Seriously... Defriend me now, please...

Apr 20, 2004 13:25

I got to stop subjecting people to this crap...

  • Saw Callender. She said she was really proud of my performance on the ICM oral. :)
  • Our Path Q on organophosphate poisoning made it into the test along with my "hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy I" answer. The Qs on the test have to be approved by the department... I personally thought our Q was crap, even compared to the numerous ones on dermomyositosis. Is that right? The one with the purple eyelids... Woops... Dermamyositis. Too many syllables. Anyway, makes me think the dept really doesn't check these things...
  • I'll never know my raw score really. Won't have enough info to figure it out either. Ugh... I want to know what I got. Basically all I'll know is if I passed or failed the course.

  • Haha... I passed by Katherine on my way home from the gorcery. Then Peter as well. Katherine was like do you have to take the comp. Yup. Good luck and *hope* to see you in Miami. Yeah... Peter. Asked if I was still worried about the comp. Yup. Once again, hope to see you in Miami...

    The fam
  • Think I'll treat the fam to a trip to the bookstore and stock up on review books.
  • I took off my black nail polish. Don't know why exactly, since Mom's never commented on it before. Not even Dad comments on me wearing nail polish in general. Plus the fact that when I do it's like weird shades... Anyway, I did want to remove it before, it was all chipped and stuff, but decided to do so now... Maybe cause I actually had time to do so.

    Only in Dominica
  • Arg!!! Seriously! Why are there freaking ants all over my desk!
  • Anyway, I also remembered... I have another "Only in Dominica" story. Before the test a dog wanders into the room. Bellot was like can you get security to escort it out. I'd let him stay, but it doesn't have an ID. Lol. Still doesn't top a crab in Anatomy.

    Young Guns / American Otlaws
  • Now according to the movies... The first... So they go to McSweens to get them out of there. McSween says the info he got was probably to get them all in one place. And who tells that? Pat Garret... So why are he and Billy all buddy buddy in the next film? Then 1st again. At the end they say Chavez and Doc go off on their merry way, assume they live, etc, etc. Well I guess it makes sense that they were dragged back, like what happened. Really they didn't have to "kill" them. But then again with them all kicking the bucket it kinds finalizes it all.
  • Then whose my fave... Not including Billy, which I still have to say is way cooler than Jesse James, even if he is played by Colin Farrell. I used to like Dave Rudebaugh... Probably way off on the sp. Anyway, cool name! But now I'm thinking I like 1 better than 2. I love... Dirty Steven and... Casey... Szmelkshldhsg. What ever his name is... The one that isn't Charlie, Emilio or... Lou. Haha... He is Charlie. Plus is it me, or do Emilio and Charlie look nothing alike, plus Emilio older!?! Then Doc. He's Jack Bauer! But of course I'll always love Hendry William French. That's a nice name too. Lol. I've seen those movies way too much. But I must say, commentary to 1 is way better than the movie itself. Lou constantly pointing out he's the Ethnic. Also says he is in no way Latino. Ugh... what else makes me crack up. The fact that Dirty Steve is always spitting everywhere. Anyway, I love it, I love it!
  • Read the Bio of Jesse James. Said he wasn't Robin Hood. He just stole. I personally like to think, he stole from the poor and gave to himself! Lol.

  • Checked into the hotel. TV!!! Watching Growing Pains... OMG. A typewriter... Plus seriously... the 80's were gross.
  • classmates

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