I was motivated...

Oct 23, 2023 22:19

I don't even know what to write anymore...  I was joyful at first / motivated, I might have cried a but.  But that's kinda gone away...  "Randomly" stumbled upon an Instagram vid of an account I follow, Paquito the Cat.  The owner was saying to not be afraid to share your joy and...  I'm always talking about that / apologizing.  A few days ago I made a post...  I don't even know if it is locked or completely private, but yeah...  " Remember, don't share your joy..."  Basically I was tired of not being supported, hearing comments, etc.  I stopped doing my #SundayMassTweet to the family (and no one has pointed it out), I stopped sharing posts with 7500centfish and kumquatqueen.  I shared the last 2 because it had stuff I wanted to share about Mom, but...  So yeah, I had a brief moment of motivation, but that's come and gone.

In other news...  Once again lazy / tired.  I have done nothing after work.  At the same time...  The fact that I did "everything" on Saturday and Sunday, it's kinda too soon to clean the bathroom and the like.  Tomorrow is paper.  I will probably tidy the dinning room table as well.

private kinda, #sundaymasstweet

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