Novus Ordo Nightmare x2!  HAHAHAHA!!!

Dec 04, 2022 19:53

We just got back from Fr. R's anniversary.  So tired.  But we went to regular Mass at St. E this AM.  I noticed Fr. I in a pew talking to someone, but then instead of going to the sacristy to robe up, he stood at the side...  Oh he's not saying Mass.  It was Fr. E.  This is OK.  Anyway, Deacon P gave the homily.  But then...  He invited the kids up and it turned into a Children's Mass.  *sigh*  I mean...  I like that there are kids at Mass, but...  Inviting kids up is so cringy.  I never wanted to do it as a child, it didn't make me grow in my faith.  Maybe it's just me and my introverted self, but yeah, no.  That being said...  The homily had its good points.  He first asked the kids who are we waiting for at Christmas.  Someone said Santa.  Someone actually said Jesus.  Deacon P then said he jumped ahead by several chapters.  Lol!  But anyway...  That turned into Santa is just short for St. Nicholas who out of his love for Jesus gave gifts to those in need.  And that Jesus gives us the ultimate gift of being our saviour.  He then said saving us from "bad things".  Lol...  I would have gone with the gift of everlasting life...  He also talked of how the kids can be prophets, esp to their parents reminding them to pray before meals and before bed.  Long story short.  Deacon P is good with the kids too.  But yeah...  I never liked "Family Masses".

Communion...  The first guy that sits in the front is #teamtongue and I noticed he received in the hand.  Of course I start freaking out...  He wouldn't deny me, would he?  As I said, it got to a point where he recognized me in confession and adjusted the kneeler for me.  He waved across the room when I asked him to bless my candle, etc, etc.  I thought if needed...  I'd exit the line and go to the deacon.  But no, he let me receive on the tongue.  But...  Then something weird happened.  The line like stopped and he didn't give communion to one woman.  At the "end" of communion he disappeared into the sacristy and then gives her communion.  Is it a low gluten host?  Was it consecrated???  When we left I heard him apologizing to the woman I guess someone had come up before her and took her host.

Picked up my meds, went to McD.

Mom wanted to leave for Mass 2.0 at 10:45.  WHAT!  Per my GPS it only would take 20 mins.  Mom and I were "fighting" about what town it was in.  Like my GPS only goes by like actual town.  As in, I live in H, not M.  My GPS was saying it was I, but Mom kept saying no.  The map makes it look closer to B, but...  Maybe it's on the border.  Because when I googled, it says the airport is in the same town and that's in I, so...

Got there like 30mins early.  Fr. R greeted us and told us to sit where ever.  It was a relatively small church.  Maybe 300 capacity?  It filled up.  I guess he spent his priesthood mostly in Garden City.  A few people said they were from there or he pointed out there were from there.  His homily was...  He said he spent the first 20 years in the Philippines doing various priestly duties.  Then 20 years in the US.  Decided to stay because of the welcome he received.  He said the only person being ordained this year is from the parish.  So pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.  I had to laugh during the Eucharist Prayer...  There were like 5+ priests there and he kept looking to them to take over.  But they just let him continue.

Oh yeah...  Novus Ordo nightmare because I wasn't a fan of the music.  Yes they had an organ, but it still seemed like folksy guitar Mass type songs.  Mom told Tita E the church was nice and modern.  Fr. R did say they had brought the crucifix and tabernacle back so...  I kinda feel like the new trend is like a modern but classic like my parish.  Throwing in statues / marble in previously bare churches.

After Mass they handed out a Matthew Kelly book.  Uh...

So many people.  I kinda think they didn't anticipate that much.  They ran out of soda.  Mom took the last sprite.  They also were running short on utensils.  They had to bring out 2 long tables.  But I feel like there was a lot of food left over.  I think the white people skipped out on the Filipino food and took sandwiches that were also avail.  One woman after I had taken the lechon asked if I wanted other Filipino foods.  Not really...  But then they also had like the crispy pork belly as well...  So I took some of that too.  Lumpia.  They gave me too much rice.  Mom told me to get her dessert...  I tried to mix cake and Filipino foods and...  I took too much.  Woops.  So full.

Oh yeah...  So we sat next to randos.  Mostly white older women.  Elliot was staring at one as she ate.  We were on line.  When we got back with our food, she commented that I knew what to eat.  She didn't want to wait on line and just got a sandwich.  She then got dessert.  Anyway, at one point when I went up to take a selfie with Fr. R she asked how long we had been parishioners.  Mom explained they had met on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  Hm...  Did he bless my rosary I use?  Anyway...

I had thought they turned off my phone while we were there.  But then I saw Mom's phone also had no signal.  When we got out of the basement I got my signal back except...  They did turn off my phone.  My text messages weren't going through this AM.  No family chat Mass mass text...  It kept saying failed.  My text to 7500centfish wasn't going through either.  Not till I got home and tried calling in / out of my phone did I realized they turned off my phone.  *sigh*  I don't know if I should even bother activating the other phone and just wait for 7500centfish's.  I mean, I can't get texts to my tablet.  But...  In an emergency I guess...  I also don't know if 7500centfish needs to call to activate my phone.  I dunno.  I kinda want to scream at Verizon again to make them turn on my old phone.  As I said, it still seems to have some sort of reception.  Ugh...  I don't want a smartphone.

I wonder how long it will take for fam chat to notice I didn't post a Sunday Mass text, etc...

#teamtongue, st e, familiy chat, sunday mass tweet

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