"Increase our faith!"

Oct 02, 2022 13:21

Today's gospel quotes that line from the Apostles and...  I constantly ask for this.  My faith is weak.  Anyway...  Fr. I's homily started with that.  He also talked about the Family picnic we had.  A little over 500 people attended.  He was surprised by the turnout, etc.  He talked of community.  The start of the year in a sense, the committees and ministries getting back together after the summer.  He talked of growing the faith and those ministries / the parish community being ways for fostering the faith.  He mentioned being gifted a fig tree when he first came here and was told to care for it like he cared for the parish.  "What am I supposed to do with this tree?"  HAHAHA!!!  He said he put it in the parish office / front during the summer and passes it everyday as he walks his dog.  BRUNO!!!  But yeah, he talked of faith like caring for that tree.  It takes work, hard work to help it grow.  And like I said...  I struggle.

2 dreams or more...

I had a dream 7500centfish left a mass voice mail to family chat calling people out for not going to Mass.  She then referenced something I "said", but then hesitated because she didn't want to out I had an online journal.  But it basically boggled "her" mind that people completely disregard the graces received from going to Mass.  She was actually doing it on my behalf because I was too scarred to do it on my own.

I was then in school again, but I felt like I was a freshman or new and I was just following 7500centfish around as she enrolled.  At some point we were in the bookstore and she was getting school supplies, but I was looking at the clothing / hoodies because I wanted a new one.  At some point we went into this outer area of the store and 7500centfish sat at a lunch table to check her school list, but I ended up sitting on some sort of lounge chair against a wall and fall asleep.  I am semi awake and hear myself snoring.  I noticed the time passing, it's getting dark, but I'm too tired to get up.  I realized I had missed the entire school day.  It's now night and 7500centfish is gone.  I go outside and think I'll get home some how.  I then see a guy come into the school...  He doesn't seem to be homeless nor hungry, he's just quirky and like wants some special type of food offered by the school.  But as he's waiting for this food to be prepped he walks to the corner house which has some other food being offered, so he can eat them together.  I'm then in a cafeteria but it's connected to the church and I'm eating breakfast.  I see Fr. I pass by and then realize it's before Mass and I usually don't eat before Mass.  I look at my watch, it's almost an hour before Mass and I decided to stop eating and wrap my food to go.

- Catholicism is metal.
- Remember Ares?
- Proper back position...

st e, scissors, familiy chat, discernment, dream, sunday mass tweet

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