
Apr 04, 2004 12:47

Saturday, April 3, 2004 \ Time: 5:55 P.M. \ Mood: indifferent. \ Song: Ian Winston. \ Book: ICM?

I don't know what to think...

Well I had Pharm review. I know what to think about that... I'm gonna fail. I don't think I'll fail the last, but that's what I thought on the last as well. She went over a whole list of random drugs. Focus on those I guess. Then asked Qs on Antimicrobials. And did some Pharmacokinetics. I left then cause I thought we had ICM review, but seems like she changed it. I saw Yelena and asked her. She said it was changed to 3:30. So, I get something to eat and go back to Pharm.

ICM... She did the people who had it on Monday first. So I was among them. On my way there I met up with Adam asked if he was going. He said nope. But showed up later anyway. He's scared and wanted to work on it on his own I guess. I mean, I know I didn't want to be called on, but... I need to be there / if I do get called on they'll point out my weaknesses... I've got to do it at some point right? Who was up first? Vladamir went. He knows his stuff, but he seemed a tab bit nervous. He finished extremely fast though. Then went Danielle. She had... Eyes. She's said that test is a gimme. They don't expect you to see anything, but know how to see things. Like you look in follow the blood vessels. Should there be increased pressure you the optic disc would be blurry, etc, etc. It's all about technique. Then Wayman. He did good. Missed a Q / needed prompting on something. Said he wouldn't have gotten point off for the prompting. They say they can tell whether you know something / don't. With that they determine if you get the points I guess. Next me... I kinda knew what was coming up cause she kinda hinted at it before the one Waymin did. He did muscle strength. I had to do peripheral neuropathy. Vladamir was my patient. She's like you should get 3 points for just being able to say his name. Hi. Mr. Zaminski... I've seen his name spelled and it's nothing like that... Anyway, I did general inspection. Young white male, lying comfortably. No visible scars. Then noticed a little cut on his knee. No atrophy, normal muscle bulk? Took out my tuning fork. Did that. Hot cold, blunt, sharp. I blanked on light touch. Proprioception. I played footsie with him... Lol. Actually it's kinda like little piggies. Causes of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes. She’s like what else? Uh... I was thinking blood vessels, but couldn't think of the right term so didn't say anything. Anyway, I probably did other stuff, but I'm blanking. She said I would have passed. Then they "tore" me apart. Holding the toe wrong. I was supposed to hold it on it's side, not the top and bottom. Then, I was supposed to ask what the patient thought the tuning fork felt like, not if they feel it. Then I didn't test things bilaterally. She said I would have passed... At the end after it all, she said she's worried about Adam cause he went over. I didn't go over, but had like a minute left or something. She's worried about us cause we're slow and may not get it all in. So I don't know what to think right now. After I had done it... I was happy with my performance. Then she said they were tearing me apart... I don't know...

Then, I'm afraid I won't understand what they are asking... Like Yelena had to test for diploplia. I'm thinking test eye sight. Nope. They want the H test.

There were funny moments. Khiser had to do JVP. He wasn't sure on it. Michelle was his patient. You have to find the sternal angle, which is a point on you chest. At one point he lifts up her shirt and looks into it. Lol. Everyone was cracking up. Her boytoy was in the room as well and I don't think he noticed cause he was chatting with Ismary or something. She's like can you fail him now? Lol. Then in the general exam Adam says Vladimir is a young Russian male. People were like he's got good eye sight to see he's Russian.

Oh yeah, I realized she didn't ask me what I was doing a lot of the times. Like what I was testing for. She didn't seem to interrupt me in that sense, but interrupt me to prompt me on what to do next and that was only... for light touch and wanted me to do hot cold verses sharp and dull.

Hehe!!! So I went to school to get the path lab. Also go the rest of the lectures some girl videotaped. One of them was a Winston lecture on the Critically ill patient! Haha!!! Hilarious! It's the lecture with "I'm free." and "I call you doctors." Think the, "it's not your fault" thing as well. He also did a Bruce Lee karate chop noise, but that didn't come out so well. Oh well. Too bad I can't do a print screen thing... I need a digital camera...

I guess that be it. I've got to get studying...

Sunday, April 4, 2004 \ Time: 12:05 A.M. \ Mood: hungry. \ Song: All I Ask Of You. \ Book: I wasn't studying a book...

I was watching ICM vids. No not of Dr. Winston... Well partly. He just adjusted the camera onto Sharon's boobs. Woops. I mean tits... Anyway, it was a lecture on pulses. I picked up a few new things but can't seem to remember them right now. Anyway, watching ICM video's is fun! I can listen to them and play solitaire!

When I got bored of that. I took breaks and watched Ian at work. Lol. I was able to do the print screen thing if I played them in... DivX or something. So haha!!! I've got a piccy!

Anwyay, I actually did get some studying in. I think I know my stuff, can do it in time, just... I freeze. I actually think I can do better if I wasn't interupted and prompted. Cause then I start panicing for an answer instead of thinking of a correct one.

Went over pulses. Cardio. Respiratory. Did the opthalmascope. I have trouble keeping the correct eye open. Lol. I was practicing on the hotties. As in putting my right hand on their left side of their head. My left eye to their left eye. I wouldn't want to be kissing them would I...

Winston crap
Sound clip I made
  • Someone threw those... face mask things with the bags on them to someone else. So he said... Oy! Stop it!

    And... Drumroll please...

    Yeah yeah yeah... He looks nothing like Jude Law and I have bad taste in men...

    Then my class...

  • ian winston, pictures

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