Is it weird to read in church???

Feb 18, 2023 22:35

I found myself sitting in a church and to pass the time I decided to read.  I mean...  It was Jesus of Nazareth / a book written by a Pope, so...  I mean...  People have been known to read during adoration, write in prayer journals, etc.  So...  Anyway, as I was waiting the priest came for confession and some guy was waving at me to get into the line.  No, I'm good.  I wonder if I will become a familiar face.  If anything my impression...  2 weeks in a row, it seems like there are multiple people waiting already before the priest arrives and...  That has happened to me maybe a handful of times in the last 2ish years I've been going monthly?  Usually I'm the 1st and only one.  I suppose it has to do with St. M's being the "Trad parish".  But then...  There are also lines at St. H and that's the Hispanic parish.  And like I said...  Even when there is a visible Italian speaking community in my parish it's pretty much Boomer / "WASP-y".  Like I wonder how long it would take for the parish to transform...  As I said, Fr.I has done things that are deemed "traditional".  Is 12 years enough (he's already more than half way through) to change parish culture to one where there are more people not only attending Mass, but frequenting confession?

Afterward got the Boston Market I was craving.  They had a sign on the counter due to supply chain, etc, etc...  And...  They had nothing in the rotating ovens.  Did they not have chicken???  There was a guy in front of me waiting for his order so while it was being filled they opened some food heater thing which had all the chickens.

I watched For The Greater Glory.  As I was reading The Power and the Glory, that movie kept coming up as a must see and I saw it was available on Prime as I was doom scrolling.  So racist...  I honestly couldn't tell people apart.  But yeah...  It was about the Cristeros War, when Catholicism was outlawed in Mexico.  Initially I was having 2nd hand anxiety.  Like...  I hope if the time came to it, I would be able to fight (like in the actual) for what I believe in.  But then...  Did I?  Do I?  When Churches were closed I didn't demand for them to remain open.  I didn't demand to receive...  That being said...  It's not like we were without the sacraments like some places.  What was it?  I think it was like maybe a little over 2 months?  Some places it was a year+!  Like NY was one of the few places that fought saying worship is a necessity not a entertainment which was the lowest priority to open.  Yeah...  So...  Looking back.  It was a sacrifice that I was willing to make because...  We really didn't know.  Would things be different now?  Probably not.  I'm a sheep...  Anyway...  Going on a tangent there.  But yeah, the movie was about how they got a former general to unite all these smaller groups to fight against the Mexican gov and to to allow religious freedom.  At the end, the little kid gets martyred, he has since been beatified.  The general dies and the priest dies.  The general who was an atheist actually confesses before the final battle.  And...  The priest even after being shot in the head was alive for an hour and was able to confess as well.  In the interviews I saw after it seems like it was swept under the rug and not a lot of people knew about it, even in Mexico.  It makes me wonder...  Because it seems like today in a sense it's similar?  Or I hear a lot about cultural Catholicism and not really knowing about the faith.  If Mexico were to become secularized / outlawed the Church again would they care?

Lol.  Also in my doom scrolling I found a movie about Romanian seminarians.  (cc 7500centfish)  HAHAHAHA!!!  It was Orthodox, not Latin.  But then the keywords were like nudity, violence and smoking, etc...  Nothing like stealing chocolates from refugee care packages.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah, I don't have patience for subtitles right now.

Speaking of Orthodox...  Someone on #CatholicTwitter posted the drummer from Hanson was ordained a deacon in the Orthodox church.  What!?!  Trying to think...  Was anyone in our family a fan of theirs???  I then had to google search.  Were they a Christian Band?  It said not really, like it never played into their music and I guess they grew up Evangelical.  So how did he end up being an Ortho Bro???

Um...  But it is in the Bible?  There is a protestant commenting on Fr. Mike's Catechism in a Year and she said in the recent episodes her "That's not in the bible" alarm went off.  It was specifically talking about Guardian Angels.  She mentions a few times, like yes people mention them and mistakenly say dead family members are their guardian angels, but she's weirded out by the fact that it's official.  At the end of the video, it seems more so she's weirded out by the idea of a personal guardian angel.  But at least to me...  In terms of the Bible...  There is that whole thing about countries having angels and Michael being delayed because he needed to help fight the Prince of Persia or something.  Then the whole let the children come to me thing and Jesus says their angel is looking upon the face of God.  She's like ok, then I thought only children have angels.  Someone comments...  At what point do you cease being a child of God?  As I was watching...  I couldn't think of an example where I have alarms go off like that.  She was saying maybe when someone says the Eucharist isn't the Body and Blood of Christ.  Hm...  No, not really.  I guess it's more like sadness for the other person.  But then...  Maybe when I hear prot nonsense.  But even then...  I wouldn't say it's an alarm, just like...  Yeah, let's avoid this.  I went back to look at the comments.  Now people are getting offended by the fact she used the term "weird" Catholic teachings.  LOL.

The only tweet I want to comment on...  Using you last confession as a guide on what to do for Lent.  And...  I honestly have a hard time remembering what I even confessed.  Like I said, I don't know what made Fr. I say I made a beautiful confession.  I legit has a memory dump...  Like...  I already stopped praying from my bed, which made me lazy and not want to get up / fall asleep as I prayed (when I used to pray the rosary alone).  Gossip, detraction, scandal...  I thought of maybe giving up fast food again, but then part of the time I will be with the Aunts and...  There is no food in the house, they will probably send me out for food.  In addition...  I have to feed my mother somehow.

Oh and also this!

confession, #catholictwitter, books, st e, movie, private kinda

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