I want to buy groceries...

Sep 19, 2022 21:09

My breakfast sandwiches, things to snack on...  But we also have a lot of leftover food from when the Aunts were here and eating out over the weekend.  I've been feeling hungry earlier at work and thought of getting like granola bars and the like but at the same time...  I don't want to gain weight.  Like OK, not giving into my cravings isn't gonna kill me.  And its not like I'm restricting actual meals.  So yeah...  I also feel like it's feast or famine.  Either the fridge is full or nothing.

My new coworker actually worked today, but then I was still filling in the gaps for her.  Then every time Marna would tell me to answer the phone before I got to it she'd (Marna) would answer it.

Someone posted on Reddit about Abbeyfest.  Festival where Matt Maher headlined.  But then...  The post was about how it was different from a regular festival because they had outdoor Mass and adoration.  Interesting...  As I've said, Matt Maher is touring with some other dudes, which I'm not too keen about...  He'll be someplace in VA like an hour or more west of 7500centfish.  But yeah, I'd rather do a solo thing...

Catholic Answers...  It was brought up Joe Heschmeyer hasn't read Lord of the Rings, he was in the middle of reading the Hobbit, but got distracted.  Someone then called in saying they had read all but 1 of the Narnia books.  Joe then said they should have a show where people just call in and talk about their shameful Catholic reading list.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Yeah, I have not read any JRR Tolkien.  I think I read 4 Narnia books?

Speaking of reading...  In the middle of reading / mostly skimmed the USCCB Synod doc.  A lot of Diocese released their portion.  I would love to see what my parish wrote...  FYI...  Mom and I participated in a listening session.  From them the parishes combined what was collected into a singular doc that went to the diocese, that went to the province to the the national Bishop Conference, ultimately to the Vatican.  It was petty open ended.  They asked us to talk about where we wanted to see the church go, where we see the church going.  In my group at least, including "Matt Maher"...  We talked a lot of community, being connected.  I personally mentioned the need for better catachesis.  "Matt Maher" threw in...  Lol!  What did he say?  I think he said something about being woke and social justice.  The other half of the group mentioned female priests and amnesty for married priests.  Wide eyed gif...  Anyway, I legit started reading it and getting a few comment tweets here and there.  It doesn't seem as horrible as I had imagined.  As I said, some diocese released their docs and they mentioned (once again via twitter comments) talk of married priests, LGBT issues (in the sense of allowing marriage), things that would change Catholic teaching, etc.  But at least from what I read...  They talk about the clerical scandals and covid restrictions hurting the Church.  Honestly I didn't even think of the Covid thing.  Inclusion of LGBT (Without mention of specifics like marriage).  There was mention of woman feeling left out and under appreciated, esp those working in the Church.  As I've said...  I kinda feel unless you're becoming a priest there has been little support in finding a spiritual director.  Twitter comments I've seen...  One mentioned like people were hurt at the response to the scandal.  But then implying that nothing was done.  When it fact things were and are currently being done.  And it seems like people are nit picking at the wording.  Like I said, I really have to read it read it and not just skim to really get my thoughts out.  But so far it doesn't seem horrible.  Oh yeah...  There was also mention of the disappointment toward the "censuring" of the TLM.  As I said, I'm a NO girl, but I really like that they included the "other side".

I've been waiting for this vid...  Name Explain, Elizabeth.  Lol.  I just posted this to Fam Chat saying not to remove God (El-) from my name.

Mom and 7500centfish were talking about crab buckets and 7500centfish mention a place opening up near her.  Apparently there is one already on LI and another coming near Roosevelt Field.  Interesting...  I miss me a crab bucket!  I then forgot to post my daily lunch pic...  But then I was eating lunch with Paula, their cleaner and spilled soup all over the newly changed table cloth.  Woops!  Too hot for soup!!!

Forgot the woo.  Drives me insane!!!

Fisherman's Tomb recap.  cc 7500centfish  Legit just writing filler right now...  About WWII, once again writing about, without mentioning specifics about them covertly fighting the Nazis and helping the Jews.

Mary, Queen of Scots Rosary and Bible.  Still need to finish Reign.  It's on the CW app now...

catholicism, books, podcasts, st e, buy me stuff, work stuffs, music

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