I'm a leaky bucket...

Jan 29, 2023 17:59

Fr. I started his homily talking about a Mens' Conference that was at the parish yesterday.  He said about 120 or so men attended.  It was encouraging because they joined together in learning and adoration, to change and grow toward God.  He initially joked that those 120ish men had 120ish wives who were thankful their husbands were away.  But then added the part about wanting to change and grow in the faith.  He mentioned there were a lot of confessions.  God is good...  🙌  I wonder if they'll have a womens conference at some point.  But then...  There seems to be a movement toward bringing in more men to the faith.  Yeah, "weird" considering the male priesthood / heirarchy...  At the same time...  I've mentioned my "trouble" with women.  I have no interest in women geared talks focusing on emotion and the like.  Aside from Mass, I struggle with group prayer to begin with.  And of course if I go, Mom feels obliged to go.  And then the comments...

Anyway...  Fr. I then told a little story...  A man carrying 2 buckets.  One was normal, the other full of holes.  The bucket with the holes gets sad and talks to the farmer saying he is jealous for the other bucket.  They are both filled but by the time he is back home he is half full.  But the farmer assures him...  Like look at the path.  It is he that waters and causes flowers to bloom, provides fragrance from his garden.  I've said / confessed many times that I have doubts in God working in me.  And I know...  But hearing things like that at times is encouraging.  He said even little things can make a difference.  He ended with a saying from Mother Theresa.  I don't even remember the whole thing.  But like...  When people put you down for x, do it anyway.  Like people call you prideful for being charitable, be charitable anyway and stuff like that.  Oh, it's called Anyway.

So this weekend's Gospel was also the Beatitudes and there is chunk in Jesus of Nazareth dedicated to them.  I think I previously mentioned how each one is kinda like a cross and the resurrection leading to discipleship.  He continues to talk about the the Kingdom of Heaven is Christ himself.  There are 2 beatitudes which end with the Kingdom of Heaven.  Blessed are the poor in spirit and blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.  There is another part about the meek inheriting the land, talking about it's not the Jews getting the promised land, but once again it goes back to Jesus.  All that being said...  I feel like I'm just skimming.  The few minutes I have to read in the AM as I eat breakfast isn't enough to really read and comprehend what he's trying to say.  Ugh.  I'm so behind.

Got bagels post Mass.  Interesting...  Seems like they partnered with someone who is selling baked donuts.  Typically I'm not a fan of baked donuts.  They're too dry.  Honestly they kinda looked like mini bunt cakes in the display case.  But 7500centfish is always into new / pop up stores, so I shared it with her.  I got my coffee drink from Dunkin.  I also noticed the Nathan's portion was selling empanadas.  Mom wants to try them when 7500centfish is around as well.  But...  I have no clue when the Nathan's portion opens.  I attempted to eat there one Sat, but of course I get the pooh poohs.  (Meaning they pooh pooh my suggestions, not diarrhea.  Lol!)

Anyway...  Some guy and girl behind the counter were talking some weird cryptic language.  Some lady waiting for her order asked what they were speaking.  I didn't hear...  But the lady said she assumed by the way he looks he would have guested he was a Spanish speaker.  Uh...  He looks Indian to me.  Like...  I've gotten everything from Asian (Chinese, Filipino, Indian) to Native American, Hispanic.  So...

I thought we'd have another priest today because St. A's had some Shield Mass today.  But no.  Anyway...  It made me think...  Does Fr. E know my name?  I mean, outside of confession I have had little to no interaction with him.  I then remembered...  Back in the pandemic / Fr. I was away I had emailed the church about confession and my email was forwarded to him and the deacon...  So maybe he does know my name.  Once again, not that hard to forget...

Reaction vid to Atonement.  Lol how he's praising Briony!  But interesting...  I never noticed when I first watched it.  Like yes, I knew the typewriter was prominent in the soundtrack, but in that one scene when she's saying Robbie did it, etc like...  Knowing how the story goes, it's really her writing the plot.  In addition the guy reacting to the vid, he's talking about how so and so is a beautiful letter, that Robbie is as a good writer too.  Once again, we later learn it never happened.  And...  Once again, it is Briony and her writing that is being praised.

Jesus Christ Superstar reaction.  Don't see many for the entire movie.  But...  I mean, he read that it's not supposed to be a theologically accurate portrayal, yet he keeps commenting on that.  He then said he wants to see it again with a priest friend of his.  Yes please!  Anyway, he says he is a Catholic so I'd like to see if his other vids have any Catholic spin to them.  Oh yeah...  He also said some eastern (Catholic?) churches use The Last Supper as the Eucharistic Prayer, hints at liturgical abuse.  Uh...  I like the song and all, but ew?  But yeah...  I wonder when he is from.  Can't place his accent, but his pronunciation is giving me "Latin" vibes.  But then again who is Europe that is Catholic isn't Latin?  HAHAHAH!!!  Oh, Croatian?

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