Before my oral

Apr 05, 2004 13:04

Sunday, April 4, 2004 \ Time: 3:46 P.M. \ Mood: anxious. \ Song: Sexy Sadie. \ Book: None.

Got on AIM again. Chatted with Elaine. I told her about my Winston dream, showed her the pic. As predicted. Looks nothing like Jude Law. And he's not hot. :( She then said she had an Orli / Paris Hilton / Yuleni (who's yuleni!?!) dream. No horizontal or vertical tango. Lol. Oh yeah, so Elaine says... Hook me up. Or something. Huh? Really... Don't talk to me in slang. I won't get you. I mean, I get it... Just in the context that it was said. Doesn't make sense to me. It was when I was saying bye...

Email. Lol. Tito Abe is trying to kill Tita Nette! She like overslept one day. Tito Abe came home. Did his usual thing. Went to pick up Tita Neng / bring her to the hospital. Went home. Heard a noise, thought it was a burglar and was ready to attack. Lol. Then Tita Nette may have to go to Dr. Fraga and get an MRI.

"Does anyone have a vibrator?" Quoth Dr. Winston... OMG... I can't stop laughing. He was actually referring to a tuning fork used to test vibration sense. I guess you could use a vibrator in the same sense...

Anything else? Don't think so.

Time: 6:46 P.M. \ Mood: worried. \ Song: Love Is Only Sleeping. \ Book: ICM objectives.

OMG... I'm scared... Looking at learning objective about what we need to know. I know a majority of it... But some of the stuff. I'm afraid I'll get like... Determine if this patient has signs of psychosis. Huh?

Note to self... Test things bilaterally.

Hm... do we have to find a blind spot? And what's the significance? I can find mine. It's cool!

Time: 8:17 P.M. \ Mood: intimidated. \ Song: You'll Never Walk Alone. \ Book: Bates.

God... I'm getting discourraged. Cracking open Bates makes me feel like I know nothing. I don't want to study anymore. Yet I need to. Why am I even writing?

Time: 10:40 P.M. \ Mood: sleepy. \ Song: I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun. \ Book: Nothing.

I think Callender and Oswald are in the room together. Callender is a hematologist / oncologist. Oswald is a... psychiatrist? Actually I don't think she's an MD... term escapes me right now... Anyway, I envision, "This patient has cancer. Do an exam of depression." What!?! God... that would be my worst nightmare. I don't think the preceptors have anything to so with the Q's asked. Oswald was the one who did my behavioral oral as well. God... I did awful on that. Thank God they don't have the "if you fail the oral, you have to repeat it" policy. Geeze... If I took that oral now I still would fail.

Oh yeah, note to self... Apex beat... Foot of bed.

Then, so what time is it? I think it was daylights savings time. Don't do it here... So is it also 10:54 in NY now?

Monday, April 5 2004 \ Time: 8:50 A.M. \ Mood: confused. \ Song: I Wish, I Wish. \ Book: Bates.

I'm freaking out... I can't understand how to do a simple thing like the thyroid gland. OK so I'm supposed to ask a person to drink water and watch them swallow. They have pic in the book... But I can't see it. Then I'm suppose to palpate it. I just don't get the description. Callender didn't go over that. Bascailly I know the stuff she focused on. I'm kinda iffy on the rectal and I think I can fudge my way through a pelvic. God... Please let them give me something I know / let me understand what they are asking.

I'm hungry... I'm paranoid the lights will go out, there will be no water so I won't be able to supress body odor. Thought of showering now, but then when I eat I'll smell like whatever I eat. Then if I eat now, I'll be hungry during the test.

ian winston

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