6 Our Fathers *and* 6 Hail Marys!?!

Aug 20, 2022 18:26

#nosingang Lol.  Mom said, "You must have had a lot of sins."  "Not really..."  Lol.  Church lady and I were the only ones in the church for a bit.  We actually acknowledged each other.  Lol.  After praying a bit I went to say hi to our candle.  Waited for the priest some more...  I was seriously thinking...  How long do I wait till I go to St. H?  Anyway, he showed.  I gave him a bit before I entered, but then he came back out and motioned to the confessional in the old chapel, AKA the extra seating.  OK...  I mean, I don't care really.  But then during confession someone came in through the exit doors so Fr. G paused the confession as they walked through.  By that time he was counseling me.  As I said...  "You must have had a lot of sins to confess."  I had 11 bullet points.  12?  He focused on 3.  As I said, my penance included 6 Our Fathers AND 6 Hail Marys.  Also to be thankful to God and praise Him.  Also my Act of Contrition.  It ended quickly after that.  I honestly had a hard time understanding him at the end and I don't know if he "absolved" me.  But...  "Jesus I trust in you."

I was scheduled to finish Orthodoxy next Saturday, but I was supposed to read 4 to 5 pages a day and only had time in the AM to read 2 to 3.  So...  I'd have to read 7 to 8 pages a day to catch up.  I'm more than half way thought the book and I don't feel like he's gotten to his case yet.  I feel like he's still setting it up.  And...  I honestly don't see where it's going.  If anything there was a chapter on fairy tales and myths which...  It made it seem like it was the Anglo-Saxon mythology / their "gods" and origin story...  In the sense it was the thing that taught children morals.  He also mentions how people hating religion both because they are too peaceful and passive, turn the other cheek yet also hate religion for it being too violent like the crusades.

They came...

I "celebrated" my bday at Chick-Fil-A.  Lol.  Not really.  They called this AM, but Mom was confused.  They had previously said they would come.  But then when they called they said Tita E has an appt at 2:30 so we would celebrate my bday next weekend.  Because it's taboo to celebrate it before.  OK.  But then Mom not being sure...  I dilly dallied / kinda prepped myself for them not coming.  Mom said they would call...  And they did, but they were at the light.  So I rushed upstairs to shower.  I was also in the middle of my 15 min double duolingo session which I had to cut short...  Anyway, I told Mom to tell them not to wait for me and I'd just meet up.

Interesting...  They're adding a bubble tea place to the mall.  (Lol...  I reflexively typed Mass.  Imagine Bubble tea at Mass!?!  🤣)  Also interesting...  Seem like a lot of stores are relocating to other locations.  Lululemon is moving to where some rando prom dress store was which used to be Banana Republic.  Some Hype store moved to where another store used to be.

Anyway, I showed up around 11:30.  Met up at 12 and we decided to eat at Filet-A-Chick because it's near Costco where Tita E was having her appt.  I wondered what appt.  Because her eye doctor is 7500centfish's busmate from like gradeschool.  Tita E was like he tells her his whole life story.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah, it's for her hearing.

Mom is trying to convince me I didn't go to Kindergarten at St. H. Uh...  I have pictures.  Somewhere...  Anyway, I wondered because I thought 7500centfish didn't go to K there, so why did I go to K at St. H?  Like I said, Mom says I didn't.

Anyway...  After Filet-A-Chick, Mom and I went home.  They went to Bed Bath then Coscto.  They bought Mom some supplies.  I told Mom I was gonna try to order online, but...  I'll just get what I need I guess.  I was gonna get mouthwash, maybe some frozen foods...

So confused by Mom's commentary to the Mets game...

confession, books, #nosingang

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