"Let's do this!"

Nov 05, 2022 21:04

Lol.  That's what Fr. I said before heading into confession.  Anyway, I showed up to church and there were a lot of cars in the parking lot.  There was also a white limo and people sitting outside waiting.  For some reason I thought it was a funeral...  So I stood in the narthex and waited.  Hm...  They do have the memorial tree still there, so I found our leaf again.  Then what is the tree in the new chapel?  As I said, I don't remember them advertising for it and it seems to be full...  Anyway, at points I peaked in.  A lot of people in black.  But then I was confused by the limo, but no hearse.  Was there no body?  Was it cremains?  The Mass concluded but then I hear clapping.  Oh, is it a wedding?  Lol, woops.  Anyway, because there was a wedding confession started late.  I didn't get to quietly reflect in a pew before heading over.  I felt rushed.  But then...  I did an examine, but I focused on certain things that were more serious vs confessing everything.  FYI...  Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like my sins are venial in most cases, so...  Maybe that's "unhealthy", but...  Yeah, I need a spiritual director.  Anyway!  So I confessed.  Fr. I had nothing to say.  There was a wedding crowd still hanging around.  Got my penance in.  Snuck past the fountain to bless myself and...  I'm boxed in.  The wedding party was taking pics in the narthex.  They were standing against one wall and I saw a photographer snap a pic to one side so I snuck past.  There were then people outside forming a path for the couple to pass through as well.  So I just walked through them and made my way to my car.  Well...  I got a selfie in front of the church.  #nosingang

Anyway, they came.  I told them to be quick I had somewhere to be at 4.  Lol.  Mom later asked where I was going.  Uh...  Anyway, at first I was craving Panera, but then...  As I said, I don't really like their sandwiches.  But then I saw they had a chicken sandwich which I wanted to try but then...  How can you have a chicken sandwich without fries???  So I changed my mind and we went to Chick-Fil A.  Honestly without having an ulterior motive I joked that we should swing by the cemetery so they can get their indulgence in.  HAHAHAHA!!!  So after we ate we said hi to the g-rents and co.

On our way out there were multiple firetrucks / police that drove by.  Tito Abe tried to avoid the traffic, but we still hit some.  Turns out there was a plane crash in one of the cemeteries.  I mean...  If they were looking to make an emergency landing I suppose the Catholic cemetery would have been better.  They had a large area still unused.  Also...  There is an airport right there.  Maybe it was an actual crash vs and emergency landing?  Anyway, per news 12 the 2 people on board had minor injuries.

Tita Neng asked if we voted already.  Tito Abe and sparkyboy voted.  I then joked saying, "I thought the Left were the ones who vote early!"  HAHAHAHA!!!  Mom then says she never votes except for Presidential elections.  Huh?  I remember voting for governor in the past.

Wrote a few times in the past few days but was too tired to post.

Yesterday I woke early to bring my car in for its service.  Turns out I did have a nail in my tire and 2 others were in need of replacement.  As suspected they'd need to order the tires in, so I need to bring them back in on Thursday.  Hopefully it won't take long.  I was only expecting to be there 1 to 1:30 hours / late to work by 30 mins to an hour, but didn't get to work till almost 11.  So I had to almost put in a whole day.  After all the cooking / eating / praying, was too tired to put in a full entry and went up to sleep.

So yeah...  I ordered a cover for my breviary, but then when I was looking at my other orders on Amazon I noticed it was "undeliverable" that I would be refunded.  I saw the reviews and someone posted that they ordered directly from the company, so I did the same.  But then yesterday, Mom said I got a package, a book...  I didn't order a book.  I check amazon to see what was delivered.  My book cover.  So I emailed the company and they said they did send the other as well and apologized.  Said I can refuse the package and it will be shipped back free of charge.  I will then get my refund.  I mean...  It's a trip to the post office, but...  I guess it's cheaper than 7 bucks.  Did I tell you it doesn't fit?

Snip to old entry:  I couldn't standby and watch as Mom was manhandling my breviary!!!  As I said, I was in search of a cover for my breviary.  Anyway, I received it today and...  Mom wants me to open my mail in front of her because she's curious...  So I opened my box...  She actually brought it in and thought it was empty because it was so light.  Anyway, so she asked me where the book was.  I brought my breviary down and comment that the cover was too small, that I'd just have to tape it.  Cut to...  After dinner / the rosary I went up to go pray and tape up my breviary cover.  But Mom comes calling asking where it is...  She knows how to fix it.  I'm like it's too short, but she's not listening.  So I just hand it to her and keep my mouth shut.  OMG!!!  She was like turning the cover inside out, bending the binding, etc.  Internally I'm screaming, you better not rip it!  Either way...  She did insert the cover as it's supposed to be, but like I said, even then the book is still too big for the cover.  It's can't be tucked into the flap like it's supposed to be.  So I just taped it.  End snip.

Post on r/Catholicism.  Someone discovered Gwen Stefani is Catholic, how do we feel about it.  A lot of it was indifference.  A lot was she's a fake Catholic.  I mention my amusement at having instagram mutuals like Catholic Answers, The Catholic Talk Show and Bishop Barron.  Someone lol's that she follows Pints with Aquinas.  See...  I am so confused.  Like those are just some of the accounts she follows.  Someone commented she follows about 30 Catholic instagrams.  Like...  At least the ones I follow that I named are very much in line with Catholic teaching, yet...  Some comments saying she supports planned parenthood.  I'm confused at her waiting to get an annulment, getting one granted only to marry outside of the Church.  I mean...  Maybe something we don't see is going on, but yeah...  It confuses me.  But then I'm sure you can find contradictions in me as well or anyone.  So...

Dream.  It was actually a while ago, so I don't remember details.  But I was in a hotel and at some point I'm lead into a puzzle room.  Like when you initially walk in the floor moves beneath your feet.  I then have to jump on furniture to get across the room because if I touch the floor I lose.  My goal is to get across to this bed with cats on it.  Which I do.  But then my reward is a point and shoot camera and storage cards.  Like...  What am I supposed to do with this???  Says the girl who has a point and shoot camera.

Snip to old entry:  And I broke my glasses...  I accidentally sat on them.  Bent the metal joint thing...  I tried to straighten it with my hands, but then I tried to use pliers...  So I unscrewed the arm off to get at the metal part.  Didn't really budge...  So I decided to give up and screw it back on, except...  The holes weren't lining up.  Soon I realized it's because it had some spring in it so it can hyper flex and it needed to be out a bit for it to line up, except...  I don't know how to do that and then screw it in.  So...  I ended up looking on the 39dollar site to see if there was a warranty or repair, etc.  Not really...  I mean, not at this point a year+ out.  They do offer advice about replacing lenses by just popping them out so...  I then looked into just buying frames.  They do offer non rx ones, but it's the same price as rx so...  I got the no frills rx glasses.  Well...  They're still in my cart.  Currently using my car back ups I got the 1st time, except I discovered I have a fat head.  It's fine for looking, but I often prop them on my head and I do other things besides distance viewing.  So...  I had intended to wait till I get a discount with Black Friday or something.  But now...  I'm thinking I may not be able to wait that long.  I dunno...  It's only 39 bucks.  End snip.

I fixed my glasses.  I found a vid on the interwebs.  I had to stick something in a little nook to keep the spring extended so it lines up with the other holes.  Either that I needed a special screw with a tip that breaks away.  If there are deals, I still might get a back up or more.  I mean...  The arm is still lose and bent, but at least it works.

Random snippets from current and old entries.

So on All Souls I rearranged my altar to make space for the memorial cards, but when I reverted to my old one...  I like the palm crosses behind the statues now.  But then I have an empty space...  I don't know what to put there...

HAHAHAHA!!!  Fighting the urge of "accidentally" sending my priest Dracula memes!

Lol...  It smelt like stale teenager at work.  7500centfish then told me to spray them with my body spray, light a candle or get a car tree.  I then had flashbacks to the sloth scene in Se7en...

On my way out of work, Marna asked if I was going to Sight and Sound this weekend.  No, next.  I have a calendar with all my appts and the like at my desk in full view for everyone to see...  Anyway, she said she wanted to go and I mentioned we had extra tickets and I'd give her the contact info.  But the thing I really want to write about...  She asked me, "Is it a holiday?  Why is it red?"  At the moment I didn't know what she was asking, but...  Lol.  "Is that a church thing?"  I realized it's because of the liturgical color for the day!  Miss opportunity to evangelize!

I just remembered...  The church never responded to my Mass request.  I might have to call on Monday.  Someone remind me!!!

Mom is saying there is a Mass for Fr. R celebrating his anniversary.  She says it's on Dec 5, but that's a Monday...  But she insists a Sunday.  She wants 7500centfish to come.

There was Christmas music playing in the mall...  Too early!  In other news, I bought my Christmas cards.

confession, catholicism, st e, #nosingang, dream, work stuffs

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