Priests like to wave at me from across the room...

Dec 08, 2022 21:57

Just got home from Mass / waiting for my eggs to cool...

Got to church at like 7:15ish?  Mass is at 7:30.  I heard the Church Lady say they were gonna go down to 2 communion stations.  She later asked a couple if they wanted to bring up the gifts and call the Altar a table...  Anyway, because of that I'm freaking out...  Are we on the "priest side"?  During weekday Mass and I'm assuming smaller crowds?  He distributes on the left / choir side.  Am I gonna have to swap sides?  But then...  "The deacon is an ordinary minister of communion, the deacon is an ordinary minister of communion."  I then though...  Fr. I knows me, I feel more comfortable...  But then it's not like I don't not receive from other priests I'm not familiar with.  Anyway, long story short...  Fr. I distributed in the center aisle, but chapel / my side.  Anyway...  It was kinda sad...  In the sense that it's an evening Mass and...  It was a little over a daily Mass crowd.  Maybe they all went in the AM?  Because when I went to All Saints, the crowd was a regular Sunday crowd and not a regular daily Mass, so maybe it's inverse?  Then the fact no one was sitting in front of me to block...  I'm in eye shot of Fr. I.  Awkward!!!  But like I said...  Priests like to wave at me from across the room!  HAHAHA!!!  Basically when we walked in, he was walking in from his office so...  👋  Where was I?  Deacon P gave the homily.  He explained enmity means having a void, basically being so different, Mary and the serpent...  He then said Gabriel greeting Mary, saying she is full of grace.  She had no room for anything, not even sin.  That Mary is full of grace while the devil is full of sin.  He then fan boy'd Scott Hahn.  HAHAHA!!!  I wonder if I can dump the apologetic books on him.  Lol.  Yeah...  That was rambly.

Called my GYN.  I had my sono maybe 2 weeks ago.  Basically said my cyst is still small.  Repeat sono in 6 months, she said May, so I scheduled it already.

I mentioned to Mom maybe lining the walkway with lights.  "I can see."  Yet she makes me guide her down the path...  *sigh*  cc 7500centfish

st e, sunday mass tweet, medical

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