Worlds colide

Aug 30, 2006 22:55

N.B. The icon.  He touched me!!!  Lol.  Sorry, couldn't resist...

Monday, August 28, 2006 \ Time: 10:44 P.M. \ Mood:  sick. \ Song: Something About You. \ Book: Gyn.

OMG...  Crap...  So I was practically up all night.  Hand hurting.  I kept it elevated in the hopes the swelling goes down.  Wake up, still in pain.  Work.  Home.  I had a test and I was like giving the finger to people...  I have to hold the pen with just my thumb and pointer.  Mom comes home...  I need benadryl.  She's like I think you have cellulitis too...  Need Abx.  Allergic to PCN...  What can I use?  I look up in my abx guide.  PCNs, cephalos...  Mom's not sure on my reaction to cephalosporins...  So she goes for levaquin.  So...  I'm on benadryl and levaquin...  I always got lightheaded with cipro, also a quinolone...  So right now I'm sleepy and feel like barfing...  Mom said if I'm tired in the AM, get Dad to drive me in.  Usually, with my 8:30 AM start time, I sleep at 2...  But sleepy now...  Lets not even get into how I barely studied cause I had to go out / I can't freaking write right...  Yeah...  So hand still in pain / swollen.  It's like traveling down my hand and my finger is getting numb.  Mom at one point is like should we go to the er?  You may need IV drugs...  I'm just sick of it.

Dr. Rothschild is like...  Why weren't you in the meeting?  I told the truth...  That Dr. Zhang let me go.  He's like really?  At 2?  Yes...  He didn't seem to buy it.  Then he's like it's embarrassing...  How is it embarrassing?  Like it's embarrassing for him, and not us who are late, when I could care less.


Written today

Update on my hand...  Still swollen, but way better.  Been doped up on Benadryl for...  3 days already.  Still don't have a tight grip, but at least I can make a fist now.  Holding a pen still feels awkward, but do able.  Then cause I was doped up.  I slept for like 12 hours yesterday.  Came home, slept.  Mom and Dad constantly came up to tell me to eat, but I just wouldn't get up.

Anything happen Tuesday?

I had a brush with a child actor on Broadway (WHAT!?!), movies and TV...  Mainly commercials.  Lol.  Apparently, when one of the patients told Matt should be on TV, they weren't far off.  He's best known for Zack, the Lego Maniac!  OMG!!!  Honestly, that looks nothing like him, so I'm not sure if there's another lego maniac.  But yeah...  He was then in On Borrowed Time.  His manager wanted him to continue the show in LA, but his father, being a dentist didn't want to move his practice out there, so he stayed in Maryland.  Which is weird...  Cause he has the thickest southern accent...  Then he was in Loving.  So I probably saw him at some point...  Then some movie for like 6 seconds cause his father left him and went to China or something.  Lol.

Today.  Grand Rounds.  Pharm company came in.  NuvaRing.  Tsk tsk me.  I stole a desk display.  I don't even know why...  Not like I'm gonna be prescribing it to my geriatric patients!  I don't even have room on my desk!  Of course, need a pen / notepad.  Hehe.

Clinic.  Found out Nurse Practitioners are higher up on the ladder / get paid more than PAs.  That surprises me.  Some woman said she gets her period for 3 days.  WHAT!?!  Why can't I have that!?!  Lucretia asked me if so and so was for G&C.  Yes...  She said the PA said she couldn't tell her cause it's not her job.  Why are we following them, then, if not to learn?  So we can hand them their crap and scut for them?  I hate medical school...

nteresting vid on Altarholics...  Gay pride flag.  Zach Hanna getting a back rub.  I mean, the only person I know who's openly gay is Jim Daly, so maybe it's his...  But interesting...


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