Operation #SelfieWithAPriest is a success!

Aug 14, 2022 22:59

So tired!  Went to Monsignor Aquino's 60th Anniversary of priesthood party.  In a sense it was so weird...  I guess I'm used to going to Mom's parties and being slightly ignored.  But then when we got there...  7500centfish was parking the car and Tita Nida called for me across the room, by name to join in a picture.  And it's not like she confused me for 7500centfish either.  Then her son (?) said hi to me too...  She later introduced 7500centfish and I to some lady and called us her nieces and "bragged" about what we did / our degrees.  I mean...  Technically she's 1st cousin once removed, but...  Yeah, weird.  Then as I said..  I made it a point to take a selfie with Monsignor and...  The last I saw him he grabbed my face.  Lol.  We were at Uncle Nic's memorial Mass and afterward when everyone was Blessing him, when Mom and I approached to say hi, he just grabbed my face like...  An adult would grab a cute kid's face, if that makes any sense.  This time...  There was kinda a line forming to take pics with him and me being hesitant...  He eventually called out to us to approach and was like, "picture time!"  7500centfish updated him on Jennie and co and I said Mom was off in a corner.  He said he would stop by at some point...  But then he was swamped with others wanting to take pics.  Like...  I'm sure other people there had closer relationships, yet...  In a sense it's familial.  Anyway...  The party was 1 to 6.  WHAT!?!  We left shortly after 4, well...  After the cake.  Lol.  And of course with Tita Nida at the helm, even with her "son" as the emcee, it's a lot of talking and stories.  At least this time it wasn't a funeral and she wasn't asking random people to speak.  But yeah...  People just wanted to eat dance and take pics with Monsignor!  HAHAHAHA!!!

In other news...  There was another priest there, white guy...  But it turns out he's the new Vocations director for the Arch Diocese.  I could have chatted it up with him.  Lol.  I mean...  My vocations director is no help unless you're a dude wanting to be a priest so...  Lol...  If another bway actor's brother becomes a priest I can say I'm 3 degrees separated too!  4?

We got home about 5ish?  7500centfish power napped then left for DC.  She's supposed to arrive around 1.  Yeah I'll be asleep!

Mass this AM...  Do I have anything to say?  Oh yes, I do...  Firstly we were running late because Mom was having a wardrobe dysfunction.  So I sped walked to get our seat while 7500centfish stayed with Mom.  Our seat was empty.  But then...  :)  "Matt Maher" sat behind me and ignored me.  HAHAHAHA!!!  I attempted to say hi to him during the Sign of peace, but was turned around the multiple times I looked back, so...  Mom was between us, so after communion (when the blessed sacrament was put away!!!), I whispered to 7500centfish who he was.  She then saw what car he drove away in.  She then said he was wearing jeans and a weird green shirt.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah, I've seen him / "followed" behind him in the past so...  #churchcrush

Afterward we got Bagels.  I think Bagel guy likes me.  He again gave me an extra bagel!

We then went to the diner to get breakfast.  Really quick service.  I got the...  An Omelet.  I don't remember the name exactly, but it had potatoes and breakfast meats.  I then got home fries on the side so even more potatoes and it came with toast.  So many carbs...  I took half of it home!  So much food!  Were still have the left over Chinese, I took half my dinner from the party home, then my breakfast.  Anyway, we were done eating before 11.  We headed to the cemetery to say him to Dad and the g-rents.  Lol.  7500centfish and I then took selfies with our plots.  7500centfish wasn't aware they were paid up for.  I joked saying when Mom told me it was paid off, I said, "All I need to do now is die."

Mom is telling me I should start looking into investing into retirement...  I guess related...  7500centfish thinks I need to get an executor to ensure my plans are carried out.  Maybe assign one of the "kids" to make sure things happen.  Just...  I don't know if I trust anyone at this point, nor do I have a real relationship with any one.  So...  Honestly...  At this point assuming 7500centfish and my Mom will be dead, I have no real connections to anyone aside from my parish so...  It's going toward Masses for myself and just charitable giving.

Back tracking...  Any other Mass things I need to write about?  The deacon gave the homily and...  I honestly don't remember a thing he said.

Back to yesterday.  After I wrote we went to the Chinese place.  I don't know if I'd go there over the place "down there" out of convenience.  Add to that...  I got the General Tso and it was way sourer than I was expecting.  7500centfish said it's more like an orange chicken.  Yes...  She was then saying something about White meat and dark meat tasting different.  It does?  I mean...  I prefer thighs and breast over wings / drumsticks because of the skin to meat ratio, but I don't feel they taste different.  We also got other foods, which I didn't really eat.  The meatless options didn't appeal to me, so I won't go there for #MeatlessFriday.  Hm...  Maybe it is more convenient than down there, because I always take the NSP home vs having to go to the SSP if I got Chinese...

Mets game!  We got there like an hour 30 before 1st pitch?  At first we were sitting in the sun, but since it was too hot we went under, Mom and Tita Nette got food and found a table to stand at while they ate.  7500centfish got her hat, met with us.  I then got my hat and they met with me.  Apparently people were complaining the hats weren't available to everyone and some people were asking to buy hats off people.  FYI, we ordered special group tickets.  I was paranoid since I didn't have them on my phone that we'd just get regular tickets so I printed proof they were for Filipino night.  Anyway, no issues with getting printed tickets, nor getting the hats.  Uh...  I regretted not getting food with Mom / Tita Nette.  I wasn't hungry at the time, but...  I tend to get fatigued and wanted to eat something later, but then the lines were too long and I didn't want to miss 2 innings to get food.  Didn't really wander around aside from the bathroom.  I went to a few stores, but nothing I wanted to buy.  Oh yeah...  I was looking for jerseys, etc to wear.  I thought I had a deGrom jersey.  I guess I don't?  Add to that...  Some of my custom jerseys which were on the lower end the lettering like melted / stuck to other things / itself and...  Especially ones with white boarders, they stained the other lettering.  Yeah...  So my Hundley and Baxter jerseys are ruined.  Add to that my Darling jersey almost immediately was ruined.  The lettering was peeling off so I tried to get it sown, but the tailor said they wouldn't touch it and I could try ironing it myself which...  I think I used some ironing wax paper, but it still melted it and it still didn't stick.  Should probably just fabric glue it on.

Yikes...  I don't feel close to finishing typing and it's almost 10.  Plus I have to do Duolingo.  I mean...  I'm in 2nd place.  Maybe I can work to 1?  But...  I'm lazy.  Top dude is 100 points over me and still online.  I could do that in multiple lessons, but...  Yeah, I don't really want to.  I don't feel like constantly chasing him for the next hour and still have to type this and post.

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  • #churchcrush, #meatlessfriday, st e, crush, discernment, private kinda, being a dork, mets thoughts, sunday mass tweet

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