Happy Name Day to everyone!

Nov 01, 2022 21:02

I had this weird epiphany at Mass this AM that's it's everyone's name day...  Like, even if you're not named after a saint, maybe you're linked to one in some way through your interests, like they're your patron in some sense...

Anyway, like I said, I took the day off to bring Mom to her appt.  Why is it when Mass is at 9:30 she's rushing and freaking out that we'll be late while when it's at 9, she's standing around waiting for me to make a move.  Anyway...  I was in the middle of breakfast and Mom was out the door.  Actually...  I was on the toilet and I hear her open the door asking if I'm still here.  YES!  HAHAHAH!!!  I then had to skip out on my AM coffee because I was cutting it close to the 1 hour fast.

What did the visiting priest say?  He was talking about the Church triumphant and the...  Not militant.  That's us, right?  The church suffering?  Like the souls in purgatory.  But then he was talking about the beatitudes being a way to be in heaven like the saints.

Afterward I said hi to our candle.  We then walked to the office.  I was gonna pay for our brick and get a Mass for Dad.  But the office is closed.  So I'll just mail it.  Mom said she'd go to Mass tomorrow and drop it off, but per the sign it's not open till 2PM.

Did they move the memorial tree into the new chapel?  I forgot to see if there is another in the narthex.  Or if it's a new one.  I don't remember them advertising for new leaves, nor do I remember the old one being full.

Oh yeah...  I saw this lady who used to sit behind us in Mass, first walking away from the church as we were walking in.  I'm assuming her husband died.  I remember hearing her say she hadn't been to church much since...  I then saw here again as we were walking out chatting with someone.  She used to be very active in the parish...

In other news...  I saw "Matt Maher"!  cc 7500centfish  I mean...  I wonder what he does.  He was dressed like he usually dresses on Sunday.  Well...  A "flannel" jacket, jeans and shirt.  Not like he was on his way to work.  So...  But then again, I didn't go to work either and if I did, I'd be in scrubs or might wear the same thing I wore today if not the scrubs.

I then went to the butt room and the new sinks Fr. I was raving about didn't work...  I used hand sanitizer instead.

Did a quick breakfast run to Dunkin Donuts.  I ate breakfast, but I was feeling hungry mid Mass, so I got some Mini Bagel Bites and a frozen coffee.

Off to Mom's appt.  Mom took forever to fill her forms because she couldn't remember all her meds.  They're just taking out stitches!  They don't need to know all your meds!  I told her she should keep a list of her meds with her.  I have them in my tablet.  But then...  She never brings her phone or tablet with her, so...  I also don't go to most of her appts.  Anyway, she removed the stitches.  I think she only had 3.  Like...  It went through her skin many times, maybe 8?  But it was only 3 separate strings.  Covered it with a steristrip.  Mom can wash her face in 24 hours and it will stay on for about a week.  She mentioned it might look bad for another 6 to 8 weeks.  Apply sunscreen.  If she wants she can apply silicone (???) or Vit E ointment.  Mom asked about bacitracin.  Said no, that'll only to prevent infection and the skin is sealed at this point.  It's just gonna do more harm than good.  Offered to drive Mom to get above mentioned ointment, but she declined.  cc 7500centfish

Went to Staples.  Mom got her Christmas Paper for the APPNY party.  I got a passport photo.  OMG!  I hate it!  Greasy T Zone!!!  HAHAHAH!!!  I don't look much different from my previous pic.  Maybe thinner...  Like my nose looks thinner and I have cheek bones...  I then can't print the application right now because Mom used an entire ream accidentally printing something.

Went to the Cemetery...  Technically since I went to confession 10 days ago, it's within the 20 day before or after for an indulgence.  But yeah...  I still plan to go this weekend because of unconfessed venial sins.  Yes, they are forgiven in Mass...

Taco Bell run.  Since they no longer have Taco Salads, which was Mom's food of choice, she gets the Nachos Bel Grande.

Went up to power nap, but ended up backing up my files.  OMG...  My external hard drive is so slow and disconnects at times.  I dunno if it's got too much dust in it or because it hasn't been on in ages...

I also pre ordered the deluxe edition of Headquarters.  I think I have the whole set now.  I mean...  Minus the stuff they put out in the 80s which I have little to no interest in.

Jennie texted me...  I had heard Tita C was coming back to NY to sell their apt, but when I had heard it there was no mention of her stopping by...  But as I said, Jennie texted and she'll be staying for a weekend here and there between when Jennie arrives and when she goes back.  I guess that means we need to clean again?  I mean...  At least for me, I just need to toss my hoodies in the closet, tidy up the buttroom.  No deep cleaning like last time I don't think.

I need a breviary cover...  The "leather" keeps peeling off in my hand.  But then I don't want a "breviary cover" in the sense that they all seem to be like a zip up binder of sorts.  I honestly just want a plastic protective cover to keep the peeling where it is.  I kinda like the look of the worn cover.  Lol.  I might have to go old school and get like those text book wrapping paper and custom cut it to fit my breviary!

catholicism, st e, buy me stuff, sunday mass tweet, medical

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