts to make ABz shorts.  Chips.  OMG...  I'm like stocking up for hibernation.  I've got a month to study and I'm not leaving my room!!!

I then ate those chips, 2 slices of pizza and "fell asleep" for like 3 hours.  More like lying in bed semi awake.  Got up, doing this.  Drinking coffee.  My God...  I'm gonna get fat again!!!  I mean...  I have to eat now.  Ugh.

Goal this weekend.  Finish First Aid then questions all day for a month...
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