Happy Candlemas to those who celebrate!

Feb 02, 2023 22:12

HAHAHAH!!!  I sent Mom to church this AM to get my candles blessed.  I would have gotten more blessed, but Mom said it was too heavy so I took out like 3 candles.  I only have 4-6x3in candles, 1-3x8in, a 20oz double wick Yankee candle and a small...  I don't know how many oz candle blessed.  Once again it would probably last a little over a year.  I still have a year 1+ that was blessed previously.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Next year should be a Friday and they don't have Mass in my parish on Fridays.  In 2025 it's a Sunday, so...  Anyway, Mom said it was Deacon J who did the actual blessing, but Fr. I was in to say Mass.  So...  I have to look back...  But I don't remember "celebrating" Candlemas, in the sense of inviting people to have their candles blessed till recently.  I certainly don't remember it happening with Fr. F and we've only had Fr. I since 2016...  2020 was the 1st Candlemas Sunday we had him as pastor so...  In addition it was only during the one Mass we attend and not the other 2 Masses.

But yeah...  Mom was preoccupied with her clipping I thought she might lose track of time and show up late to Mass.  So I kept reminding her before I left.  I then tried calling when I got to work to see if she was getting ready.  But she didn't answer the phone...  It was weird because it rang twice and then went to the fax.  I did call later.  Once again no answer and it went to voicemail.  So I dunno...  Anyway, she finally answered her cellphone and I pulled a "Where are you!?!"!  HAHAHAH!!!  But yeah...  7500centfish and kumquatqueen got her an airtag so we'll know where she is.  Or at least her keys when she goes out.  It says it's not meant to track people without their consent.  So when Mom woke up, I asked her where her keys were and asked if she consented that we know where she was.  Groggily she said yes.  She then wanted to put them on her spare even when I told her it needs to be on her regular keys.  OK, I'll carry both...  They are currently on her main keys.

I saw in the church bulletin, during Lent they are having some (I'm assuming) video series by Edward Sri.  I've read some of his books and liked them, so I'd be interested in attending.  It seems to be multiple weeks 7 to 9PM.  Ugh...  But at the same time...  It's exactly what I'm interested it.  I do worry I'll be the only one to show.  It starts when Mom and 7500centfish are away so...  Oh actually it first starts when they leave.

Wasn't feeling good yesterday.  I've been feeling abnormally sleepy the past 2 days.  Yesterday when I came home from work, I ate, did my prayers and...  Basically went to sleep at 8.  I briefly woke at 2.  Watched a youtube vid and fell back asleep around 3.  Woke up tired.  Tired at work.  I've been having the teary eyes / runny nose at work only thing again.  I don't know if that adds to my sleepiness.  In addition my "period" started.  It's been 3 months since the last time, but at this point it's been really light.  So...  It's not anemia, I don't think.  But then it's more sleepy vs generalized fatigue.

I don't know if it's my new old doctor or the pharmacy.  But I needed to call the MD to have my refill sent in.  Dr. D did it automatically when I sent a request to "Rite Aid".  But now it's Dr. S / CVS.  But yeah...  In terms of MD / Pharmacy relationship, CVS is the worst!  Long waits, never having meds in stock, etc.

Dream.  We were in Tita Cora's house.  Except it wasn't her actual house.  And we were all staying there for a wedding.  I don't remember whose wedding...  But at some point in the week I had to excuse myself because I needed to go to school and since I was away it needed to be virtual.  But then when I went to our room to go to class I realized we didn't have any virtual thing in school.  Like...  It never happened with anyone else when they were away that they had to attend school.  At the same time, I distinctly remember Marna / Dr. L being my teachers, not my employers.  Pretty soon everyone showed up into the room and we were having our own sort of party.  Once again I note 7500centfish is nowhere to be seen...  We're later at some hotel / party hall proper and it's sit wherever.  The Aunts choose somewhere to sit and drape a long table napkin over 3 of the seats.  I'm just standing there waiting for everyone and some woman comes and takes the napkin, makes some fancy design and uses it to claim her seat.  I'm later at the "kids" table but then I'm asking permission to sit with them like I'm a loser who doesn't belong.

In addition to the Fake Cuban restaurant, Marna invited me to a doctor lecture on Thursday.  It's at 6...  But she told me I need to adjust my work time.  So does she want me to come in at 10?

  • Brideshead Revisited...  Lol.  I have to admit when I first decided to watch it...  It was because of Edwardiania.  Does it even take place in Edwardiania???  It was between WWI and II...  Anyway...  I was also interested in the male "friendship" aspect of it.  And oh boy was I wrong!  I had no idea it had to do with Catholicism and God's grace working in people.  Life changing!!!  HAHAHA!  Then Eduard Habsburg commented on Sebastian shouting the Hail Marys.  Wait...  This is Latin Mass.  Was he saying the rosary during Latin Mass, but screaming them?  That scene in the miniseries, I seem to focus on him sitting front and center to make sure he's seen by the priest so he didn't get ratted out to his mother, not the fact he's essentially disrupting the Mass!  HAHAHAH!!!
  • My swipe keyboard keeps reading "dont" as "sunt".  HAHAHAH!!!  #duolingo.  I then downloaded a "Latin Keyboard".  I don't know how it's different since it's the Latin Alphabet...
  • It was actually October.  Woops.
  • Some dude was mailed cremains.  I mean...  I too would contact the funeral home, but they seem to be jerks.  I suggested giving them to a local Catholic church or cemetery.  Seems to have been resolved.
  • I might need to get this...  The Power of the Cross.
  • catholicism, #duolingo, st e, buy me stuff, dream, medical

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