I don't like praying the Rosary...

Oct 06, 2022 21:19

And it doesn't help that I want to punch something...  Anyway, Mom "reminded" 7500centfish and I it was October and that we should pray the Rosary.  Ugh...  I've said it before I struggle with the Rosary and because of that I discovered the Liturgy of the Hours, which outside of Mass is the official prayer of the Church, not the Rosary, etc, etc.  I do better with that, with reading than with mental / meditative prayer.  It got to a point where I didn't even want to get up and pray.  So...  I haven't prayed the Rosary on my own since March...  Feb being the last time Mom asked me to pray with her.  Anyway...  So, I was annoyed and I shared my annoyance with 7500centfish.  But when I got home I decided to "Honor" my mother / Submit to God's will and initiate prayer instead of Mom making me.  So I eat, wash the dishes.  I put my drink and cookies in the living room to be ready when I come back down, as usual...  I go up to do my prayers, do my duolingo.  And what do I hear?  Mom calling for me.  Ugh...  There goes my charitable mood.  There comes the thoughts of anger, annoyance, frustration.  In addition to my distraction / inability to focus on the mysteries, I now want to punch things, I'm angry, etc.  Like...  It doesn't help.  Like...  Right now, even now as I write...  Like I couldn't even offer up my frustration and annoyance.  It's too fresh.

In other news...  Why does no one want to talk about Bruno???  Lol!  As I said, today is (I went with) Parish Dog's Name day.  So I posted it on Fam Chat and made 7500centfish respond.  Outside of 7500centfish no one said anything, nor commented on the punchability of Bruno!  HAHAHAHA!!!  I once again tried to get Mom to comment as well, but nope.  She doesn't talk about Bruno either.  Lol...  "Viva Bruno!  🎉🎊"

I'm almost caught up on Catholic Answers.  I might finish tomorrow when, because I fast from music, listen as I drive.  So...  I might have to revert to my saved podcast episodes on my SD card.  Except I haven't updated them in a while...  So I might spend some times updating that.  FYI...  I have to manually type playlists onto the SD card.  Then copying the actual files over is a chore.  Sometimes WMP likes to delete files for no reason so I have to manually delete them and resync everything.  I can't straight copy them over because they need to be converted or something to play in my car.

I got my curtain, etc.  The curtain rod I got was too thick for me to use, so I just tacked the curtain up.  The lights then didn't have anything to hook onto the curtain, so I just have them pinned with clothes pins at this point.  I might use safety pins or maybe even sew them on at some point.  I still might get some kind of curtain rod or a bigger holder.  But yeah, loving it.  Not sure what my next task will be.  Oh yeah, I want to get a white throw blanket.  It's getting cold...  I was looking at Amazon, but some of the reviews make it seem like they are cheaply constructed.  Might look into Ikea, Target or Bed Bath...  I'm looking for like...  We used to have blankets which seemed like they were knit (?), really heavy, but not a full on comforter / for cold weather, but for cool.  Does that make sense?  I have one in green that I used to keep in my car when I'd sleep during my lunch breaks.  It might be in my foot locker.  I don't remember where it is...  It's also Queen sized and...  My #PrayerCorner is a pink / grey / white scheme so...  cc 7500centfish and kumquatqueen

My period is way lighter today.  But it's weird...  I often get cramps when my period ends as well, so I doped up this AM and have a heating pad (not my menstruation crustacean) on my uterus.

Marna said she and I were approved for the max benefit for that NYS Essential Worker's Mental health bonus.  Gloria, because of her hours was given less.  I don't know when we'll get it.  But according to the web it will be given to my employer who needs to give it to me within 10 days.  My main concern is...  Will I be taxed?  I don't think it's supposed to be.  But the fact it's coming from Dr. L and not directly like the federal stimulus checks...

Is it me?  Or did this video say absolutely nothing?  But then all the comments are how amazing it is.

  • Cephalophore.
  • Fr. Paul wants to tell us about today's feast, but...
  • imagine being the guy...
  • podcasts, st e, #prayercorner, familiy chat, medical, buy me stuff, prayer, work stuffs

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