Monday, January 19, 2004
5:54 P.M.
Mood: Tired.
Song: Dirty Dancing song.
When they make Flying Colours into a movie... I'm slowly beginning to hate Ho Ho, not the series, but the guy himself. Not loving Maria, Lady Barbara... Marie!?! Lol. Mariette. What's with the Maria derivatives? Freaking adulterer.
Class. Had a lecture on bleeding disorders. It was Thrombocytopenia, deceased platelets, but from what she was saying I think in appearance it's similar to von Willibrand's disease. Major difference is the amount of platelets. Anyway, what would happen if you had both? Seemed like I had a lot of the symptoms. I've been taking aspirin once in a while for anti inflammation. In pharm I found out you have to take huge doses to get that effect. Woops. Anyway, don't see an increase in bleeding. What dose am I taking? 325. Babinni said 100mg is for antiplatelet. Maybe 200 is for fever and 1 to 2 grams is for anti inflammatory. Also found out you shouldn't drink tonic water, as in vodka and tonic if you have bleeding / platelet disorders. Callender taught. She was calling people from all her groups. She didn't call me, but maybe if she remembers me over time...
7:04 P.M.
Mood: Discouraged.
Song: Hungry Eyes.
I was on a roll but got discouraged that I've got 32 pages of ECGs to look at. Had fun reading rates though.
Got to class latish, like 2 minutes after the hour. The prof was just talking about handouts or something. Anyway, someone was in my seat and I was planning to sit in the back anyway cause I didn't want to make about 5 people stand up to get to my seat. Anyway, found where a lot of the peeps in my former area sit. Went to get a handout and at one point Mark calls to me, using my name asking if I had a handout. I don't know why, but the use of my name just weirds me out. 1. That people know my name. Yeah, I know I've been to school with these people for a year. But the fact that people remember it when I've maybe seen them like once. But then I remember their names. He was in my first PBL group but we never say hi, etc, etc. It was just weird. Then in between class, some guy who I've never interacted with walked by and played with my magnets in my pencil case for a bit. What!?! I mean if I did that to someone...
Well first class was micro. She said a lot of the stuff Biel will tell us we don't need to know, like tests for bacteria and stuff unless we become pathologist. Note to self... Don't become a pathologist.
Today felt like pathology over and over again. All the classes, ICM, micro and pharm explained myocardial infarction. :: snooze :: I was actually falling asleep in Pharm. Diuretics.
ICM with Rios. He called Power Point slides transparencies... Anyway, he said he performed the first pacemaker implant in the DC area. They called him and told him to come in immediately to do it. He's like... I don't have a license... They're like who cares! OMG!
Micro. More about Murmurs and infective endocarditis. You wonder why I keep rambling on and on about it... So other than a dental cleaning you can get bacteria in your blood by brushing your teeth. Not brushing your teeth and having bad hygiene. Being an IV drug user, etc, etc. So I think anyone who has a murmur has either a pretty good immune system, asymptomatic infective endocarditis or dead. Then you probably won't have adherence of bacteria unless you heart is damaged in the first place, which could be indicated by a murmur. OK, I'll stop it. I promise. We're moving away from the heart to the blood vessels so I'll talk about high blood pressure or something for now on.
Surfed the web. In an LI comm. they asked what movies were filmed / took place on LI. First thing that came to my mind... Daytrippers. "Architecture is dead... The Europeans may have been imperialist, but they knew how to make a building." Lol. Anyway, somone said part of The Others was filmed at that Castle place where I went to my big fat Flip / Greek Wedding. Hm... I wonder what? I only explored the room the wedding was in, the hall to the butt room and a smoking room / lounge. Oh... Gonna look at DVD credits. Ho... It said filmed on location in Spain... Eh.
Tomorrow I've got to go to the hospital. I was hoping to go to Princess Margaret Hospital in Roseau just to say I've been there. Guess what!?! I'm going to Portsmouth... I got to make my way there my self and pay for a transport. Scum bags. Have no clue what we are doing there really. Read the syllabus... Just said we are assigned to small groups in various depts. in the morn and in the afternoon we will take a history and phys exam. We haven't really learned how to take an exam... I can take a pulse and BP... God... Not another history...
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
4:01 P.M.
Mood: Indescribable.
Song: None.
I'm in pain. Not tired really. I felt gross. Now I'm wet. Came home from my hospital session. Anyway, took a transport. Paid they guy. He rudely said it's more than a dollar. I was like how much. 2. Gave him another to with I said Thank You, have a nice day. Got there around 7:50. Was paranoid I was at the wrong hospital... like there'd be another one in Portsmouth... They showed up all together around 8. One girl, Danielle was like did you tell them we're here? Like they can't tell... Plus I was expecting someone to meet me so I just sat there. 2 people were chatting. 2 people studied. I read Ho Ho.
Aw... Now I'm liking Lady Babs.
So Maria dies in childbirth. Ho Ho was like... aw... now some midwife or something will care for my nameless brat. Anyway, he later find out Lady Babs has taken him in, named him Richard, etc, etc. Oh yeah, she was widowed as well. I'm like almost done. Less than 10 pages maybe. Thought I may be waiting some more without a book to read so I stopped.
So the doc comes. We go into the woman's ward. Meet a woman. At first he was kinda quizzing kinda telling us how to take a history. Asking what we'd ask. Then we got to the stuff we were learning like what things you should know about a pulse. Rate, regularity, contour, uh... I think he checked whether I was paying attention cause he later asked me after it was said. Of course I forgot stuff. Of course I wasn't paying attention. Lol. Anyway, once again pointing out that I'm not saying anything. Cause I don't know anything... Pretty much one girl answered all the Qs. One kinda did. Then the rest... Not really. Me, none at all. He'd always ask me what I thought of the symptoms. Then next person. He asked us about drugs you'd use. Penicillin. If it was a variation resistant then use vancomycin. Then if he was allergic to penicillin use aztreonam. Next was a guy... Once again asked me what I thought. Anyway while the doc was talking the guy started having his problem. The doc asked if he was having it. Yes... He then continues with his lecture. It was weird to just stand there while he's having it and the doc is talking. You're trying to listen / try not to look at the guy.
Anyway, after that we broke for lunch. I had brought nothing to eat / planned to go home. Also need paper... So me and... went home. Anyway, washed my face, ate. Then off again. Got back. Where was everyone? What's his face came back. Went to the doc. Said to find them. Found them. Went back to the doc and watched him see more patients which seemed like come in sit down give them a prescription, leave. We looked at a few x rays. One of a knee. Looked fine. Then one of a eye. That looked fine as well. Took BPs. Some kid was being examined behind a curtain. It was my turn to practice on the bro who brought him in. The way we do it. Ask if they drank coffee, smoked, exercised recently. Then check to see if the cuff fits. At least 40% the width of the cuff around the circumference of the arm, then 80% the length of the cuff around the arm. Then put on cuff. Check to feel pulse and inflate cuff. Note when the pulse can not be felt. Deflate cuff. Inflate to mmHg noted plus 30. Deflate slowly. Hear sounds / no sound. Hence the BP. I got 140 as no sound. Check BP and it was 120/80. He's like let me check now. It seemed like he thought I faked the answer. When he checked... Yup. 120/80. Haha!
Anyway, after that he told us to go find a patient take a history. Turned out the peeps who stayed too a hist of the woman we first saw. Great... I should have stayed. But then they'll all have the same patient. I was gonna interview her again but she said my colleagues already did. So I went to the men's ward. The rest were asleep. So I went back to the woman's. Interviewed this other woman. I asked her why she was in the hospital. She's like I don't even know why. She didn't seem like she wanted to answer my Qs. Great... Anyway, as always did a crap job. Don't think I have enough info to write a case report with. Crap...
So I went back home. Feet are killing me. Had a crying game shower cause I felt gross. Wasn't really hot but sweaty. Plus I had that hospital smell. All I want to do is sleep.
8:09 P.M.
Mood: Sore.
Song: Hungry Eyes.
I took a nap. One leg of mine is still killing me. In my nap I remembered all the things I didn't get. Family history, occupation, birth date, where she was from, etc, etc.
Also realized I had my phone off and Dad usually calls on Tuesday. Woops.
Anyway, (8:40 P.M.)
Woops... Mom called. Asked why there was no email. Told her I didn't go to school. She remembered I went to the hospital. Told her what we did. She's like that's how rounds are. Hm... not bad. Well besides all the standing and leg killing. Stupid flat feet. Also said she went to the bank and was shocked I had so "little" money. She was borrowing it to pay for some APPNY thing. She then said Grandma just realized all this time I've been out of the country. Well I guess they just told her that. She got worried and was asking how I was, if I was ok. What the weather is like... Uh... Today was hot. It rained. I forgot my phone was off. Dad was trying to call and he was getting worried. Don't know if he'll call now since I talked to Mom and she's calling him now.
So what was I saying? So the history. I was thinking of what to write. I think it's inadequate. Thought of asking the other 3 that stayed during lunch for at least the demographics and use that case. Hm... but even then I don't have like the family history. Then if I did that case I'd still have more info than I have. At least there I have a diagnosis. But then that would be 4 people doing the same case report as well. Ugh... I'll guess I'll just stick with what I've got and just write I didn't get the info. In my assessment and plan write I'll get the info.
9:03 P.M.
Mood: Hungry.
Song: None.
While we were doing the interview with the first patient, he kept saying... We were learned to keep questions open ended. Like say describe the pain. Don't ask if that pain this or that. Some patients will say yes to 2 opposing symptoms. He's like if you ask something they won't know what you're talking about. Part of me feels the patients aren't stupid. But then part of me think I expect them to know more than they actually do. Once again today I asked if anyone in her fam had similar symptoms, like she's know what the symptoms are.
Oh yeah. Walked into hosp after lunch. OMG! The receptionist was my first "patient!" She was the first person our group interviews for behavioral last semester.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
1:41 A.M.
Mood: Better.
Song: Radio.
I was like stressing out cause of my case report. I’m actually seriously considering going back to the hospita. I was pissed off that I brought this little cheat sheet on history taking that we got in Behavioral last semester plus the paper we got to write a case report. So I looked at my stuff to see if I did have anything. Nope. Checked my pocket bates. Thank God! There is at least a guide line. Hopefully with it I still won’t go blank.
So I’m awake, yet sleepy, thinking my alarm is set for about 3 hours. Listening to the radio to prevent me from totally freaking out. Itchy. A tad bit hungry.
Almost started reading. I must resist temptation to read. I was gonna read Lord Edgeware Dies. Read the little note from author of Master and Commander. How it’s the story of all the unnamed sailors and stuff. M&C starts when Jack is a Commander I believe. He’s a "Captain," but not a Post Captain, as in he’s called captain but that’s not his rank. Like in the first Ho Ho. Actually maybe the 2nd ep in the first group, Ho Ho is called a captain, even when he is a lowly midshipman cause he was in command of a boat.
Moving on... Radio. They were talking about the former PM who died. They were saying someone blames the radio station for his death. They were reporting about his condition, telling him to step down whatever. Then, they were talking about the medicine behind it all, his exact cause of death. They said it was a heart attack. Later said he had left ventricular hypertrophy an obstruction in the coronary artery. The radio guy said the artery is the vein that supplies oxygen the the heart... Later he said it connects the brain to the heart... What!?! Anyway, most of the stuff they did say was pretty accurate, but I think they didn’t really understand what they were saying. Also he had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis - a blood clot) was brought or it occurred on his way to South Korea. Oh yeah, then they said he had a clot around his heart. Huh? Pericarditis? Anyway, he died in the back of his car. His driver noticed he was slumped over. Pulled over. Tried to wake him up and ended up driving him to the hospital and he probably died on the way / was already dead. Poor guy.
Anyway, once again will try to sleep.