A week of entries, plus more.

Jul 30, 2005 21:50

Friday, July 22, 2005 \ Time: 7:46 P.M. \ Mood:  full. \ Song: You'll Never Walk Alone.

Notes I never wrote time.

Another Grandma memory.  In a similar vein to geebs's "Well speak!"  When me and 7500centfish would fight, she'd say we're only 2.  Whose fault is it?  Ronald Reagan?  Then, Grandma was positive Elvis was alive.  She saw him rise from the dead on some talk show.

Seniors last day...  Said bye to Carlos and Gennadi...  Whose gonna draw my blood now?  Anyway Carlos always got a kick out of Dr.  Reese telling me to drink.  I said I'd have one drink for him.  I think I actually would...

Haha..  Rounds.  Dr. Rahman made me an example.  Young woman gets anxious and screamed at.  I smile.  Others in my group smile.  Yup, that's me...  The screw up.

Monday, July 25, 2005 \ Time: 9:24 P.M. \ Mood:  pissed off. \ Song: Sad Lisa.

Went to Queens.  Had to get a copy of Grandma's death certificate and Tita Evelyn wanted a pic of her.  So off to Queens.  I drove.  We were gonna wait to pray, but I have to do research.

Hope I can sleep.  Been barely able to.  Wake up early as well.  3AM I hear a thumping...

OK will try to sleep.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 \ Time: 9:05 P.M. \ Mood:  angry. \ Song: Train screech.

Got out around 8:50.  No doubt I'll miss the 9:10 train.  Next is 10:10...  Dad's like OK.  I expect him to pick me up.  I mean, it's dark...  God...  I'm so spoiled.  Anyway, long story short, I won't be getting home till 12.

A certain patient was was d/c'd.  Coler.  C21.  Made me do a quick dressing change.  Wasn't with meds...  Not wet either.  That's gonna smart.

Monday, post call, in scrubs...  Freaked out for a second I wasn't wearing black.

Time: 9:45 P.M. \ Mood:  full.

Sunday, rounds, Dr. Reese...  Asked some drug's dosage never heard of it.  Look it up.  Dr.  Reese makes a comment I have a life drive watch out, I'm recording.  Saw the pic of Grams...  Well thought it was a bunch of stones...  Noticed I had checkers...

So, one day, post call?  Jhumna calls.  She kept telling me to make sure I go to Chicago.  I'd love to.  But at this point, I don't know my schedule.  Then they want to bring me out.  Elaine claims she will turn me into a drinker.  Jhumna?  Says I'm not a drinker...  to which Elaine says neither was she.  GOD!  Get over it people!  I wouldn't mind going out..  But if going out means lets corrupt Elizabeth...  I'm not going.  GOD!  I'm sick of it!  FYI.  That is one of the reasons I refuse to talk to a certain someone.  Don't be the next.

Any thing else happen today?

Vanessa...  Multiple days I've asked her to help...  She says she will, but never does.  Today...  Actually on Sun as well.  No help on a straight cath.  Thanks.  I mean if some one asks for help, I do it.  Then and there.

OMG...  Poor John.  Screamed at.  I mean he was meaner to Catherine, but still, it's hard to see.

So sleepy...

Oh, yeah,  according to Grandma's death certificate she died of natural causes...  What kind of crap is that?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 \ Time: 8.19 P.M. \ Mood:  okay. \ Song: Sexy Sadie.

Sat at a table with Mark, a flip...  He's never been there yet speaks the language.  Geeze, even Andrew knows more Tagalog than me!  Speaking of Andrew...  When did they stop calling him Harold?

Dr. Reese asked if I was writing with a Parker Jotter.  Yes.  He hasn't seen one in forever.  He thought I had stolen my Grandfather's pen.  Well I had...  He kinda screamed at me today.  He's quick...  I had forgotten my BP cuff in the conference room.  He asked if I cleaned it between patients.  I said yes at first for some reason..  Anyway he banned the use of personal BP cuffs.  That's so gonna slow things...

Lol...  So various people have been trying to get urine from this patient.  Vanessa the first.  Dr. Reese made her repeat cause he's demented, so you can't trust him with a clean catch...  Lol.  Previously when handed the moist towelette and urine cup, he's like, where's the lobster?

Today was pretty uneventful.  Nothing to do for my Pt.  So I asked John if he needed any help.  Showed him to medical records.  He needed to know why his pt had been on warfarin for a long time.  A fib...  Since 1999.  Problem solved, but we kept looking.  At one point Dr.  Reese was behind us.  He's like what are you two doing?  Sharing a patient?  No...  I'm helping him.  Good he needs help.  He also made a comment when away someone needs to warn Rahman about him.  I think he's improved.  Yet with help he'll be fine.  Some people in his group help him.  He knows who doesn't.

He keeps telling me how cool I am for helping him  After lunch, while chatting about my commute, he offered to show me his place.  Uh...  No thanks.  Lol.  He was just saying it's not bad.  Yes it is.  Lol.


A lot to write...

Thursday, on call.  Had an admit, I wasn't done with till after 7:30.  Had a lecture at 7:30.  Falling asleep.  Had to do a few blood draws.  Forgot to put in IVs, which were surprisingly done for me.  Thanks...  Had a new pt.  Urinary retention, pain slightly relieved by catherization.  What was the residual?  I knew that was coming.  I don't know.  Dr. Reese wasn't surprised by that.  Looked in records.  They didn't write a residual.  I swear to God...  If he makes me straight cath the guy.  I mean, it's one thing if he didn't already have a catheter in him.  It just seems...  I mean, he made John remove a cath, straight cath then pop in another, just to prove a point.  Not cause it was really medically necessary.  It was to r/o a neurogenic bladder.  That had already been ruled out.

Anyway, John got called into Mellish.  Disorganized, wrong words.  If I see him, I'll tell him I got called in.  For me personally she was nice.  I don't know about him.  I mean, people dread her.  If I get called in again.  Probably different story, but those about to be called in, don't worry.  She's not as bad as Dr. Reese makes her out to be.

Mom had told me to get eyes checked for DMV on Friday.  I slept till 5...  Mom woke me up, ate.  Mall.  No new pts today.  OK.  Grocery.  Bumped into Zarai's Mom, again...  Said she got married.  Told her I'm at Kings County now.  I think she thinks I'm in my residency.  Told me to stop by once in a while.  Too busy!  Hm...  Is it too late to call Aileen?  Where's my phone?

Eye doctor.  I was sure something was up with my eyes.  I mean, I personally think I see like crap, yet every time.  20/20.  Anyway, I told them about my dryness.  Wake up right eye dry, turn head for a long time, right eye dry.  Gave me artificial tears.  And right eye is definitely worse than left.  Yet still 20/20...  So no glasses for me.

Bought more clothes.

John asked me what was around my neck.  A brown scapular?  Are you Catholic?  Yes...  His uncle is a priest in Jerusalem.  Is he young?  And hot?  Lol.  Anyway, showed me a rosary made of olive wood.  Smells...  I didn't smell anything...  Anyway, I then started going into how Dr. Reese a former Catholic has a precieved notion about us.  Not that he hates us...  1.  We seem good, yet have a naughty side.  I mean, he made me curse...

Just to get this out of the way, cause I've had the note forever.  I asked Mom if there are still indigenous people in the Philippines.  Yes.  Geeze...  I don't even know where I was getting with this.  Basically I think I'm not descended from the indigenous indigenous, but from the Malay.  Mom says you can tell who is by the way they look.

Then this is freaking hilarious.

For sparkyboy

Stolen from geebs.

The Foot Soldier
Achtung! You are 53% brainwashworthy, 40% antitolerant, and 47% blindly patriotic You're evil exactly, but you still would've joined the army. Driven by STRONG patriotism and a willingness to do what your country asked, you would've stepped right up to the platz for the AXIS POWERS.

The sad fact is: while you're not self-centered, you are are an enthusiastic nationalist, malleable like so much half-dried glue, and ready to follow zee rules. Unfortunately, you're not cynical enough to tell when you're being manipulated. You probably have a violent itch that needs scratching anyhow, so why ask questions?

Conclusion: Born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would've supported the Nazis militarily while turning a blind eye to their 'civilian' programs.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 87% on brainwashworthy

You scored higher than 67% on antitolerant

You scored higher than 70% on patriotic
Link: The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test written by jason_bateman on Ok Cupid

kchc, mark

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