Trad Novus Ordo girl...

Jan 08, 2023 20:05

The St. A choir sang at Mass this AM and...  I thought nothing more than them singing.  But oh boy was it more!  Walked in and they had the orchestral band set up, soon the choir came in and warmed up with some songs.  People were taking pictures, etc.  Entrance hymn...  Someone tried to start a clap.  No.  But Fr. I began the Mass.  There was a lot of chanting and Latin.  The Kyrie (Greek), then the Gloria in Latin.  The Responsorial Psalm was Latin.  Deacon Paul gave the homily.  He talked of falling out of the faith, but then finding it again in his 20s.  Went to daily Mass.  He'd go and pray privately in front of a life sized cross.  But then someone approached him saying why is he praying there and not at the tabernacle where the Real Presence is.  In a sense it was an Epiphany for him.  So...  His homily was on the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  About John 6...  The Bread of Life Discourse.  That we must be properly disposed to received him.  Receiving unworthily brings condemnation upon oneself...  He quickly went through the apologetic arguments.  That Jesus again and again said to eat his flesh and drink his blood.  How people walked away because this teaching was too hard.  He didn't call them back saying it's figurative, etc.  The cantor then chanted the Epiphany Proclamation.  Fr. I then chanted the preface to the Eucharistic prayer.  So disappointed he didn't chant the entire prayer, nor the Roman Canon.  He went to Eucharist Prayer II, AKA the "Dew Fall" Mass...  Chanted the Sanctus in Latin...  As much as I loved it...  It made me realizes people do not know the Mass.  The beauty of the Mass is no matter the language the Mass is the same.  The majority of people did not know the proper places to kneel again.  After the Sanctus (Holy Holy Holy) / Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).  Anyway...  He chanted in Latin "Mysterium Fidei".  Which the choir responded to in Latin.  Then the Pater Noster!!!  Lol.  I know it.  I can speak it.  But I got lost in the chanting.  I do not know the tune.  I then lost my place and couldn't hear where we were so...  :(  Anyway...  Yeah the trad Novus Ordo girl in me was happy.  :)

After Mass we went to get gas.  Uh...  Why is it 3.45???  Got my breakfast first.  McD.  Found a cheaper gas station down the street.  I had to tell them my pin...  We then dropped 7500centfish off at the train.  Lol.  As we were waiting and I was trying to make a draft of my Post Mass Tweet...  "You forgot your poinsettia!"  After Mass they said we can take one.  Mom keeps saying she pays for Christmas flowers so she wants her money back.  HAHAHAH!!!  Anyway, I kept asking if Mom wants her flower.  She initially said no.  But after we dropped 7500centfish off she said she wanted it.  So I drove back to church and got one for her.  Lol.  People were already arriving for the next Mass.  The greeters weren't in the gathering space yet, but...  Someone else walked in, that I usually see at the 9AM.  He saw me getting / walking out with one.  Hope he didn't think it was weird.  I also saw a church person at McD after Mass.

Anyway, like I said, dropped off 7500centfish at the train station.  Back home.  Lol.  I did my post Mass tweet / instagram post / text.  7500centfish then commented saying "Someone brought a lot of teenagers to our mass."  I then respond saying "Yes and they kept chanting in some weird cryptic language".  HAHAHAHA!!!

Semi reminded...  As I said, I felt like people this AM don't really know the Mass.  But then yesterday /...  Usually when we go to a Mass outside of Sunday.  Like weddings / funerals.  Judgey isn't the right word.  But I often find myself looking around wondering if people know what they are doing.  I mean, yesterday the guy behind me was whispering the Eucharistic prayer...  But most of the time people need to be told when to sit / kneel / stand.  I often find myself standing / kneeling before others do.  The responses were muted.  I wondered how many of them knew Pope Benedict had died, or even cared.  Then...  Mom made eyes motioning to move over the the priest side.  But...  She didn't do the same when we were in Queens nor in DC one time.  Like...  Does she not know the difference between priest / deacon / lay minster?  Like during Christmas the guy who gave communion on the right side...  He was not a priest.  He did not concelebrate.  He was not a deacon.  He did not have a diagonal "sash".  He didn't assist at the altar, he didn't read the gospel (which the deacon or seminarian if installed as a lector does in place of the priest when present).   Does she think the mere fact he was wearing liturgical dress he was some sort of ordained person?  Vs the woman who distributed communion on our side at the funeral yesterday.  Like...  I don't want to sound judgey...  But I legit want to know...  At the end of the day...  Receiving from a EMHC is licit.  But...  If Mom's preference is to receive from a priest / deacon, does it need to be pointed out to her?

Had a dream.  I only remembered snippets when I was half asleep.  Didn't bother to take notes thinking I'd remember the snippets.  Now I can't remember a thing!

Podcast.  CSYSK?  1 person mentions his favorite Christmas movie is the Sound of Music.  The other says it's not a Christmas movie.  1st priest (?) then mentions...  It's a holy family.  They're being persecuted, they need to flee.  Christmas movie.  LOL!

I was thinking of using the phone, in addition to the phone as my mp3 player.  Get an SD card and copy over my podcasts / songs.  But...  I then have to find a music player for it.  I haven't connected it to wifi, nor my google acct.  So I dunno.  My Samsung Galaxy player still works either way.  Just it's getting bulky if I go on a road trip...  Tablet, smartphone, mp3 player.

I'm tempted to replace a rosary I "lost".  It matches a bracelet rosary I have in my car.  I don't remember which I got first.  But I definitely got one because it matched the other.  Same beads.  Green Murano glass with a pink rose inside.  I saw it in a shop just outside (?) Vatican City.  The person trying to sell it to me was saying it was blessed by the Pope to entice me.  Uh...  1.  The Pope had just died and 2.  That's simony.  My biggest hesitancy was the exchange rate.  It would be like 2x as much in US dollars and...  It wasn't cheap to begin with.  Merano glass and sterling silver...  Anyway, it went missing after a prayer group came by.  I think (hope) someone thought it was part of the communal rosaries and accidentally took it.  Or it could be in the house somewhere.  I dunno...  It's been years.  Anyway, the online store is still selling it and there doesn't seem to be exchange rates.

I didn't finish my intended reading of Fr. Brown.  I did end on the end of a story, so...  I might just leave it.  As I said, I'm beginning (coincidentally) Pope Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth, the 1st book.  Baptism to Transfiguration.

Random reddit posts.  Fr. I is from the Iasi Diocese.

  • Pope Benedict's crypt.   Vatican News.
  • My name Saint...
  • The Cats of the Holy Land.
  • Sir Marshmellow...
  • Chaco.
  • 😨...
  • catholicism, books, podcasts, st e, buy me stuff, sunday mass tweet

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