Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2023 20:40

7500centfish is prepping to leave.  By the time I post this she will most likely have left.

As I posted in my last entry.  Had an early dinner.  Prayed, waited for the ball to drop.  Snacked here and there.  Crackers and cheese, nachos, our grapes.  After I had peeled my grapes, cleaned up and went to sleep.

I don't even remember...  But I had a dream that I went into a confessional booth, except I knew it was a different priest and...  He had some really loud music playing to drown out the sounds, but as I started to confess he couldn't hear a thing I said, so he got up to turn down the music.  I then restarted saying it was 1 week since my last confession, but then realized it's actually 2 weeks.

Woke up regular time for Mass.  In previous years, I guess when the New Years didn't fall on a Sunday, we had 1 Mass, but this year we had the regular 3.  Mass opened with Angels We Have Heard on High, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo".  Lol.  I realized I had worn my sweatshirt with the same thing.  Completely coincidental!  But then Fr. I opened Mass saying it was a fitting lyric for this Feast day.  Most of his Homily was on Pope Benedict XVI.  Said he had the opportunity to meet him several times.  He occasionally gave lectures at the seminary.  Said it was the best naps he's had.  HAHAHAHa!!!  But then he was saying his intellect was so above his (Fr. I's) knowledge.  If you had read any of his books...  I mean...  I read a book of his homilies he gave on the Sacraments.  Then the Jesus of Nazareth series and they don't seem too hard to understand...  But then I think at least the latter is meant for general audience.  As I said, Introduction to Christianity is far from an actual introduction!  Anyway, Fr. I continues saying he had a way of combining scripture and theology.  He went over his life, to eventually ordination / becoming an archbishop, then to Rome as the head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.  In a way Fr. I is that for the parish, but (then) Ratzinger was the defender for the entire Church.  Talked how he was very much a teacher of the Faith.  Fr. I "ended" it with asking for prayers for him, for the Church.  He then said he had 2 other points.  1 about the Gospel readings, then 2 about the New Year and...  I honestly don't remember if he mentioned the last point.  In terms of the Gospel...  Blanking.  But it was relatively short.

After Mass, Mom via 7500centfish had her Sleeping St. Joseph statue blessed.  Fr. I called him Sleeping Jesus...  And said he heard it was popular is Spain.  According to Google...  It became popular after Pope Francis visited the Philippines.  It is customary to write your prayer request and place it under the statue so Joseph can sleep on them / pray for us.  Hm...  This article mentions the Pope bringing it with him from Argentina.  So maybe it is a "Spanish" thing.  Lol.  On my instagram post I put he's still wrapped in plastic because Filipinos love their plastic.  HAHAHAHA!!!

Afterward went to the Cemetery.  Mom speed prayed that by the time I got there she was done.  😐

Ham for days!!!

I was off all week+ and I feel like I still have so much to do.  At least I was able to balance my finances before the new year, but I have to set up my files for this year and I have to back up my comp, etc.  As I said (?), tomorrow should be the observed day for New Years, but when I left the office, the day wasn't blocked off.  We only had a flu visit scheduled, so I don't know if they eventually closed it or put only sick visits.  Either way...  I won't be coming in.

7500centfish is currently napping on the couch.  But as 7500centfish was prepping her stuff, Mom asked about her messaging on her tablet.  I told 7500centfish Mom pretty much only texts from her tablet.  The fact the phone she got is not compatible with Verizon is an issue.  There is currently no tablet app.  So if Mom wants to text she needs to use her phone.  But Mom says it's still too small to text.  So 7500centfish is trying to figure out what to do.  Everything from just getting a tablet she can call from (she's not gonna carry her tablet with her) to going back to her old phone, but then we lose the ability to have emergency assistance and tracking.  Like 1.  I think she needs a phone, even if it just sits in her bag all day in the event she needs to call someone.  But then she needs some sort of integration to her tablet because if anything she uses texting apps to communicate with people on a daily basis.  I tried to see if we could dl the Google app, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with apple?  But then I don't know of any other app that is reputable.  Mom was previously using the verizon app, but with the new phone she no longer has Verizon.  cc kumquatqueen

7500centfish and Ginger left.  :(

Genius idea!!!  I tried to see if I can sync her phone to my tablet.  As I said, Google Messages doesn't seem compatible with apple.  So I DL'd it to my tablet.  I was discouraged at first because it said I needed to DL the app onto the other phone / scan the QR code.  I tried to do this with my own (flip)phone, but since I couldn't download the app...  But then Mom's new phone is a smartphone.  So I DL's the app.  And it worked!  So I think she just might need a new tablet that is android.  I don't think she uses anything specific to Apple, so she won't lose anything in that sense.  She only uses the phone texting / The Book of Face Messenger and Viber.  I asked her if the display of my tablet (8in) is big enough.  She says she can read it, but I don't know if the buttons to text are big to text comfortably.  She currently has a 10in (?) ipad.  cc 7500centfish kumquatqueen

Lol.  7500centfish left her statue of St. Terese which was gifted from Aunt Pitat (?).  HAHAHA!!!  She's just waiting to have it blessed the next time she's home.  Mom called Aunt Pitat asking if it was blessed.  She's not sure, because she herself was given it by someone in the Philippines.  Was that correct Engrish?

Gonna do my files before I prep / post.

Oh...  I guess this is for the next 2 years?  I started reading the preface to the Meditations book I just received.  It says it's relevant to reading for Cycle B and C.  As I said, there are 2 chapters per month.  I was planning to read one on the 1st, then the 15th, but now I guess it will have to be like I said, next year and the year after, depending on the reading the chapter says it corresponds with.  I also miscalculated Fr. Brown.  They are short stories.  And the way I have it now I'm reading up to page 70, but that's in the middle of the story.  I won't be able to pick it up again till maybe after Easter?  Oh actually, no, it ends on 75, not 70 and that's the end of a story.  OK, I'm good.  Yikers.  I just calculated how many pages I need to read a day for Jesus of Nazareth.  It's almost 10 pages a day.  I mean...  I can read that, but I've been setting aside time in the AM to read it as I eat.  I usually can't get more than 3 pages.  5 if I'm lucky.  And as I said...  This is Ratzinger!  In years past, I have been doing it as part of my "Night Prayer" routine.  Maybe I can cut it into AM / PM reads...

Oh yeah, had my labs drawn on Friday.  My Cholesterol "normalized" from when I was off the statin.  My creatinine is high...  1.01.  My A1c is creeping up too.  6.2.  I'm sure my MD will say it's fine and keep me on my regimen.  My ALT is still high.  My endo appt is next Monday (not tomorrow) and IM the next day.  I don't have enough meds till the appt, so hopefully Dr. D can refill, even without my appt.  In addition, I have to change pharmacies, also one of my meds is no longer covered.

  • Books.
  • I oddly love this picture...
  • Lying in state.   More.
  • Know your fonts.
  • More cats!
  • The Pillar again.
    I forgot to do my likes yesterday...  Hopefully there are no repeats.
  • Fr. Goyo.
  • Papa Benny...
  • Testimonies...   Pappa Sciarappa.  He is a reason CSYSK started.  Pope Benedict spoke of needing to branch out into new media.  I'd love to hear what they have to say if anything.  I've also heard a lot of vocations coming out of his and JPII's visits to the US / World Youth Day.  I guess this is an aside...  But I'm kinda excited / overwhelmed to get back into listening to Podcasts.  I only really listen at work.  I need to finish BIAY, maybe restart?  Also start Catechism in a Year.  There is also a new Catholic Answers thing based on Jimmy Akin's book Defending the Faith (?).  And as I said, I'd be interested in hearing anything about Pope Benedict, especially from The Pillar and Clerically Speaking.  Fr. Harrison is a Ratzinger fanboy.
  • Fr. De Guzman.
  • Fr. Tom Bombadil and again.
  • My Diocese's statement.
  • Fr. Vrazel.
  • Bishop Barron again.
  • Sunkist.
  • Memorial Mass.  Note to self, set DVR...
  • Fr. Josh.
  • Newsday.
  • USCCB again.
  • Germany.
  • I think it was in Italian, but...
  • Vatican News.
  • Fr. Matt Fish.
  • Bioethics.
  • Red shoes.
  • catholicism, books, podcasts, st e, dream, sunday mass tweet, medical

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