I was driven off the road!

Sep 26, 2022 22:14

I was just minding my own and out of nowhere a car runs me off the road.  I slammed on my breaks and pulled over onto the grass.  I thought the girl was gonna drive off at first, but then she pulled over way ahead of me.  She later apologized because she said she couldn't back up.  No, nothing was wrong with her car, she's just young...  She said she hadn't slept for over 24 hours and that she was just getting back from college.  Anyway, I got out of my car and there was a scuff mark on my driver side door, a little on my rear tire hub or whatever it's called.  I was able to rub a lot of it off, but there are still some scratch marks, no structural damages.  Girl was immediately on the phone to her Dad.  Showing him pics.  "My Dad works with cars."  At one point I got on the phone with him, well facetime or something...  Can't hear a thing!  Basically said he'll take care of it.  Bring it into him this weekend and he'll fix it.  OK.  Like...  I was honestly thinking of not doing anything, letting the girl off if it came to getting insurance involved, maybe some financial compensation...  But like I said, she was on the phone to her Dad.  Anyway, I talked to him when I got home.  He said to bring it in Sat AM.  Mentioned it could take a couple of days to paint.  Does it need paint???  But then he mentioned putting a primer on it, letting it dry, picking it up, drive it for the week, then bring it back for the final paint.  Am I gonna have to get Mom to pick me up?  Or can I just leave it for whatever amount of time?  My only plan this weekend was to get my blood drawn.  But I can do that before I go.  But like I said...  Is Mom gonna have to pick me up?

Anyway, MD appt.  Labs all good / improved in terms of my cholesterol / liver.  Staying the course with the DM meds.  She took my BP and it was on the low side.  I mentioned Dr. B was considering lowering my meds.  But I haven't felt dizzy or light headed.  I'll see her again in 3 months.

Been feeling crappy in general.  Tired.  Headache.  Thirsty / dehydrated, like even my skin feels dry.  I'm drinking about the same.  I honestly think it's an electrolyte imbalance, but then my blood tests seem normal.  I was also looking...  I did a google search about artificial sweetener and liver enzymes.  It says it may increase them.  Because...  Aside from the flavored water and the fake ensure, I haven't been doing anything different since my enzymes went up.  I wonder if I can have an additive with real sugar and continue to water it down?  But will that help with my electrolytes as well?  I don't want to drink Gatorade all the time because of the salt.

As I said, went to that San Lorenzo Mass.  Lol...  Monsignor A once again grabbed my face!  He then called me old!  HAHAHAH!!!  But yeah...  It was with Mom's UST / APPNY group.  It's always weird when world's collide.  Like here is a priest all grabbing my face when they don't know me to have any relationship with him.  We also ran into Tita Nida who...  Some lady that wasn't in our car pool joined us and Mom and her were chatting about Pangasinan.  She points across the room saying she's from Pangasinan too.  Yeah she's my husband's cousin.  LOL!  Anyway...  What do I have to say?  Well first...  I was sitting in Mass proper and...  I'm always distracted about what I will post post Mass.  I then joked to myself that I'd do a Sunday Mass tweet and say, "Monsignor A said...  I don't know what he said, it wasn't in English!"  But it was.  He talked about...  He didn't say the greatest, but he basically talked about caring for each other, the lack of which leads to sin.  He was then talking about the world today.  Gay marriage, trans gender, "birthing person".  It honestly shocked me...  Not that I didn't feel he was orthodox, but I honestly never heard him preach like that.  It was always about the rich woman and her house / the dog.

Sorry for jumping...  But while we were waiting for Mass to start...  I don't know.  It didn't feel reverent.  Like I tried to get into a prayerful mindset, but it seemed more a cultural gathering than a religious gathering.

Prior to Mass they also said the covid guidelines.  I don't know if it's the Diocese or the association, but...  Like none of the fonts had water, they were bone dry.  (I later found the actual baptismal font had water).  They announced to wear masks.  I didn't have one, nor did anyone then put on one.  No communion on the tongue.  I refrained.  I had communion this AM and receiving again isn't gonna bestow more blessings onto me.  So...  But then there were 2 people.  The first he gave communion to, the 2nd he hesitated, but then gave.  I thought of going up, but...  Yeah, I didn't want to feel like I was being defiant either.

Oh and...  Mom said I didn't need to change.  When we showed up to the B's they and Shirley were in Filipinana!  Mom was wearing a black hoodie at the time...  But underneath she had a fancy top.  As I said, I was dressed like a fall pirate.  That being said...  I didn't feel "under dressed".  A lot of the people at the shindig who weren't part of the "party" were in normal clothes.

I asked Mom if there was a difference.  They had 2 types of lumpia, the thin type with the meat and the thicker with...  I asked Mom if she ate it, was it the one with veg or banana?  She did not...  Either way, I noticed most people were grabbing the thicker / bigger ones.  Are the thinner / smaller just a novelty for the kids?  Lol.  Michael like grabbed a plate full of the smaller and some rice and that was it.

There were 5 priests at the Mass.  One of them went to the party and sat next to Monsignor.  #SelfieWithAPriest!  2 priests!!!  But I was so weirded out / mind blown!  He was like wearing a clerical polo shirt!!!  It was so weird, yet mind blowing such things exist.  Like...  He was dressed like a regular dude in jeans and a polo, except it had a slot for a tab collar!  I then googled him.  Ugh...  He was born in 1990!  I'm so old!!!  But interesting...  I tried to play name that accent.  His name is Andrei, so I thought some sort of Eastern European.  But then google says he was born in Brazil from Italian parents.  He was a chaplain of some Italian fraternal group.  He then went to seminary in Colombia.  So I guess he's fluent in all those language, plus English?

The Fisherman's Tomb.  cc 7500centfish  They invite Gaurducci into the tomb and she's immediately horrified.  But the way they reveal what she found was poorly written.  Like they legit just state, without major background or storytelling really.  Like she saw the Graffiti wall and immediately saw writing in it.  She saw a picture of the magazine article and asked where the original was.  It was at someone's house for "further study".  Just from the picture she could read it said, "Peter is here."  She then asked if anything was found in a cubby hole in the graffiti wall.  Bones.  Where are they?  Just in some box.  It seems like they are hinting those are the actual bones and not the ones (then) "currently" in the papal apartments?  It seems like they were drawing things out and to just dump that all in by 3 to 4 pages a day was a let down.  But then he's known to repeat himself so...

Shirley thought I was 7500centfish...  In the sense that she thought I was visiting because I was unrecognizable because I had lost weight.  I've actually been steady to gaining recently, so...

Got my US result...  It doesn't mention my fibroid.  Nor does it mention anything on my left ovary.  But there seems to be a persistent / new (?) "cyst" on my right.  It suggests tranvaginal techniques for further study / rule out a possible endometrioma (endometrial tissue on my ovary).

I got gas this AM that was under $3!!!

It was Marna's bday yesterday.  One of her kids got her edible arrangements, but it was just chocolate covered strawberries.  Marna told me to take one for Mom, but then it fell onto the floor when I slammed my breaks.  :(

Just want to bookmark this reddit thread from r/TheChosenSeries.  Their fanbase seems to be pretty anti-Catholic, so I'd be interested if anything comes up in the comments.  Typically the "Catholic" answer (usually posted on r/Catholicism when someone asks why be Catholic), they'll say because it's true or because of the Eucharist.

books, #selfiewithapriest, sunday mass tweet, medical

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