Them here, so far...

Apr 22, 2004 08:00

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 \ Time: 9:34 P.M. \ Mood: relaxed. \ Song: Hillary. \ Book: High Yield Biochem.

Well they're here...

7500centfish just discovered Mom's old. I could have told her that. We were always waiting for them to catch up and they'd walk slow, be in pain. Then when we get back. Sleep.

Saw my apt. They think it's nice. Plus I'm insane. Who's Marius Pontmercy? Saw the hotties, etc, etc. Went to school. 7500centfish get yelled at. The guard lectured her. Toured the campus... That was fun. Bookstore was closed. So hope to go there tomorrow. Just pointed out buildings to 7500centfish cause Tita Nette and Mom were lagging behind. Went to the Shacks. Then the grocery. Oh yeah, passed Anatomy. The bodies for next semester are out there. Also showed them Harvey and Stan. Went back to the hotel. Ate. Once again, we don't have... Insert food. It was they didn't have beef. Then the lights went out when we first got there. Haha... at least they got to experience that. Went back to room. Took inventory of what we needed. Went to my apt, got corned beef and rice and cooker, etc, etc. Pillows, blankets. Forgot my pillow. Oh well. Gonna head over in the morn to shower in my place and stuff.

Tomorrow we're going on a tour of Trafallger Falls, Emerald pool and the carib territory. Fun fun. Then on Thursday. Mom's b-day we are heading to Roseau. Other than that, have no clue.

Time: 11:45 P.M. \ Mood: uncomfortable. \ Song: Remember The Days Of The Old School Yard.

I feel like singing, but 7500centfish is asleep.

Tried to get some studying in. But... I don't remember a thing / fail to see the revelence of needing to know Biochemistry really. Then OMG... I was doing anatomy Qs. Getting stuff I've never heard of / just things weren't asked like that. I'm clueless! God, I'm gonna fail. I'm really questioning whether I should get review books in the first place. I won't have time to read them. I suppose they will be helpful in the long run. I don't feel First Aid is adequate enough.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 \ Time: 4:47 P.M. \ Mood: dirty. \ Song: TV. \ Book: ???

My God... Today reminded me of family trips. Driving off to some place and looking around for a bit and hopping back into the car. Fun fun... I'm freaking exhausted. Fell asleep on the way home. Anyway, first we drove around to the Carib territory. Thought that was some reserve, see native people doing native things... Uh no. We just stopped by some roadside stand that sold handmade crafts, etc, etc. Then stopped by another. Then another. Stopped by where they actually weave things. Then we went to... The emerald pool. Mom and Tita Nette were old so stayed at some bench. Me and 7500centfish went down. Climbed on a few rocks and went back around. OMG... I'm old too. I can't climb either. Really bad for the knees. After that back in the car for... Trafalger Falls. Male and Female falls. More climbing. Then staring then climbing down, then hop in the car. Stopped by a bird thing. Which was stare at the bird in a cage in a cage. Various stops to take pics of water, trees, etc, etc. Fun fun.

Time: 11:26 P.M. \ Mood: exhausted. \ Song: Stop, Look, Listen. \ Book: First Aid.

I'm so sleepy...

Anyway, stuff I forgot.

The driver... He was drinking... Well they say most of the transport drivers here are stoned and drunk. He kept comparing things to the Philippines and Mom and Tita Nette always want to know about the fruit... It's fruit...
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