Oddly excited...

Aug 17, 2022 21:18

I don't know why I'm oddly excited to go to confession.  As I said, Fr. I won't be here to hear it and...  I have my issues with the visiting priest.  But I don't know why...  I'm excited.

Fr. Mike's homily from Sunday...  God gives us what we need to finish the race.  And I often say I struggle with feeling worth, that I'm not "doing" enough.  So yeah...

Then today's 1st reading coincided with Bible In A Year!  But oh boy...  I semi freak out.  "Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been pasturing themselves!"  "but the sheep you have not pastured. You did not strengthen the weak nor heal the sick nor bind up the injured."

Latest ep of The Pillar.  They "namedrop" Trevor Williams, JD saying they are friends.  But then Ed (?) is saying he wants a new commissioner, a Pope Francis of MLB.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Like seriously...  Manfred is ruining baseball.  Make it stop!!!

I keep getting spammed by political text messages from so and so candidate.  Another make it stop!!!

What podcast was this???  Was it Trent Horn?  Anyway...  Who ever it was mentioned some people think helping the poor means doing it through voting.  But then there is a statistic showing there is a loss in belief in an afterlife, like they become focused on the now.  It also reminded me of a CSYSK ep where a guy was from Germany, his company moved to the US and part of his job required him to do some sort of community service.  The guy commented how in Germany everything, social welfare, etc was provided by the government, but then having to be hands on with his job in the US, he realized at how separated he was from the poor and needy.

I was in work past 5.  Time I'm not getting paid for!!!  7500centfish told me to just sit at my desk on my phone.  Yes...  We had a patient who needed a rushed pre-op clearance, surgery tomorrow.  I noticed an ER report in the faxes that came this AM, then we got a call asking for a fax number to fax a medical clearance form.  "When is the surgery?"  Tomorrow.  Ooh...  I tell Marna.  Someone eventually calls from the hospital asking to schedule.  But the patient isn't even d/c'd yet.  We don't know when the patient can be here, we need to move pts, etc.  They eventually come at 4 and Dr. L is screaming at me to get labs and a report from the hospital.  Oh and just after 4 Vanessa passes me a note asking for a referral for the surgery.  I call the insurance because I see one on file already, except it's canceled / deferred.  I call to clarify and they can't give me info nor expedite it because we're not the one who put it in.  We don't typically do surgical authorizations either.  Uh...  At maybe 4:30, Dr. L is screaming at me, not in the mad sense, to get the ER / lab results.  They said they tried to fax it multiple times, but it doesn't go through.  Uh...  Dr. L tells me to get a verbal, but the the doctor is busy.  They transfer to medical records.  It's already past 5 and they're closed.  Ugh... So I tell that to Marna and leave.

Reddit.  I may have seen this before?  Article surveying priests in 2021.  Or I might have seen one comparing a similar study done in 2001?  Basically younger priests are trending more conservative / more in line with Church teaching.  I honestly have to read the study / article later.

  • I accidentally faved a potential convert's post on how he admitted to enjoy premarital sex, which is what I favored, but it was in response to his own post that it wasn't worth it.  Lol.  Woops.  I usually don't unfave accidental faves, but yeah...
  • Another accidental fave.
  • You are an image of Christ.
  • confession, catholicism, podcasts, scissors, work stuffs

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